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World Of Robots

World Of Robots

1.12.0 by Super Games Studio
4.18/5 (385 Reviews)
June 30, 2024
World Of Robots World Of Robots World Of Robots World Of Robots World Of Robots World Of Robots

More About World Of Robots

World of Robots is the tactical online shooter game about walking war robots. Join epic PvP online battles against rivals from all over the world! Control a multi-ton robot armed with the coolest weapons сrush and destroy everything in your path! Unite in teams and create a clan with friends, take part in clan battles for domination on the planet! Unlock new weapons, robots and locations!
- A large number of weapons for every taste! Try different battle tactics!
- Create awesome clan with your friends!
- Play online: many allies and enemies!
- A variety of maps and arenas
- Chat with friends in chat
- Nimble fingers: the most skillful player wins!
- New content: we are always adding something new in the game - new weapons, maps, and other features!
- Take part in the global opening event and get more gold and glory!
- Stunning graphics, soft shadows and lush effects

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Important tips:
- The game requires an Internet connection, use wifi for maximum comfort.
- Received coins, open tanks are stored on your device. DO NOT DELETE THE GAME before the update, otherwise all achievements WILL BE LOST!

We wish you a pleasant game, and good luck in arenas of World of Robots!

Latest Version

June 30, 2024
Super Games Studio
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User Reviews

the nice

1 year ago

Thanks for fixing original problem. But, now aiming is frozen when moving the robot. Walking backward now makes robot look at the ground when trying to aim, again it is frozen down. Having to stop and wait to correct aiming. I had lots of fun until this, so great work. I'll check back later. Maybe it will clear up.

Jonathan Molina

1 year ago

Cross-Platform (STEAM, ANDROID & iOS). Fun and addictive game play. Variety of bots and weapon setups to use. Updates are getting better every time. Matchmaking like many games needs some more tweaking. Free to Play friendly. Spending money will just speed up time to become competitive. Developer is actively updating the game and eliminates bugs quickly.

Abid Tahmid

1 year ago

Damn, this game seriously have some good potential. I am a veteran war robots player since 2016 and i find it to be a future competitor if devs can do their thing, few problems i want to be fixed 1. It takes too long to level up, I've played a lot for a few days and still in lvl 3, it should be quicker than now 2. Capture points should be 5 instead of 3 and also 5v5 or 6v6 instead of 3v3(or else the game ends too quickly) 3. More robots and weapon variations needed in every lvl, as well as maps

Marius Jacobsen

2 months ago

I loved this game at first, but when I hit level 7, It went downwards fast. The wait time for matches got up 10 min, the matches was unbalanced, with the enemy team far stronger than me and my team. I got other games like this that I can play matches that are over long before i get a match in this game. If it wasn't for these things i would continue to play.

Adiba Rehman

1 month ago

Take too much time to start battle . and things are very expensive .

Gargi Pandey

1 month ago

I am giving 3 stars because there are only old maps , old robots and there should be secret path to these points

Brian Dorman

4 months ago

So far the game is fun but the flaw that I hat is I'm trying to get better and to upgrade my robots but I can't cause I keep getting put up against bots that are way to strong 1 shot and I'm dead I'll onload on them and Laughter how can I get stronger if there's no winning it Should be Equal or a little stronger but not too days army Versus the 17th Century's army that's all

Michael Paskey

1 month ago

Low quality war robot game war robots a whole lot better graphics and a lot more robots to pick from this game is a newbie game

James Jones

2 months ago

Your game is designed like a toddler created it nothing is made for players to grind nut only to buy to get ahead so well done another game ruined do to the developers making something with out having enough to put it in to it

Colin Pattinson

10 months ago

With the recent changes to Mech Arena due to the introduction of the Gear Hub, it felt as if it was time to check out what else was available out there. I'm still early into my experience, but already this seems like a fun game. Game modes inlude team deathmatch style and capture point style. The weapons hit hard, but not so much that you instantly die in a single hit. The maps have been varied, and the range of equipment useful to bring into a match. For anyone weary of War Robots, try this!

Jeremiah Sheehan

4 months ago

I love this game. It's what war robots used to be. There's a few glitches and I see alot of complaints about match making and it is pretty one sidded at times. But that's from players dropping out or getting teamed up with newer players probably due to there not being a massive player base like WR. But over all I think WOR is going in the rite direction. Like anybody ide like to see more updates with content(maps,bots,weapons,ect) but that will come. For now just enjoy a very good game ;)


1 month ago

Global chat removed. Reading what others had to say was something to do while waiting so long for a game. Newbies could get advise from random players. We could say "good game everyone" after every match. We could talk to strangers . Now that's all gone .

TRINI grooves

1 month ago

This game is only designed for pros and i don't know why I'm losing in every Battle make it a little easier please begging you like you barely even earn coins what is this a rip off game This game has to be retarded i mean me as a Nine year Old play this game started off strong at the beginning But now I am getting weaker in every Victory i mean defeat at least increase your rewards to at least 3.9% This is a warning!🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕.

Off The Grid

4 weeks ago

Not a bad game if you stick to Russian bots. The dev is biased so all Russian bots are better. All Russian weapons are better as well. Said the dev was biased. The US weapon, LC2 TERMINATOR costs gems and you can dominate the match with an easy 10-15 kills. Two players with this weapon have won the match BEFORE it starts. It's overwhelmingly strong and kills other bots in seconds. You have absolutely no defense. Don't even bother standing up against it unless your whole team is on board.


1 month ago

This is a game designed for noobs with access to mommy's wallet. WOR punishes good players and places them in the arena with payers that spent $100+ on their hangers. After level 7 it's pay to win. One star for making the game impossible for people with talent that don't have $100 to spend on a game.. the reward system in this game is insulting. 70k for one upgrade and you only get 600-1000 per game? You expect people to play 18 hours to afford 1 upgrade, and never afford good crystal guns? GG..

Brian Voris

1 month ago

You have empty, 5 unlocked slots to begin . There are 4 separate modes of battle and 2 teams ,red and blue. Your goal is to upgrade your robots to a level that enables you to compete successfully with the other players who are world wide . Earning coins for damages you incur on the opponents robots is the key to upgrading your mechs. Very addictive game , very realistic . Guaranteed fun for the most jaded of gamer .

William Alvarez

2 years ago

This game is actually pretty fun, Im a sucker for giant robots since MW4 Mercenaries back in the day. The only thing I'm not crazy about is the typical "leveling up" pit fall so prominenent with games at the playstore, I just wish the "upgrades" made more sense than just a simple rise to a mech or weapon stats, there has to be a trade off. UPDATE like the new faction, and their weapons are interesting. Leveling up still silly.

Justin Henry

1 year ago

It's alright really. There's never enough people playing around the low levels. I've only been playing a few days. 1st day I was matched with people of similar level. Now I'm matching with people several levels and etc on top of mine. Winning gets difficult when I'm stuck using starter bots that I can't level until I level up again, and the grind gets old when matches consist of you being spawn camped due to the sheer power difference in teams. The match making needs to be more evenly done imo

The Bealers

6 months ago

Fun game but the match making seems to be off. Low lvl play starts with either my team having ALL the tech and best gear and we absolutely wreck the other team...or the other way around. As you level up, it gets worse and you're always stuck with low level teammates using junkyard bots vs the best of the best. It seems if you don't get a premium subscription by lvl 6, expect to lose all the time. Fair enough I guess, but it's not for casual play.

Enrique Mondragon

3 years ago

Robots look good and move with sense of weight. Small map with okay design. Upgrades are priced well but if you want them without a half-hour wait then prepare to spend a lot of gold. The game discourages you from playing a lot in this way because your choices are pay a lot for speed up or wait a long time to use upgrade you just paid for. I just stop playing until the upgrade kicks in because the gameplay isn't compelling enough to pay the high speed up cost. The game does have potential, tho.

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