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Tall Man Run

Tall Man Run

1.75 by Supersonic Studios LTD
4.1/5 (4701 Reviews)
June 19, 2024
Tall Man Run Tall Man Run Tall Man Run Tall Man Run Tall Man Run Tall Man Run

More About Tall Man Run

Get as tall and wide as you can to take out bots and beat the level!

Latest Version

June 19, 2024
Supersonic Studios LTD
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User Reviews

Mohamed Abdul Kaiyoom

2 months ago

Tall Man Run: Reach for the Skies in this Thrilling Adventure! Embark on an epic journey as the towering hero in this adrenaline-pumping endless runner game. Sprint through vibrant landscapes, leaping over obstacles and defying gravity with every bound. With its intuitive controls and heart-pounding action, Tall Man Run offers endless excitement for players of all ages. Strap on your running shoes and soar to new heights in this exhilarating pursuit of greatness!

King Tex

1 month ago

Completely not worth it you putting way too much time in effort just to get little to nothing. I still don't know if they actually pay out because you need 10 thousand coins for the payout but do to the little bit of credit you get for the games. Your just wasting your time fr

The Gatekeeper

1 month ago

Honestly I came from the YouTube playables too see if the full game wasn't a slow, meaningless mess. Now i can say its a fast, tedious mess with more ads than you can shake a stick at. There's better games out there so go play them instead


3 weeks ago

Buggy ... About half the times that I start the rolling offers, just as I get close to the end, the game totally locks up and won't react to anything so you have to close the game and start all the offers over. A way to get us to watch more commercials? Or to buy the ads free offer? Who knows. I'm at level 60 so far enough along to see it happen a lot. Otherwise, the game is a lot of fun.


2 weeks ago

I gave this game 4 stars because it has a very annoying problem that is like after every level there is an annoying advertisement and i don't say that there must not be any advertisement like you can maintain the decorum of the game by giving advertisement between the gap of 4 to 5 levels but in this game there is a advertisement after each and every level and all the other things are good, this game is best to play when you are getting bored so it's a pretty good game. ⭐

Marta Caballero

1 year ago

If you like 10-12 seconds worth of game playing with really funny characters in between your ads, then this is the game for you. Plenty of ad action with very little interruption from pesky game playing. At least the game playing is only 1/3 the length of the ads. Did I mention the forced ads are also included just in case you decide to skip an ad.

Fuwa Fuwa

2 years ago

Each level is roughly 10 seconds long, and plays 2-3 ads at the beginning, middle, and end of it. You will litterally spend twice as much time watching ads than playing the game. On top of it, since it's contstantly loading ads, the game is slow and laggy. To top it off, doing things like bonus levels and getting upgrades take ads. This game is part of why mobile games are just embarassing.

Abegail Eshetu

2 years ago

Terrible. Ads are WAY too frequent, game quality is terrible, you're too slow, no way to beat the boss until level 50, and not being able to have full control over where the character goes ruins the experience. Did I mention it's glitches and is a waste of space? This is the worst game I ever installed and deleted it within minutes. The ad for it is clickbait and the ads in the game advertise other horrible games. I can't believe some people gave it 5 stars. Do not install.

megan hoover

2 years ago

Game is really good, but something I find so annoying is they'll have an ad in the middle of the level and then they'll have one after the level. It's so annoying because they do this almost every single time and it completely ruins the entire experience. They also put ads randomly on the screen before you play. I completely understand it's a free game and they need to make money, but at least just put one ad every few levels and less watch an ad to win.


2 years ago

The game is just another ad simulator, and you can't even finish a level without being forced to watch an ad. Also, the airplane mode trick doesn't work because you need to be connected to wi-fi in order to even play the game. I understand the need for ads, but this is basically overkill. It sucks that the ad problem kills the fun because it is genuinely a good time killer.

Hoku Pidot

1 year ago

Fun for about 30 levels. Which sounds like a lot but takes like 15 minutes to get there. It starts off bearable with a few stationary ads but once you start they go away. Then before every bonus level you have to watch an add but there is an option to skip. But right around level 30 all hell breaks loose and the ad floodgates open. Multiple video ads will pop up in the middle of the already short level. Turns into pay to play REAL quick.

Jonathan Poblete

1 year ago

Terrible ad-mill game. You see the level stretched out in front of you with a giant as the goal at the end. There is an ad blocking almost half of the view. Each level is 5 to 20 seconds long. There is an ad that you can't skip for at least 15 to 30 seconds if you win or die. There's an ad to revive after the death ad. There's TWO ads after you win the level, one to increase the frequency of the cosmetic bonus item drop (you have to watch another ad to actually get it if you get to 100÷), and

Jacob Hait (chryobyte)

2 years ago

Pretty alright game mechanics, good pass timer. Gaining width is hilarious. Although, after around Level 76, the game falls apart. Now after I open it, the game doesn't load in a course, I can't start, and the level says 1. Not sure exactly what to do or what I did but I'm pretty sure there's just not enough levels, or a way to go back to previous levels. Don't really care because the devs probably don't either. Disappointed, however, not a big deal.

PJ Ussery

1 year ago

It' s very reminiscent of those old PC games, simple fun. My problems with this game is the fact once you reach a certain point it's very repetitive. I mean once you're unlocked everything it's kind of boring. Maybe give us some new racing courses and some characters... Just something different please! If you just need to pass some time yeah but no a long term game for sure!!!

Megan Jewell

1 year ago

Overall it's a time killer, the ads are a bit excessive but I understand you have to make money somehow. Especially since I haven't needed to purchase anything to advance. My biggest problem, and the reason I'm giving 3 stars, when you're in the city and you collect the other stick figures, the points don't add to your character. For example, most recently I collected one guy worth 20 and only received 9 points. Then, the ones that are spinning in a circle, half the time it doesn't add at all.

Stephen Golden

1 year ago

Could be really fun, but it's too buggy. On "sizing up" in the town, if you use the "x" to close out of the Google Play frame after watching the ad, it closees out of the game and you lose your up-sizing. Sometimes you can swipe down to continue, but sometimes the game freezes up at that point. There are other bugs I've encountered as well.

Debteps s

2 years ago

This was an amazing, I loved the way you were forced to watch an ad after each level! and the lack of music was a perfect touch to remind me to the world around me. Oh and you can't forget about the add that covers half of the level preview in the upgrade screen. But I have to unfortunately give a 1 star review due to the impossible to kill boss, I have only been trying for 3 levels and I already know that I will never be good enough to get to it.

Heather Riffe

5 months ago

I downloaded this game to help get gems in another game. I thought ok I can make it to level 50 after playing for the first couple times. Ya that's a big no. Ads when you open the app, ads when you try to start the game. Ads IN THE MIDDLE of the game, and at the end. Each level is like 20 seconds long. It is ridiculous. And you can't be on airplane mode because it needs internet connection. The game would be a fun game to kill time for sure. I don't want to waste my time watching Ads.


3 months ago

So lovely for this ad simulator app to give us a mini game to play between all the ads! But seriously, there are ads before, ads after, even ads in the middle of the level for "power ups" that are ultimately worthless. The movement sensitivity is incredibly wonky. Some of the stuff that pops up looks like links to malware... I'm just playing to earn currency for another game, can't wait to uninstall.

Hayden Wheelock

1 month ago

This game is so fun! The graphics aren't great ( sometimes it glitches ). But otherwise it's pretty nice. On some levels, when you hit every plus and you' still not tall or wide enough to make it to the end to defeat the boss! That is one of flaws this app has. Any other flaws are super small, except for when you run into a reward on your way to defeat a boss, it will make you watch an add and you don't get the reward. On this game,you can achieve different hats,skins,and accessories! INSTALL!!

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