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Apk Editor Pro

Apk Editor Pro by Ben techs
1.23/5 (300 Reviews)
July 04, 2024
Apk Editor Pro Apk Editor Pro Apk Editor Pro Apk Editor Pro Apk Editor Pro Apk Editor Pro

More About Apk Editor Pro

This is the very best application to edit your APK files easily. With this app, you can explore the contents of an APK file, edit, save as well as change background images.

Latest Version

July 04, 2024
Ben techs
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User Reviews

Jessica Rafferty

1 year ago

Awful. Forced ads every time you try to do something. You have to skip at least 3 ads before being returned to the app to only go through it again the minute you click on something.


1 year ago

This APK editor brings a surprise package of its own. Brace yourself for a barrage of popups flooding your screen without mercy, leaving you to question the very essence of your being with every button you tap and every bead you sweat. This app has a vendetta against you, & it will take pleasure in watching you writhe in agony. Oh, and the app falls short of delivering the functionality it promises. Don't suffer alone. Gather your friends. Turn the whole debacle into the comedy that it is.


1 year ago

Despite the warnings of too many ads, I downloaded it. Ads are way to much, but I stopped them by using Airplane mode. There is another problem though, and it's that it just doesn't work.

Arman Sombilon

1 month ago

It's absolutely ridiculous that every button leaves you with ads. It's annoying not gonna lie. Why would you even have a whole screen just dedicated to ads.

Sam Young

1 year ago

Soo many ads and it never let me actually edit anything, just view the apk file structure. Whenever I got to an actual file it would open an add and then go back to the app selection window.

Ferick Andrew

6 months ago

Not sure why you would want to deter people from using your apps, this goes to a lot of small dev apps sadly, make the ads more subtle, or even better, make a patreon or kofi, so we can support you. But then again, the app layout is just plainout worse than a website with full of ads.

Ashleigh Dale

1 year ago

Looks like an MS paint nightmare. Bombarded with ads for gambling slits from the word go. The close button for ads doesn't work, and instead opens up to a Play Store download link. Do not use. Swimming in hot garbage might actually be a more beneficial experience.

Desmond Ng

10 months ago

JUST REPORT THIS APP. LOL MY REVIEW GOT TO THE TOP 2 ISN'T IT? this app should be fake. Please don't tell me it can't run without the internet. I saw a lot of reviews saying this app shows ads intrusively. I managed to run this app by turning off my data and Wifi. It can't find all the apps on my phone and didnt even ask to access anything at the start. When I wanted to test whether the app is really showing ads. Oh in the name of heaven. It did. Leaving a 1 star review doesn't even do anything

Dipsana Roy

1 year ago

My friend this application doesn't work and it's filled with advertisements. I'm speaking the truth so don't waste your time on this app and do something productive. It cannot change application name or icon or edit an apk. Hope all of your doubts are cleared. DON'T FELL INTO THE TRAP!!! ALL THEY WANT IS THE MONEY!!!

Mohammed Ahmed

1 month ago

I wish I could rate this much lower. Like is this even an app I don't even know how google is allowing this on the play store ads every 3 seconds instead of naming this app apk editor pro it should be named ad pages pro this is the worst app I've ever used in my life don't download!!!

Cəfər Zeynalov

1 month ago

Wth is this? I remember using this app a while ago and it was better a million times better. The ui is absolute garbage. Every button you press you get an ad and the screen is also filled with ads. Fix ur app bruh.

Marek Argent (Abrimaal)

1 month ago

The app started, displayed welcome text and hangs. No menu , no "open" icon. I cannot read white text on yellow background and black text on black background.

Cameron lutz

4 months ago

I've never seen an apk with so many ads in it. Very interesting app. Unfortunately I can't get past the welcome page because all the options are covered with ads.

Lambent HammerBurst

1 year ago

DO NOT DOWNLOAD! AD SPAMMER!! App is utterly useless. Every single touch launches 2 ads. Took nearly 5 minutes to just get to main menu and choose edit apk and even then selecting an app launches 2 ads followed by 2 ads for every edit or back press. Skip this app and use any of the many other available options. This developer doesnt care about making a good ad, just wants ad revenue.

Tech With Things

2 months ago

Full of ads. There are ads for every single touch. YES! Every single touch will show you ads! Also when hardly you reach to edit apk option nothing works, it doesn't shows any single app even if you give the storage permission or not but doesn't work but ya the ads are available in every single touch. FROM ME ITS TOTALLY NOT RECOMMENDED APP AND IT DESERVES 0 STAR RATING!

M Ramdani

3 weeks ago

For the ads, just turn off your internet lol, even so it's not even usable, the whole purpose of this app is only connecting you to the data folder which is accessible on every file managers and that's it. It's not the same as the real one.

Abdul Haseeb Rahman

2 weeks ago

If there was 0 stars then I would have given that. Like what? Cut your phone in the middle and give to ads. That is the experience. Infact it is my fault, for soo long I've been using this apk, the version was something like 1.18 or something but it was fine. The layout, no ads, etc was good. But after I updated it (I mean downgraded) soo many ads. My opinion is that you should go to Chrome, search apk editor pro and download 1.18 or something lower apk (I don't know the exact version tho)


5 months ago

If there was 0 stars then I would have given that. Like what? Cut your phone in the middle and give to ads. That is the experience. Infact it is my fault, for soo long I've been using this apk, the version was something like 1.18 or something but it was fine. The layout, no ads, etc was good. But after I updated it (I mean downgraded) soo many ads. My opinion is that you should go to Chrome, search apk editor pro and download 1.18 or something lower apk (I don't know the exact version tho)


11 months ago

Want to watch ads and not actually do other stuff? This app is for you! You get an ad immediately after 3 seconds in! Unfortunately it's over afterwards, but all you need is one click and you're right back at those ads! I must say, great job for making an ad app so people can just watch ads! I totally recommend this for people who want to watch ads! 😃

John Lee

1 year ago

Can't rate this any lower. Every button you click opens an ad. I don't mind using apps with ads, but this is ridiculous. Also, hard to navigate and not particularly user friendly. I might be able to figure out the arrangement of the app, except every step you try is hindered by another 15 second ad. Truly egregious and awful.

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