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Soccer Star 24 Top Leagues

Soccer Star 24 Top Leagues

2.18.0 by Viva Games Studios
4.39/5 (7842 Reviews)
June 17, 2024
Soccer Star 24 Top Leagues Soccer Star 24 Top Leagues Soccer Star 24 Top Leagues Soccer Star 24 Top Leagues Soccer Star 24 Top Leagues Soccer Star 24 Top Leagues

More About Soccer Star 24 Top Leagues

Soccer Star Top Leagues is one of the best football games in the world. Become the best soccer player and build your career.
To become a great and popular player, win over your fans to get a higher reputation. But be careful, if you lose the ball your fans will boo you and you will lose points. To avoid this, use techniques such as scoring chances, or special defence.

Besides, lean on your teammates and improve your relationship to receive more passes and scoring chances. Try to have a good relationship with your sponsor to be able to get good deals or even bonuses per game.

To be a star, you must improve your lifestyle. You can get it by buying vehicles, houses or properties in the VIP store. This will give you points and increase your reputation.As your level increases, your team, fans and coach will become much more demanding. Show your worth!

This is a great football games, addictive and with good graphics. We know it because we created the level of quality and graphics, enjoy and live this unique experience.

Characteristics of Soccer Star Top Leagues, football games:

-Play against thousands of teams of the main leagues
-We give you the chance to play in the best teams in the world
-Compete in the grass with great players from around the world.
-Pass all the levels of our football games and become the score hero of the match
-Build your reputation buying goods and properties to win over your fans.

Remember to play with all your strength, giving everything and always being the best player of your team. Score amazing goals to be the hero of the match. You will become the winner of the premiership alongside your team.

Do not wait any longer, we are better than other football games and you know it! Download the best free football game of The Premiership, we promise you will feel an unusual feeling when you score a goal with our football games and become a recognized football player around the world. You will be the score hero who will win the golden ball of the year!


Latest Version

June 17, 2024
Viva Games Studios
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User Reviews

A Google user

5 years ago

This is the best game i have played however there are 2 things that really annoy me: 1. when you shoot, the ball clearly goes past the goal line, and yet im not given a goal, i spent £10 of my pocket money buying gems to try again but the same thing keeps happening, please fix this. 2. The wait for energy is way to long..Thanks for this game, honestly it is really good but if the 2 points i made aren't fixed then you will lose a very satisfied customer/gamer. Thank you.

A Google user

5 years ago

Changes needed The game is fun and addictive, but there is a lot of issues to fix it. First of all it is fine to spend some $ for game, but it is unacceptable to do it everyday. - Energy recharging is too slow - Boots are ridiculously expensive if you want to keep prices on this level at least give us option to buy older and cheaper models - Constantly need of repairing things is ridiculous - Casino is scam fix it There is more things, but this are basic things that must be fixed.

A Google user

5 years ago

How can I win a game when opponent gets 3-4 goals automatically at a time, and I only get 2-3 chances to pass, and hardly 1 chance to score. Teammates are too weak and non responsive while pass a ball to them. seems like I should place the ball near his feet with my hands. Funny. Boring. Very complicated way to keep relationship with coach, teammates & fans. Very low chance of getting a chance for doing something like take a shot to goal or make a good assistance. Rewinding a chance should be more cheap than 1 or 2 whole gems.

ngun Tha zing

10 months ago

This game sucks in alot of ways. 1. it uses 4 BARS to play one match which makes you only be able to play 6-7 with ads included. 2. the goalkeeper always somehow does impossible saves or easy goals 3. the opposition somehow gets the ball even though your teammate was right infront of the ball as if it went through them 4. useless teammates who can't do a simple thing of getting the ball back 5. getting poor rating when i scored 2 because I lost.

Marko Boizys

2 years ago

Really, my best advice is not to install this game. They bait you into playing cause the first season is always the easiest. You score goals, the game's fun. But after that, it turns really tedious and irritating. Especially because of the idiotic energy system it's a really addicting game too, and you'll catch yourself wasting more time on it than necessary. And it's not worth that time, trust me.

A Google user

4 years ago

The game is not good at all, a total pay to win, yoi cant buy energy drinks with coins, in fact it has a lot errors, controlling your teammates shot? Thats a really bad idea, why then do we give them great passes? New star soccer is better, Forget the graphics......Forget controls...... U wont enjoy the game for long because it will get unnecessarily difficult later on!

A Google user

5 years ago

This game has the hint of the original 'New Star Soccer' a good clone of that game. It has potential to be different and inprove on that formula but is let down as is the original in some areas. To many goals scored games, gameplay is let down by poor AI nobody would shoot when players are clear, no 1-2 touch and go. Why only 5 training sessions allowed without being able to purchase additional and the graphics are low even on high end devices. No 1 touch shooting etc... Needs tlc/improvenents

A Google user

5 years ago

Update: and now you have to constantly pay to fix your belongings... Uninstalling! It could be good game but hard to progress without spending a fortune. The gameplay is ridiculous, you have much higher percentage than the opponent and they score loads and easy, I play against a much better team and I win... You can't get passes beyond certain depth or angle and my players just stay there while the defender runs for the ball... You can't never get any luxury items so girls keep dumping you because you are a rubbish and poor footballer.

A Google user

5 years ago

its the most infuriating football game ive ever played. the game has loads of potential but the gameplay is awful. you dont get paid enough to be able to maintain things you cant get enough xp to level up when you need to so the training is then limited to what level your on even know youve completed all the sessions. when you play a game the opposition seem to be able to stop most passes in mid air with there chest even though the ball wasnt even touching them. your team never run for the ball..

Edis Musanovic

4 years ago

Concept is really good, but in first club I have scored in 20 games 28 goals and in second little bit lower. In fourth club i couldnt score, i had everything best, boots, full training and I couldn't score. In 1 game i can't get chance to shoot or to score. This game is promising and is one of the best football games on phone. You just need to fix that it's not soo hard in fourth or fifth club. Movment of my teammates is stupid soo try to fix that. In 2018game was same like2020 so do some change

A Google user

5 years ago

My issue is that when ever your 2 neal down the game doesn't give you enough chances to get back into the game, but when it does the options available to pass the ball are non existent as your teammates are constantly marked by the opposition all the time! it's even more frustrating that when you score the first goal, all of a sudden in a fraction of a second the opposition would have already scored just after you l did. Still fun, but the game is so one sided against the player

A Google user

5 years ago

Kt's a good game but they put you in positions which you can only lose the ball in. They do this when you're about to get a 10 rating and then the last minute give you an impossible pass to make. Also for some reason the computers players move towards the ball when you pass but your own players just stand there and don't attempt to get it unless it goes straight to them.

Franco Martin

1 year ago

The game is alright but there is an enormous problem: there's a point in which the game bugs and you can't progress anymore. This means you're unable to train, buy stuff, get coins, or even move onto the next match (you have to restart the app to do so). I reinstalled it 4 times and it happened over again after abt. 25 matches each time. It is frustrating.

A Google user

5 years ago

The game is good fun, but a few things should urgently be improved: 1. It takes ages for the player to be hired by another team, for three seasons I've been scoring thousands of goals and giving loads of assistances and only small clubs are interested in me. 2. The newspapers headlines only criticize my player, even tho my goals and assistances rates are very high. All the rest looks great, the game is good fun

A Google user

5 years ago

For the game of nearly 200 MB game has poor graphics, it's pay to win and play, you have 5 bars and if you play the game 1 whole bar is running out which is so bad because you have to wait 30 minutes to get it back. Suggestion: if you're copping Soccer: Hero make energy lose( I don't know if I spell that correct) for every game u lose one little piece of one bar so that we can play more games and train more.


5 months ago

This game have some potential, but there's a lot of points to improve. 1. The goalkeeper always do phisically impossible saves 2. useless teammates who can't even receive a ball. 3. Some matches you don't have any clear chance and the newspaper criticize you anyway. 4. Asingle match requires 4 bars of energy 5. Tons of 30 ads 6. It's hard to get good equipments, too expensive, you can only get it spending money. 7. You cannot assist, because if you do it, your grade will be terrible, just score.

Sam Domijan

2 years ago

I've played this game multiple times over the years and it's always the same problem. I get awful ratings for doing everything I can in a match, I get no chances, apparently I still have an average rating of 6.00 when I get more assists than games played in a season. I get an assist or 2 every game and still get a 5 rating. The defenders just stand on the line when it's a free kick, the goalkeepers either do god knows what or pull off physically impossible saves, my team do nothing defensively.

A Google user

4 years ago

I don't know who ripped who off, but this game has almost exactly the same content as New Star Soccer. I had high hopes because the graphics are way better on Soccer Star 2019! I enjoyed it a lot at first. However, i think the match rating system is way too harsh, which makes the game unnecessarily too difficult. I understand the use of energy, but maybe offer a paid version of the game with less "money grabs"? This game has potential with some tweaks.

Jonathan Klui

2 years ago

Too easy to dictate the game by myself. Too difficult to attract attention from better teams or the national team. Too easy to get assists. Almost no goal scoring chances. Too easy to keep current team happy with mini games. The energy bar takes way too long, especially when you consider that you have to train and work on relationships between matches. Just a horribly balanced game.

A Google user

4 years ago

I like the gameplay, but there are a few things I have problems with. 1) Boots are way too expensive and impossible to have all the time without spending real money. 2) Your match rating drops when your teammate tries and misses a bicycle kick, even though your pass was good. 3) It still uses 4 bars of energy when you play a game as a substitute. Lastly, I wish you could buy energy with coins. Other than what's listed here, I really have enjoyed the game, it could jusy be a little better.

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