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Your Land. WHAT?!

Your Land. WHAT?!

1.2.1 by Meteory
3.28/5 (396 Reviews)
July 03, 2024
Your Land. WHAT?! Your Land. WHAT?! Your Land. WHAT?! Your Land. WHAT?! Your Land. WHAT?! Your Land. WHAT?!

More About Your Land. WHAT?!

"Your Land. WHAT?!" is a mobile real-time strategy (RTS) indie-game in pixel-art style in which you have to advance civilization by collecting resources, expanding your village and defending it from enemy invasions through different ages.
Demo version.
Full game available via in-app purchase.

Latest Version

July 03, 2024
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User Reviews

Red Ghost

3 years ago

I love the idea and the game but it's a bit hard at first because you get attacked by wolves and then dinosaurs lol all the while you're trying to get food and then another attack lol just give me some time to build a bit before attacking me with everything nature has to offer... Also the information labels cover half the playing area. Once read there should be an option to close them while still ordering your people around. Otherwise I would love it.

Yrney Samorten

2 years ago

Update tells you that you are warned on enemy attack but it only warns on the first attack. cant build on right corner due to large input of text. Saving is a hassle as you need to manually do it because it doesn't automatically save. I dont experience black screen but it freezes when going back to menu. Its a good game hope you update it. add something that tells how to gather that resource. Its for new players. if your units get killed max unit cap lowers and doesn't get fixed. Build hous

Jakub Kučera

2 months ago

the gameplay is okay, but you can finish it in less than 3 hours and than there is no reason to play again, also badly optimised in late game (100+ npc), would be nice to add actual enemy bases you can attack and differenciated colours (it is impossible to tell which units are yours and which are enemy)

Niko Nikolala

3 weeks ago

Honestly not that bad itsbadicly worldbox but in survival mode

IceCube “Deep Throat” O'Brian

1 year ago

When you reach the metal age as they call it, attacks will be extremely hard to defend against despite playing on easy level. The enemies will always have more troops then you or right when you get to the modern age, a minute after you get to the modern age an attack happens and the enemy has tanks and helicopters despite you not having any. That is if you do not crash from the lag.

Ulac Ulac

2 years ago

this game is beautiful except for some few details, i really like how the workers create roads from hous to hous. but the thing is they are always all over the place and there no way to make them hide when there is an attack, secondly when you loose you loose all your game and you have to restart which is annoying, lastly i wish units can stop doing something when you send them to another, because are always stuck doing what you gave them until they finish, the placement of buildings needs grid

Xzy Jones

2 years ago

This game is almost perfect but it has one major flaw that puts it down 2 stars and that is the AI, the AI is the most unresponsive thing I've ever had to deal with and the rate enemies attack is far too high even on the easiest setting, rather than throwing enemies at the player, consider lessening the time of attacks but increasing the difficulty. Other than that this game is really good, it just needs a bit of polishing and I will buy the full game.


3 years ago

It's a good game and could be enjoyable to be honest, but it's getting more difficult for taking care of everything and it tires me out fast. It'll be better if the people could cut down the trees, mining and farming by themselves automatically. Also our minimalistic vision, everything near was dark and its pretty annoying because the resource is beyond the vision which is should be improvise it. I hope my feedback will be useful and helpful in the future

Nat Johns

2 years ago

I think the idea is great, would be such a good game. However I'm struggling to play due to the lag being horrendous once you get last the first two ages. Also when you get a bigger village it could be handy to have a small arrow point to where the attacking creature is. Like I said, I love the premise, but these things (mostly the lag) make it impossible to play as the screen can take 4-5 seconds per frame.

Reiyu Linsangan

3 weeks ago

Great game No ADDs!!! It's also very easy to understand. The only problem is that you have to pay to play the entire game

Spam Dump

1 year ago

Ppl r used up to make fields/turrets, why no auto-harvest/wait for ppl respawn (endgame)? Enemies spawn in mobs, anywhere, & too often! It's a barrage of massacres, not an attack. Ppl don't distinguish between tasks--inefficient! Ppl do tasks until killed. Run away/in a building pls! Defence don't chase enemies far. Constant reloading: Why "exit" when saving? No way to save the map for a new game, reloading until there's a decent map. Auto-forage, void tasks, multiple saves, & tutorial skip pls.

Aeron Shaw

1 year ago

I really wanted to enjoy this game but in my opinion the enemy spawn rate is insanely high and kills any chance I have to progress. There is no way to build any real defense that I can tell. I tried to build next to a mountain so I could use like like a wall but the enemies go right through it and there's basically no way to make a defensive wall. Also there needs to be a way to automate farms. They already take a whole settler to run them so why do I have to manually send my spare workers?

Levi Foster

2 years ago

Amazing concept with potential! I love it overall but it needs updates, such as quicksave and multiple save slots, easier building selection, more detailed tutorial, notification when civis are starving, possibly an auto harvest/collect option for the civis as well. Overall great job with the game just needs a bit. PS-a survival or battle mode with enemy cities would be awesome

Steve Mattison

2 years ago

Fatal flaws! 1: You can't just tap a building to move, or remove it. 2: The entire colony starved with no visual warning, no dialog box, no red flashing food icon, Game Over! WHAT?! 3: Before sending wolves to destroy the village, the player should have the resources to build defenses. 4: No chance to see what the next age allows you to do before game prompts you to buy it. Will this game be improved? Am I just too picky?


1 year ago

I really like this game! The only thing I'd like to change is the enemies. More specifically the amount, strength, of them in normal and hard difficulty. They're fine in easy mode, but after that it just gets too hard to advance my civilization. Idk if that reflects other people's experiences but that's mine. Over all I still really like this game, and I will continue to play it.

Hector Gonzalez

1 year ago

Great game, and yet it's still hard on easy mode. Why? I can't get my people to work while I advance. Because of this, My people starved, and I had to start all over again. I would LOVE it if you guys simply just... change it so we don't get our resources depleted nor any events happen (i.e attacks). This practically ruined it from giving a full star review, plus my workers just suddenly glitch out and walk back and forth whenever I try to give them a new task. Put a button that stops workers.ty

Wagon Snake

1 year ago

Amazing game, but there are glitches. the one that effects gameplay the most asks you to buy the full version even after you have bought it but it can be fixed by simply connecting to a wifi network. The enemies are also too powerful, even in easy mode, and every time you play, you have to do the totorial. Please add a way to disable the tutorial and also nerf the enemies strength

Renoir Dawson-Finan

1 year ago

Warning: This is not a casual game. You absolutely need to stay on top of everything and micromanage every aspect or you'll be wiped out. The game needs difficulty settings, or the very least some serious quality of life improvements so it doesn't feel too punishing to new players. That being said, I actually really like the game. It's a great concept and it's not badly done so far. Really hope the devs listen and keep updating it, it could really go somewhere big


3 years ago

I like the game, however, as I go on, it does start to lag quite a bit. When you chop up trees or mine the mountains, you eventually run out of resources and have to scout outwards, when its quite difficult when you can't see very much. Even if you send a person out, making them vulnerable to attacks. The attacks itself is quite difficult and sometimes its frustrating to see where it's coming from. I have many complaints but can only fit so much in this review. Good game, needs work 👍 💪

Trevor McIntire

3 years ago

Has great potential, but some bugs make it pretty difficult to enjoy. Enemies can spawn anywhere, even within the confines of your camp. If your villagers die, you have to force close the app, otherwise you will be stuck in a loop. The tutorial can't be turned off, and the UI gets in the way of resources at times. Like I said, great potential, but seems only minor amounts of Q/A time was put in.

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