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Space shooter - Galaxy attack

Space shooter - Galaxy attack

by 1SOFT
4.83/5 (37441 Reviews)
May 29, 2024
Space shooter - Galaxy attack Space shooter - Galaxy attack Space shooter - Galaxy attack Space shooter - Galaxy attack Space shooter - Galaxy attack Space shooter - Galaxy attack

More About Space shooter - Galaxy attack

- Captain! We are in danger!
- We need your help! Our galaxy is attacked by alien shooter👽👽👽
- The alien invaders beat our squad, they destroyed all of galactica! Space team is waiting for your order! Please command ship to protect the galaxy and the surrounding asteroids.
- Jump on ship! NOW!

If you are a big fan of arcade shooting game with the new modern combat, and want to bring the freedom in the galaxy games, so Space shooter: Galaxy attack is perfect game for you. With classic free space games genre, old game with a new context, Space shooter: Galaxy attack puts you on fire with infinity space shooting. You will be faced lots of evil enemies and deal with many striker bosses in galaxy wars. Are you sure you will survival in the war of alien shooter?

- Perfect Shoot ‘em up: Choose your fighter ship, starship to build your own space team! Remember to survival!
- Challenging campaign: +200 levels full of alien invaders! It should be your infinity shooting missions!
- Epic and huge bosses: Show-off your skills. Enjoy arcade galaxy shooter game space combat - powered up
- PVP - online shooting games, co-op with friend, gather your space team, mark your name on leader board global.
- Stunning designs, amazing lighting and special effects.
- Lucky wheel, daily quest and free gems everyday for you.

- Slide to control your spaceship dodge enemy's bullets.
- Use coin and gem to upgrade or evolve your spaceship to fight with giant enemies and alien invaders.
- Use appropriate spaceships and strategies for each level and boss.
- Remember using power-up item, booster item to level up easier.

The Galaxy's future is now in your hands. Get your ship ready for space attack in this arcade galaxy shooter game.

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May 29, 2024
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User Reviews

Thomas Hunter

2 years ago

Just a couple examples of how incredibly greedy the developers are: 1. You will quickly need to level up your ship to progress. The game uses puzzle pieces. You need at least 160 pieces to upgrade. You can watch 5 ads to get ONE puzzle piece. One. 2. When you have "wingmen" ships, upgrading them increases their damage output by like 0.2! Literally less than 0.1%! And those upgrades quickly get expensive if you are trying to acquire them through game play. Avoid greedy developers at all costs.

elizabeth perez

2 years ago

No issues so far!!! And it's one of the few games that does not make you pay to progress. Although ads are the way you pay, which can be a little annoying after a while....i will just skip the ad and loose the prize just so I don't have to watch it. Lol. I do think the prices for some of the ships and packages are ridiculous. I would never pay $20 for a spaceship or a chest. No issues with crashing so far. So to wrap this up, great game guys!! Look forward to what's to come 😁

Denise Godderz

1 year ago

I love this game and use it as a reward for my procrastination. I can play after I clean the house, do the laundry, etc... It's frustrating though because there's really no explanation for what some items do, or how they work. For example, I just bought the Maleficent skin but I have zero clue where the actual ship is located so I can use it. There is a Facebook page for help with these issues but if you're not on Facebook, you're out of luck.


1 year ago

Graphics & game play are good. If you don't care about advancing or PVP, it's fine. But this is a pay-to-play app - you will eventually be unable to progress of you don't spend money. And it's not like you could spend $10 and have a playable game - you'd have to spend hundreds to compete with top players. Gross. Also the ads. I don't mind some ads (although I'd prefer a paid, ad-free option). But I hate that these are multi-part ads that you have to tap 3 times to get through.

Dennis Beckenhauer

1 year ago

Love the game, would like to see more ship options. I have been with this game sense the start and watched it grow and improve. It has a great number of benefits for the players in ship choices. But it lacks explanation of how it benefits the ships. Also need to establish a way to trade the equipment that one accumulates. Maybe gaining back some of the hero badges spent on them. And make a way to reward your customers that have spent lots of money on building up there fleet. Hero badges $$$$$$.

Steven McCorkle

1 year ago

Disclaimer: I installed this as one of those offers to get gems in another game. Almost an hour and a half played and nothing. I guess beating level 11 is the boss after 11-5? Enemies are bullet sponges even after picking up the power-ups. Upgraded a ship until I ran out of coins, no difference. I liked the ship that shot lightning but couldn't find it in the list. No challenge aside from boredom. Tried the endless mode, stayed in one spot so long the power saving mode came on, still passed.

A Google user

5 years ago

I'm constantly matched up against people who aren't nearly the same level as I am. PvP rank seems to be useless with matchmaking, and levels with regards to power ups are not nearly the same. Essentially... I'm consistently set up for failure. I love this game and I've played it for years, however these have been consistent issues. I hope to see changes in the aforementioned issues in the near future. Sincerely, a dedicated player.

A Google user

5 years ago

The game is fun to play at first but when you get into the player-versus-player you realize there is a problem. Almost every player you are matched against happens to have a ship that cost $20 to purchase. They also have maxed out stats. So either it is faking player-versus-player characters in a manner that is almost impossible to beat or there is something terribly wrong with the matching process and just happens to match you with people who has spent a lot of money on the game. It's also annoying when you have purchased avoiding ads but it still decides to pop up with advertisements for in-game purchases. That's still an advertisement

Jacob Mata

2 years ago

It has pretty cool graphics but it is way too easy. Like, I haven't died once since downloading and have played for a few hours. The enemies barely ever shoot at you and your ship autofires so you can pretty much afk and dodge a bullet every 10 seconds. Not so many ads but so many options to watch ads and it doesn't seem like upgrading your ship really does anything because everything is so easy anyways. I was looking for a challenge and was disappointed but I think someone casual could like it.

brian stafford

11 months ago

Fun at first, enjoyed the first few hours playing. Lots of ads but you can ignore them. Unfortunately, bosses quickly become impossible to beat without spending money (which is the point, I'm sure). Menus are too busy and no idea what any of the stuff does or means. I could have overlooked everything if it were possible to progress without spending money. I support games by using the ad options, with this game it's not enough to be able to progress unless you pay. You'll see. Uninstall!

A Google user

5 years ago

Can be frustrating. Takes a while to learn all the ins and outs of the game. Still learning new things. Some of the changes/updates are bad. Lots of cheaters out there on PVP. You are winning the round all the way through but suddenly they are able to score 20K points in the last few seconds. Or they jump out to a 15k point lead in the first 10 seconds of the game when it is normally impossible to score that high that fast.

A Google user

5 years ago

It's addictiveness is disproportionately greater than it's complexity (i.e., it's a simple but highly addictive game). Advice to the makers: Maybe try to guide players through the various gameplay and rewards options. The home screen looks like the Vegas strip ... on New Year's Eve ... after way too much acid. That's not necessarily bad, but it does mean a little explanation of what's happening when you tap things would go a long way. In any case, I'm enjoying the game so far. Thanks! 👍

Mike Liston Vanterpool

1 year ago

The game itself is fun. Takes me back to playing in the arcade. However the 1 star rating is due to the excessive advertisements that pop up in the game! Remove the ads and it would be perfect! Developer's response claims ads aren't forced yet anytime there's a pause in game play such as level changes an ad/vid pops up that you have to wait at least 30 seconds to be able to skip it. This in itself is intrusive!!

Corianna Soto

1 year ago

I really like this game, graphics are nice, the bosses are interesting and even a little challenging sometimes, and ads are optional to watch. However, the mystery crate in the shop is bugged out or something because I spent 50 minutes waiting and watching the 5 ads to open it and it literally just wouldn't when I was done. An error message saying "wait for the process to finish" or something popped up. I waited for the night and tried again in the morning, but now it's saying I already have.

J. L.

9 months ago

I LOVE the game, but the ads are ridiculous. I am fine with single click ads, but the tripple click to exit ads are just insane. I did spend to see if it would reduce the ad quantities, but no luck. Sadly, I had to uninstall the game. This is one of the games I would keep playing if changes were made. So, the IDIOT developer responded that I could watch ads or not. True. but COMPLETELY missed my point. I didn't say that I had a problem watching ads. I have a problem with the type of ad.

A Google user

4 years ago

Fun game for the most part but there are some odd quirks that take away from the enjoyment. For example Pvp was executed poorly from the players standpoint. Because of their point system, what could have been a fun challenge of skill turns into a game to see how many times you can change your ship... boring. There are also long stretches where one ship at a time will appear, leaving little opportunity to score. Probably a clever ploy to get people to spend money on ship advancement.

EJ Smith

3 years ago

This game is pretty entertaining, a good mix of challenging but hits a roadblock at level 10. You can play w/o buying stuff for early levels, not that they don't try to get you to spend. Ads are offered as second chances and to earn items - reasonable trade-off. Complaint: it is tough to see what resources you've earned in the game, and you have to guess what you have. Lots of graphics on the control board, but good luck interpreting it.

A Google user

5 years ago

Quite fun, fast-paced arcade action with some homages (e.g. enemy ship formation) to old school classics like Space Invaders and Galaga. Spam ads to buy something every couple of stages is annoying. Unlock ships and upgrades through regular playback. Your ship is destroyed with anything, in one shot, be it stray bullet or meteor. Very responsive and intuitive controls.

A Google user

5 years ago

In the beginning this game was very fun and a real time sink. I was leveling up fast and blowing through levels. Now about four months in when the levels never end, after seeing countless ads, and sinking my money in to upgrade a ship, get it topped off, upgrading yet another ship that should be stronger, but isn't really The game has just been a waste of money as they keep introducing new levels and marginally more powerful ships It only seems like they will never end that repotitious cycle until they total sink your wallet (and trust me Ive spent a lot of money) and you just quit due to sheer boredom or the game itself slowing to a drag as you decide whether to invest even more money or upgrade the umpteenth new ship slowly I gave up. It wasn't worth the effort

Leprechaun 84 (Leprechaun)

2 months ago

Easy to learn, controls are pretty simple, very entertaining. This game very much reminds me of some of the great arcade games from the 80's and 90's. I could spend hours playing this. It's also refreshing that the free version isn't overly saturated with ads like most free to play mobile games. So far it also doesn't give that "pay to win" feel of a lot of free to plays. Got a long car ride? Want to zone out and ignore society? Or just want to pass time? Play this game.

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