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Path of Immortals: Survivor

Path of Immortals: Survivor by DreamPlus Games
4.35/5 (2301 Reviews)
June 30, 2024
Path of Immortals: Survivor Path of Immortals: Survivor Path of Immortals: Survivor Path of Immortals: Survivor Path of Immortals: Survivor Path of Immortals: Survivor

More About Path of Immortals: Survivor

The world’s at stake, and a single mistake could drown you in demons!
Play as the three heroic Survivors - the storm-calling Druid, the brawl-loving Berserker, or the bow-loving Ranger to save the demon-infested world!
With angels and humans counting on you, you must exterminate dangerous demons that far outnumber you and battle the way for survival!

- Play as one of the three unique Survivors
- Roguelite gameplay with infinite skill combos
- Eliminate thousands of demons in one single battle
- Use one hand to clear the map

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Contact us at: support_poi@mechanist.co

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June 30, 2024
DreamPlus Games
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DESENT “LiteralyHav1Hand”

1 year ago

Just started and seems like a mix of those games like vampire survivors and some other games/ adventure. You can level up equipment and go into the game stronger. There's 2 ways to play. Adventure where you travel only in a vertical path upward and fight till the end (including bossss). Or the original (vampire survivors) way of an endless flat map where enemies emerge from outside the screen. You kill/pick up gems to level up and puck one of 3 choices. 👍

Justin Long

1 year ago

(TLDR: If you're gonna play a trash survivor clone, at least pick one that looks good.) Straight up the worst version of any survivor clones I've played so far. Artificial equipment hurdles, reward collections in 100 different menus, impossible waves, and the screen clutter making attacks/enemies impossible to see is the worst I've experienced yet.


2 years ago

This may be the best implementation of the genre. Looks good and plays well. Has a story. Plus no energy. Only through chapter 1 so can't speak to later in the game but so far it's great. Edit to add: Further on progress slows way down, you can't farm old levels to improve; most (all?) xp comes from afk chest once you can no longer clear new levels. Plus phone gets really hot (OnePlus 7 pro). Home screen becomes a bit cluttered after more things unlock. Still a decent game in general.

Dude Lebowski

2 years ago

So far the best "Archero" type game I've played. My only problem is when you back out of the game to operate another program or put your screen to sleep while the game is running, upon returning to the game all sound effects and music have this echo effect and it's really jarring. So far the only fix I've found is to close the game entirely and restart it. Other than that this is a 5/5 auto-shooter.

Donovan-D Charlemagne

2 years ago

I adore this game! The combat is fun, it's a great take on the Archero system, but with an story driven RPG on top. The graphics are great, though it does get hard to see what's happening as some of the powers scale up. There are zero ads, and you can play just fine without ever spending any; makes me feel good about giving the developers my money. My only gripe is, where is the hard mode? After I finish chapter 8, it feels like there isn't much left to do! (Granted this takes a long time!)

Fausto DatPandizzle

2 years ago

Although I've really been enjoying the new modes/additions a few issues have popped up(I play as a druid btw). - accursed lands challenge mode. I spent like a full minute missing the mobs, even close up. Perhaps the 30% chance of missing is glitching? - nobody's skills/bonds are appearing in the crucible anymore, and the difficulty seems to have gone up drastically. - the genus loci daily challenge shows defeat immediately if I attack. I had to run to a corner and let my pets kill the mobs.


2 years ago

It's fine. The combat is entertaining to an extent, though you get tired of the bullet hell situations that cover the whole screen and are unavoidable quickly. The prices for even the most meager of items feels way too high. "Want 'premium'? Pay $10. Btw. That's only premium for a single type of reward. There are two more 'premiums' that are also BOTH $10" A month. $20 for 1280 gems. It costs 1800 gems to craft 10 pieces of completely random armor, most of which will be worthless fodder. 5000 gems for 10 wishes at the wishing well that has a couple nice prizes you'll never see, lol. No energy system. Sounds great until you realize that every single map that doesn't require a daily allotment or currency is loot locked. You can only get X loot, and then you never get anything from it ever again. So no energy, but literally 0 reason to do what the removal of energy would benefit. My advice? Play free for a week or two and then find something else. Because that's when all the quest rewards run out and all you can do is wait until each day resets to do anything. And doing all the dailies takes less than 20 minutes depending on your gear. The game is pretty. But with so many limitations it stopped being fun a week after I found it.


1 year ago

The graphics and gameplay are decent, but there are two glaring issues. 1 - I hate that your primary weapon only shoots when you stop moving. This is unlike most (if not all) other games of this genre, and it makes the combat feel clunky and uncoordinated. 2 - I dislike the Archero-like part of the game, and it forces you to play it for progression. If this was 100% survival horde game, it would be 10x better.

Garret Bright

2 years ago

Was a lot of fun at first. Great voice acting for a free mobile game, lots of love and care went into the art, action, gameplay - definitely fun at first. But then you hit a wall around level 20s where it's impossible to progress unless you pay $$. Pretty obvious they specifically set it at that point in the game. It shouldn't be such a night & day difference.

Sam Guy

10 months ago

This game is not bad, theres a handful of things to do. However, its very money hungry. After doing a some stuff such as upgrading cards, pets or equipments, it pushes package deals. The events are dry and requires a lot of money to be on top. Overall, this game is heavily pay2win. Like more than $100 is needed a week to keep progressing.

Nick Moreno

1 year ago

It's a great game, a cross between survivor type games with a story mode added on. Lot's of skills, summons, weapons and many others seemingly endless in all types to collect and customize your hero. Story mode is where the meat of the game is and it has a very smooth growth progression with lots to level up and good sounds and graphics. I would really love to give the game 5* but it constantly ejects me from the game, about 5 times or so per hour. Everything else works fine.

Kevin Vang

1 year ago

Graphics are decent. But I hate that you have to stop moving to attack. I'm only on stage 1 and I'm having trouble bc you don't level up much and you get a full screen mob come after you already. For one, not a beginner level game at all. Two I feel like they purposely make you lose so that you watch the ads and or pay money to buy the upgrades. The aiming sucks too. When your in the center of the map monsters will come at you in a triangle and they always aim for the out side of the triangle.

Dan Prater

1 year ago

It's interesting concept and a decent game. But it just seems weird that there's two different games here. The graphics and style and gameplay are wildly different and seem disconnected. Edited review to drop it to 1. There's a very clear "wall" in this game that ramps up the diffulty extremely high. Likely to encourage buying upgrades to continue adv. Add on the fact you have to stop moving to use your basic attack while being swarmed by enemies is just a bad mechanic for a game such as this.

Dani Shae

2 years ago

I like this game, but it has a few big problems. The first being levels that have too many over powered mobs. I've lost sight of my character during play, because the boards are overloaded with stuff. The levels become impossible to pass without leveling up your character, but you can't level up without passing the next level, and you can't farm previous levels to help build your character, so you become stuck on the same levels for days. If they fixed those issues, it'd be perfect.

Michael Little

1 year ago

So overall concept is solid. But the game itself has lots of issues. Like there is no real movement in the game cause th enemies just swarm you 24\7 so if you move you die. On top of the visual effects make it impossible to see anything on the screen half the time. Half the powers are useless and don't get good until you evolve them and then there just slightly better than garbage.

Nathan Pease

2 years ago

Far too many bugs. I beat the last boss on chapter 3, had to use a revive after watching a video, and it wouldn't end, so wasted my time playing the whole thing and watching the video, which is basically stealing, since player time=money in this type of model. There are other times the ad crashes the game, and you lose all progress. Red ! For things that aren't available. Just really unfinished. Edit: English is the standard here.


2 years ago

I really liked the game, the graphics, the diversity, and progression. After chapter 5, i noticed the game hits a massive pay wall and its very difficult to progress without purchases. It becomes similar to an idle game where you play 5 minutes and move on since you're not rewarded for completing already completed levels and everything has a timer/limit to it.

David “Gabe” Kiolbasa

2 years ago

pretty cool man! there's an actual storyline to follow, rewards are great (for now, I just started playing), the immortals have some cool abilities and I like how you can combine skills. all in all it has great potential to be fantastic! I HATE that you only get one shot at the levels though...really, no option to respawn and try one more time?!? I'd even watch ads and spend my emeralds for a continue. You guys gotta fix this part.

E “Z”

5 months ago

I only got to do like three runs, and from what I got to do I like; BUT dude, every time you click on one of those adds for the rewards after the add the game crashes. Every. Time. So you can't even get your rewards for watching a dumb ad and crashing the game. If you fix this, I'll raise you from a two star rating because the gameplay is solid... just... if it crashes a lot, it's an automatic F from me.


2 months ago

6 different monthly battle passes, 9 if you count the monthly subscriptions to remove ads and get daily items. Every tab new has an in your face glowing bundle to buy, and there are at least 30 menus in this absolute mess of a UI. EVERY SINGLE time you go back to the main screen, bundles pop up covering everything and there's a couple seconds long timer for the X. This is not a game. This is a vehicle for microtransactions. I feel insulted being subjected to such predatory tactics. How pathetic.

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