Justin Brickell
3 years ago
Use it all the time
Twooey Rhone
2 years ago
Doesn't appear to work anymore.
Joshua Warfel
4 years ago
Helps me catch the bus on time.
RockstarKnight88 (KoolBreeZe)
5 months ago
It works as advertised
Stephanie Reeder
1 year ago
Keeps crashing as soon as its opened
3 years ago
Works. Althought I wish there was more fluency to the app, like showing a list of stops near me, etc. Routes will overlap each other and only 1 color will show for one route. It is usable though and shows realtime bus data fairly accurately. Updates bus movements every 10-15 seconds. Was late to work my first time using because one bus route that I was looking at only goes near my house during the weekends. So I watched the bus come to Southside and leave on my phone, like an idiot. Use it a lot