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#Me: 3D Avatar, Meet & Play

#Me: 3D Avatar, Meet & Play

1.1.013112 by CloverGames
4.39/5 (6405 Reviews)
July 04, 2024
#Me: 3D Avatar, Meet & Play #Me: 3D Avatar, Meet & Play #Me: 3D Avatar, Meet & Play #Me: 3D Avatar, Meet & Play #Me: 3D Avatar, Meet & Play #Me: 3D Avatar, Meet & Play

More About #Me: 3D Avatar, Meet & Play

Could you define yourself with just one word? Maybe not. One can have many colors, and Estrella is a place where you can show them all. A breathtaking adventure awaits you!
#Unique experiences in a new virtual world
• You can be anything you imagine. Have you ever wanted to be a creator, model, or even a knight? You can experience all of these here in #Me!
• Allow yourself to experiment with any hair color or fashion style that you have always wanted to try! Walk with confidence on the runway and show everyone what you’ve got as a model!

#Go on an adventure like no other
• Experience Astell through a unique story involving you
• When you are feeling the groove, express it with different dance moves and expressions!
• Issues present in reality are here in #Me too?! Help the residents solve their problems!
• Help out with residents’ requests, and have fun playing games. You might be able to discover a hidden talent which you never knew existed!

#Make new friends
• What are your interests? Personalize your profile and meet new friends with the same passion here in #Me.
• Interact with Astell’s residents, share daily photos and hang out with your friends. Expand your social network in our universe!

#Be an influencer
• Various contests are held in #Me every weekend. Win a contest and enjoy benefits that no one else can get!
• Are you great at taking photos? Or have you received compliments for your great fashion style? Unleash your skills here!
• Gain popularity through different activities and have all eyes on you—you might become popular without you even knowing!

Be who you always wanted to be in #Me.
Ready for an adventure of a lifetime? Your adventure starts today!

• • • • •
Official Homepage
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCidq9siO-SHpdG4gO_VFjow/
Discord : https://discord.gg/hashtagme
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hashtag.me.official/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/Hashtag-Me-105640631938907/
Blog : https://blog-en.hashtagme.app/

• • • • •
- This app requires an internet connection to play.
- This app is free-to-play and offers in-app purchases.
- It is optimized for smartphones, not tablets.
- Compatibility information may be changed at any time.
- Compatible with Galaxy S8 devices with Android Version 7 or later installed.
- Compatibility is not guaranteed for all devices.

• • • • •
Smartphone app permissions
This app requests access permissions to provide the following services.
[Optional permissions]
Access to Photo / Media / File: To download screenshots to the device.
* You can still use the app without allowing optional permissions.
[How to revoke permissions]
- Settings > Apps > Permissions > Permissions List > Select Allow or Don't allow
- Disallow permissions or delete the app
※ The app may not offer individualized permissions and you can disallow permissions using the above methods.

• • • • •
By downloading this app, you are agreeing to our Terms & Conditions of Service and Privacy Policy.
Also, under our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you must be at least 13 years of age to play.

Latest Version

July 04, 2024
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User Reviews

A M (Turinu)

1 year ago

The game is fine. Not sure why I need to go get a whole new set of materials to fulfill requests when I already have the items in my inventory. For requests that require two different types of items, I'm not sure why they can't be farmed at the same time. Game textures occasionally glitch out, causing lag. Requests that can't be fulfilled (IE Class 2 requests) shouldn't show for someone who is Class 1.

Jessica Skye

1 year ago

It's a beautiful social game with a very promising great idea. I still crash and lag greatly on full-ish servers especially when there are many people on my screen, but the June 12 patch decreased the frequency of crashes and lags. I hope once everything is smoothed out that they add more jobs such as cooking. Doable unconventional controls, definitely could be better. Add option to toggle controls on/off plz. Game mechanics like chopping trees are enjoyable to me. Fighting isn't so bad either.

Jules Bray

11 months ago

The game looks like so much fun, I love how you can customize and color everything. It was all going good making my character but once I went live into the game, it crashes. I say let's try that again. Crashes. Took about 3 crashes just to get a tiny bit further but then it wouldn't stop crashing after that. I was so eager to play the game where I wasted so much time trying to get it to work. I hope they fix it so I can play one day..

Jena Snyder

1 year ago

I do like the game alot. Great graphics, great way to meet new people. The reason I rated it so low was horrible on the lagging. It so bad it won't let me walk, talk, or change my profile without it freezing and kicking me out. It's so bad I can't enjoy the game. Took me a 30 to do two missions. I'm sad but might have to uninstall the game due to me not being able to play it

Happy Sunday 20

1 year ago

It keeps crashing before I could really do anything. It has potential and I liked playing it when I could. Update: I followed your suggestions and it still has problems. My internet is good and I can play for only just a few minutes or seconds and it still crashes. I would like to play it though. I even changed the resolution or whatever it is and it didn't help.


1 year ago

It looks really fun and right up my alley, but after I create a character and go through the portal, I can never get past the cutscene before it crashes and I'm sent back to my home screen. It's really frustrating. I'm definitely willing to try it again once it gets fixed, and as it's just launched, there are bound to be issues. But I am a little disappointed 😞, I wish I could play it. I was so excited and pre-registered.

Maverick Edge

1 year ago

I'd like to play. I can't get past the loading screen without the app kicking me to the home screen. The second star is for when I got to customize my character before getting kicked. Edit: I've done all of those and right now I am reinstalling for the second time because this game is really interesting. I just hope I can play this time. Edit#2: Nope. I got to edit an avatar again though.

Dylan Z

1 year ago

2 stars so Google doesn't hide the review. This game is not very fun. It's an auto-job simulator with >$100 outfits. I won't dwell on the myriad of performance issues and instability as that's besides the point. You click a button to walk to an NPC to walk to another location to tap 3 times and get 1/300th of credit to get one of the 5 articles of clothing available. The controls are awkward to use. Graphics are alright though.


10 months ago

I can't seem to get the app to work for more than a few minutes at a time, even if it's on all the lowest graphics settings, I've just restarted my phone, and nothing else is running. It would probably help to limit view distance, light and shadow quality, etc. I can't believe it's been more than a year already. Plenty enough time to figure that sorry of thing out, it's still the same sort of issues many faced back at launch.


1 year ago

so far it's been a really great game to play! keep up the good work👍 edited - So I've been having problems with it, it's kind of buggy and laggy with my phone and my phone is a One Plus android and everytime I want to change my picture or do something else the game crashes and doesn't save some of my progress and I would have to reopen the app. The game is really interesting, it just that it has a lot a bugs that NEEDS to be fixed.

lizz v

1 year ago

I didn't have a chance to properly play the game because the game keeps kicking me out. I press go live and it takes me to a loading screen and then everything bugs out and kicks me out of the app. I tried uninstalling and installing it but it does the same thing so I figured maybe if I change the destination it'll be good but nothing works please fix this. I've been wanting to play since the release.

Shady Rainbow

1 year ago

I LOVE Lord Of Heroes, and this LOOKED like it'd be great! BUT - It keeps freezing on one scene which kills it for me and it also overheats my phone like mad, so even if I try letting the freeze creep by, I can't stay on it long... And NO, maintenance did NOT fix the issues. And it also continually crashes, I can barely make any progress, legit, it crashes nearly every minute.

Tristan Parker

1 year ago

I've been waiting MONTHS for this game, but I can't even get past the loading screen after the character creation. Keeps crashing after a few minutes once I click "Go LIVE". Doesn't give an error, just takes me back to the main phone screen & minimizes the app, creating a vicious cycle. Edit: Internet is fine, no apps running in BG, & even uninstalled a few apps for more space with no luck. Edit: Thanks, but I already had the maintenance fix and it still crashed... 😣


1 year ago

So far it has been interesting, not enough context of what kind of game it is... But so far seems neat even though the controls are hard to use. While I am more for action rp kind, I don't mind the small in-betweens as it isn't about destination, but the journey in those adventures. As of issues I am currently experiencing 2 things: 1) Crashes at any point, seems to occur most at heavily player dense areas. 2) The longer the game runs, the area gets blue spots/terrian when it shouldn't in town.

Rebecca Gray

1 year ago

The potential for the game is great. I really enjoy what I have been able to play so far. However, I keep running into a problem when the fans greet my char after the sprites are slain. It freezes then closes. I've tried restarting my phone, attempted to uninstall and reinstall the app, and even switching the state which my char is in using. It still kicks me. Anyone else know how to solve that problem?


1 year ago

So far. Love the graphics, love gameplay. One small tiny huge problem, though it might already known but for me its not that cute thing from the garden. But this Bug is mean and glitchy and makes me stop in the middle of my game play and then kicks me out. And even though i like the game, its still annoying. Ill add more stars when the bug is gone and i can stay on for more than 5 min, not crashing anymore at the title screen, so that one u get 5 diamonds lol. And FOW code needs work.

Alex Goulet

1 year ago

Seems like a nice game, however it lags HEAVILY on my phone after loading into the freeroam area. The dialogue sequences are really nice with animations and voice overs and sometimes run decently w/out too much lag, but it just crashes at some points. Not sure what causes it, but it's when free roaming and sometimes immediately after loading. Although, the graphics are nice, as are the voice overs and I like how the trailer video plays during initial download.


1 year ago

I cannot say enough how much I love this game! I love the story, the voice acting, the way the game looks and functions in general! My only issue so far is the lag and the constant crashing. Turning the settings down does nothing unfortunately. Playing the game makes my phone unreasonably hot as well...to the point I have to put it down because it gets so hot. I can't wait for stability improvements so I can play my new favorite game without issue❤

Stephen Yap

1 year ago

I say "great game" because it has a lot of potential behind it and being able to do numerous things in-game is quite a treat. All that said, a lot of the game's fullest potential doesn't seemed to be realized here and the slowdowns from multiple things in an area at once don't do it favors either, not to mention that the combat portion is nothing special at best. Either way, hopefully #Me will get its kinks ironed out in the future because until then, I'm uninstalling.

Ggvhjd Tdgktd

6 months ago

The game has tons of potential. A nice art style and well made beginning cutscene from what I was able to see. However, I can't even play the game. Before the cutscene plays the game has a screen which says a download is required to play, but everytime I attempt to download it, an error screen pops up. It's written in a language I can't speak, as well. I tried redownloading the game and tried countless amounts of times to just play the game, but I was only returned to the appstore.

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