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Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Warhammer Age of Sigmar

1.62.0 by Games Workshop
3.68/5 (269 Reviews)
June 30, 2024
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Warhammer Age of Sigmar Warhammer Age of Sigmar Warhammer Age of Sigmar Warhammer Age of Sigmar Warhammer Age of Sigmar

More About Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Warhammer Age of Sigmar is designed to make your tabletop gaming experience as easy as possible. This means less time flicking through your books and more time rolling dice and playing the game that you love.
About The App

This app is an invaluable tool for anyone who enjoys playing games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. It provides you with a quick and easy way to check your rules in the heat of battle, browse battletomes you own, and plan your next army.

Core Rules
Read the Core Rules in the app for free.

Searchable Reference
Find the rules you need when you need them. From warscrolls to command abilities and weapons to special abilities – through this app, you can access every rule in Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

Storm Forge
The official Warhammer Age of Sigmar army list creator that lets you plan your force on the go.

Latest Version

June 30, 2024
Games Workshop
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User Reviews


2 years ago

Good start of of app. Like that the warscrolls are still free like the quick access to FAQs. What I would like to see is having the army builder more in line with what the old app had with leaders battle line behemoths ect separated out. It was very helpful with learning list building. They also need to fix specific factions in list building as they don't have the correct list building rules. Over all I look forward to seeing this app grow and get better.

Hexy Smexy

2 years ago

Disgust requires more than 500 characters. It's rather amazing how you've taken an app that, while wasn't amazing, was functional and easy to use and somehow made it worse in virtually every regard and then have to audacity to say that its only free while in beta. Having to flip through multiple menus to compare warscrolls is a waste of both players' time and bogs down game play. In addition, the formatting on the warscrolls is atrocious and inconsistent across devices. For example: Damag e 1

Jeanette Griffin

2 years ago

It's cleaner than the previous app. I like that I can finally add my sylvaneth scenery to my army build. The auto-filtering of endless spells is also nice. It would be nice to be able to duplicate a unit in the army list like the previous version of the app. It would also be nice to be able to reorder the units in the army list. Still giving it a trial, will update as needed.

Landon G

2 years ago

Seems like a good start, but it's also impossible to build a nurgle maggotkin list in the app. It simply doesn't give the option to select units from the faction in the list builder. Being the only faction I play, the app isn't super useful right now. Edit: A way to select favorites that would be at the top of lists for rules reference would be useful. Filtering in the list builder should work the other way, you should initially filter by the subfaction, then expand to the allies and coalition.

connor bailey (Infectedspartan412)

2 years ago

Cannot access the App anymore as when typing in password there is a "failure to connect to the server" error. Have tried waiting a few days and the issue is still not fixed. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling but that doesn't fix it either. On top of that, I recently purchased the new Battle Tome Orruk Warclans and despite having redeemed the code on the back it wouldn't let me see the content that I have purchased. This is a obvious issue and one I would greatly appreciate being fixed.

Mitch Fitzgerald

2 years ago

Honestly not a bad app. Haven't had all the issues people seem to be having, only thing I'm having trouble with is making a list for my legion army. Beyond that the app has been fantastic. I would like to be able to export and import army lists though, my group and I like sharing them with eachother and that would be very convenient compared to the current way the app allows sharing.

Kamran S (Conatus)

1 year ago

Decreasing my review from 4 to 2 stars. This app has existed for almost two years and has carried with it one of its most frustrating bugs: even if you've unlocked a Battletome by purchasing a hard copy and entering the code, the app frequently forgets that you've unlocked content. I need to repeatedly log out and back in to make use of the app. I want to like this app, but it's still a lot easier to use the free Wahapedia. If I'm paying for this, it should be easier to use, not more frustrating

Ryan Ricks

2 years ago

I enjoy the app. One thing I have noticed making a skaven list is when you add claw lords you are supposed to treat them as generals so adding multiple command traits means turning on the general tab for multiples. The app doesn't like that and gives you a message saying too many generals. Also would like to see it where you can rearrange army lists. That way I can have all of my skaven lists and slaves to darkness lists grouped together.

Joseph Meyers

2 years ago

EDIT 3/12/22 Nope, hasn't gotten better, it has gotten worse with unnecessary cosmetic changes and still too many typos and omissions. The app could be the "one stop" for all players. There should be easier access to "reference" information from within a Stormforge built army, instead of having to "back out" to reference something, only to go back in to access a units warscroll. It "works", so I give it that, but they make too many unnecessary changes while neglecting the basic of issues...

Dustin Hartman

2 years ago

Unable to even access it. Upon opening it wants you to sign in to your Warhammer + account. I did that. Immediately it cycles back to the splash screen asking me to sign in or register. Tapping sign in flashes the login, then crashes back to splash screen. Closing and reopening doesn't help. This is awful, there was a fully functional app for over two years before this, all scrolls for free. Been paying for it since September, haven't needed to try and open it until now.


2 years ago

Text was clearly designed for tablet-- warscrolls consistently ran into 2nd lines or split up words unless I rotated my phone horizontally. Navigation could be revamped because right now it feels unintuitive. Why does SCE have a Scions menu, only for one single submenu?? It's like unzipping a file and it's inside a redundant folder. Lastly, this app opened once for me, now is constantly crashing. 2 stars overall, 1 star because warscrolls are clearly going to be subscription locked after beta

Taylor Hutchinson

1 year ago

Edit: This has become a great app. My only gripe is that you have to buy the physical books to see the new faction abilities in the app. The list building aspect is great, and they have done a lot of work to make all the list building mechanics work right. This usually gets updated within a couple days of new units/books getting released, before or after. Just let me buy the digital codes, I don't want the books. Old: In concept this is a good app, but it's definitely a beta.....


1 year ago

Honestly really been enjoying the app. Very easy to use and great for people that need visual representations of models like myself. One feature I really wish it had which would help a ton would be a button to see all of your warscrolls in a cohesive list, and also a list of your different faction-specific abilities in that list as well. I find as it is now I spend a lot of time trying to navigating to each warscroll and ability causing it to take a while for my turn.


2 years ago

Quality app. The list builder has bit of a learning curve, but once you understand it lists can be easily constructed. Certainly leagues better than the 40K equivalent. Only complaint is that gw seems to want to have their cake and eat it too. It's a subscription app, but users still need to purchase the army books separately and activate a code to get the full features of the app. Seems like it should be either a subscription that gets you access to everything or free with separate purchases.

Zano Korellio

1 year ago

The app ran much smoother and updates come in at a good speed. QOL features would make this app absolutely the best to get. Some features I'd like to see: - select multiple units and drop them into a battalion. - click and hold options to select multiple units or to view warscrolls (reduce the amount of clicks to access the warscrolls). - allow changing sub-factions after creating an army. - instead of the entire unit options displayed as a single page, make it as "tabs".

Lance Aeby

2 years ago

This app is a big improvement over the first one. Army builder is robust and user-friendly. I would really like an option where you have easy access to all the Warscrolls for the army you're playing. Some way to "Go to War", that gives you an easy way to swipe through all your cards instead of having to click on the unit, then click the Warscroll button, then back out twice and do the same thing to get to the next unit. Loving the free rules, and it's very easy to research other armies.

alen mccabe

1 year ago

Overall it's not bad. My main two issues are I have to constantly close and reopen the app because it forgets that I own battletomes. And while this is a great app for reading rules and stuff and building a list, it is horrible to try to use with gameplay. There needs to be some kind of game play mode that makes it easier to switch between your different warscrolls and army abilities

Noah Peczeli

1 year ago

The app runs smoothly but there are a few shortcomings. 1) lack of a collection tracker: which models you own, how many you own, which options you selected. 2) When accessing your units in your army list, you have to click on the unit then click the warscroll button to see the unit's stats. A 'play' mode which let's you go directly to warscrolls instead of a unit configuration screen would be awesome. 3) I need to regularly close and re-open the app for my redeemed content to be accessible.

Ty Fletcher (Morrael)

3 months ago

Very clunky, but not bad. Using the army builder instead of printed warscrolls is an absolute pain, though. There isn't even an active/inactive toggle so you can't get a benefit from actually choosing weapons and it takes multiple interactions to get from your roster to the scroll you're looking for. Especially if you're working with more than one army, it's quite tedious.

Dave McGraw

2 months ago

Good, not great. I use this to build and and test armies and it streamlines that process well. Using it in real-time during a game is not ideal except for a quick look up of a rule or ability. Depending on the app exclusively while playing is not a good idea; don't forget your army reminders or cheat sheets!

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