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SAKURA School Simulator

SAKURA School Simulator

1.042.03 by Garusoft LLC
4.24/5 (16415 Reviews)
June 15, 2024
SAKURA School Simulator SAKURA School Simulator SAKURA School Simulator SAKURA School Simulator SAKURA School Simulator SAKURA School Simulator

More About SAKURA School Simulator

*Recommended environment for smooth playing:
Over 3GB RAM and over Snapdragon 820
If your device has not over this specifications,
this game doesn't work smoothly.
"Becoming laggy", "Shut down", "Low memory problem" will occur soon.
If these trouble occur soon after you started the game,
restart the game or the device,
change setting "decrease students and people" are effective for smooth playing.
This game playing uses a lot of CPU and GPU,
close other applications as much as you can.

There are two ways to enjoy this game.
Make friends and lovers as you like.
Enjoy a brilliant school life!
Go on the rampage as you like.
Before do that, borrow the weapons from YAKUZA office.
You can get them easily if you don't stop "flying".

Read "HELP" in the game when you have some questions for playing.

This game is a "simulator". So, there are many ways to defeat enemies.
Of course, if you want to defeat them by yourself, you can do it easily.
On the other hand, if you want to defeat them without weapons, of course you can.

There are no descriptions of blood in the game.
The people in the game world will be only "stun" but will not die.
The concept of death does not exist in this game
so that the people who were stun will wake up next day, and they will hate you.

You can control and change 4 players in the same stage (The two are valid after watching ADS.).
You have some choices for talking (sentenses will change randam).
You defeat enemies through simulations.
You need not to fight to enemies.
Look for the ways.

There are no end in this game.
Please make the situations as you like, and find favorite way for playing.
We hope you will enjoy the game.

The contents of this game will be added when we made the new game elements.
The additional contents will be shown as a "new" context in this page.

Although we used the charactor models of AOI and TAICHI in this game,
AOI is a NOT-FREE asset and TAICHI is a FREE asset.
Everyone who want to make a game contents and so on can use these assets.

Many Thanks!
Scrub-chan (C)Bijuu Mike

(C)2018 Garusoft LLC (former Garusoft Development Inc.)

Latest Version

June 15, 2024
Garusoft LLC
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User Reviews

Daicro Akuno

4 years ago

This game is pretty fun. I've had it for a while, and it's getting better by each update. There's a few things I want to suggest though, like a skin tone customizer, and height changer. And maybe a family relationship (Like father, mother, sister, brother, ect). Also a few more hairs (Like one that covers your eyes, for example). That would be cool.

TheAmazing Willow

3 years ago

Out of all the school simulator games I've ever played, this one takes the cake. The controls are smooth, the graphics are high quality, and there's so many ways to customize the characters. My favorite parts are the map layout and the missons. Although, I can't seem to beat the robber bears mission. But that doesn't matter. This game gets a five star rating from me.


1 year ago

This is my favorite mobile game right now! The customization is so fun, although I wish there were less neon colors and a skin tone selection. I like the interactions with NPCs, but I wish the students were more diverse in their looks as they all sort of appear the same. The amount of areas you can go is fun, but I wish there were more NPCs in these areas. I also see a lot of buildings in this big map just not being utilized for anything, and I hope they change that in the future!


4 years ago

I really love this game! It has very good graphics and lots of things to do! If I were to suggest something, I'd ask if you'd be willing to add in more people in the town to make it more lively. More people driving by, more cars parked in drive ways. People walking in the streets, buying things in stores, eating in restaurants, swimming at the beach, etc. It'd make it feel for alive and full! Please make it an option to be able to have far view, where you can see everything (buildings/people)

Emma Preston

1 year ago

This is a great game, and I love it when I get new updates, but the newest update makes the app crash when any ads show up. Also, after downloading the new update, when I got on to get the new outfits, all the other outfits I previously unlocked were locked again. This is a wonderful game, but if you could just fix the crashing, that would be great.

Jordan Rayne

3 years ago

Out of the school sims for mobile i like this one the best, as far as i can see the controls are better than most. I would like to see more development and work on this. I haven't found any weapons aside from guns and i think there should be more, i also have a very hard time figuring out what class im meant to be in since the classes are all labeled in jappanese i think, it is a bit confusing.

Daniel Gildardo

8 months ago

This is my favorite mobile game I've loved thisright now! The customization is so fun, although I wish there were less neon colors and a skin tone selection. I like the interactions with NPCs, but I wish the students were more diverse in their looks as they all sort of appear the same. The amount of areas you can go is fun, but I wish there were more NPCs in these areas. I also see a lot of buildings in this big map just not being utilized for anything, and I hope they change that in the future!


5 months ago

It's really good, I just wish there was an auto mode that makes you like, go to school, have a decent day without a disaster, and in some days weird stuff happen. I hope they add this ! Also more diversity. For example, tanned and darkskinned NPCs and a skin color selection. Also more haircuts like for example, wolfcuts and more outfits for the girls that aren't dresses. Like a normal jacket with cargo jeans or something. I hope you add this !


3 years ago

So great, the only thing that is missing for me so far is just many skin color changing options to many and all other spectacular colors! It would truly be wonderful because it'll explore the character's beauty more.😘 I think it'll be pretty unrealistic just to keep the same color forever, I would like a bit more change in the appearance when in need. The game is truly a realistic nice life game experience. One of the nice detailed games I've ever experienced when it comes to free games.


2 years ago

I love this game personally, It's really fun and it's sweet to add Bijuu Mike. My favorite part is going on a killing spree- Yeah. And then dying 1 million times to the cops. It's an adventure for sure. I do highly suggest this game and I also have one recommendation for the developer. Maybe add an option to change hair in game. Not just in the main menu when you open the app. That would be very helpful for me and im sure it would be useful for others. Overall, awesome game.


1 year ago

Overall the game is pretty fun and enjoyable to play. It's pretty fundamental with how a school simulator should be, but I wish there was blood; or an option for it. I like that it has events and nice buildings that keep exploring and experiencing the game entertaining, but it'd be cool if there were more options and possibilities when it comes to the aspect of killing in the game. Like maybe knives that you could stab others with or different ways to carry the body, like dragging and throwing.

A Google user

4 years ago

The game has a lot to offer short term, but you run out of things to do. What I'd like to see is a hardcore/survival mode where you don't have access to cheat like things (areamove, respawning cars, posing, etc.) maybe even permadeath where played characters can't be revived and you're forced to switch until you can't, not eating damages as well as worse arm and/or leg strength when your character is in a bad mood, and the jetpack will have fuel that you need to buy more of at the corner store.

A Google user

5 years ago

It's a fun game. The graphics are really good. It includes a lot of interactions between the NPC and PC. There is a lot fun enemies to fight in the game, such as the Yakuza. There is also fun settings containing a lot of animation. The negatives of this games is the amount of bugs. Like falling out of the earth, glitches, game freezes, and the radar option not working. However, you could report the bug and luckily, the developers try to fix it. Overall, fun and creative game.

Unwanted Cheese

2 years ago

Pretty good game over-all, but the days are repetitive and long. Not much you can do at all. One time I accidentally kicked a person, and he had the ballet suit. He started shooting fire and I could barely escape. Some people went to fight him but about half the school died. The animation is okay, I like the fact that its offline too. I really like the game, but little things need fixed, and I think there need to be a bit more interactions just to make it more fun.

Paige Mcgahey Hill

3 years ago

The game is fun and interesting but there's a bit of glitches when you and another character are swimming or something the PC character glitches making it look like they're swimming in the air. There's also so many ads.. Watching ads to start the game, get new hair and clothes, and reviving it's really tiring.. But it really is a good game. I think if worked on a bit more it'll turn out great!

Miranda Berry

4 years ago

I've loved this game since I saw Bijuu Mike play it. This is probably the most hours of play and enjoyment I've gotten out of any mobile game. There is so much to do, it's fun and doesn't take itself too seriously. It's really buggy but it's part of the humor and charm. My only critiques are that your status with some characters don't save or count towards popularity, there are some game breaking bugs, like achievements not unlocking, and the hard combat, it's difficult defeating many enemies.

A Google user

5 years ago

I love this game, mainly because I'm obsessed with Bijuu Mike. However, it is SO easy to attack someone by accident, and I really hope that gets fixed soon. Also I have really bad motion sickness, so this game gives me a headache sometimes, even on the gentle mode. However I really enjoy the customization and stuff. Also is there a way to time skip? Asking because sitting in class gets kind of annoying, as well as waiting for the next class.

A Google user

5 years ago

It's so much fun, i love how there is a large range of differnt things you can do ☺️ but i was wondering if there was a reason im having trouble screen recording the game? i wanted to talk about it on my YouTube channel, but whenever it actually gets in the game it crashes the recording. it only does it with this game so i thought maybe it was the way you set it up. Other than that I love it! (also to the person saying there needs to be a way to have people stop following you, try clicking WAIT)

Steven (Stephanie)

3 months ago

Omg! This game has been the bestest game EVER!!πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† I'm so glad you added the wings update! Thank you very much! We are all looking forward to your next update! Make sure you take your time and do a AWESOME job!😊✌one more thing. You used to be able to change your clothes during a loaded game, and the customize colors would save, but now...the colors reset back to the original whenever I change the clothes. Could you fix this please if you can? Thank you.🩷

Asma Nazneen

2 months ago

Honestly, this awesome game was a lot of fun to mess around and attack random NPCS for absolutely no reason, yes, I'm a menace, I know. But I really love how you could change the visual effects to make it more dramatic and stylish, I guess you could say that. It's really amazing! Gives you the full experience of a Japanese town, awesome how it represents actual culture. It's very cool, the style art is awesome, and the gameplay is pretty cool.

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