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Robot Colony

Robot Colony

August 13, 2024
Robot Colony Robot Colony Robot Colony Robot Colony Robot Colony Robot Colony

More About Robot Colony

Robot colony is a mix of strategy and simulation. Your goal is to manage the production and upgrades of autonomous robots that will gather resources, scout the area, build and repair bases, and protect the colony against giant bugs. The game is offline and is designed for simple one-hand operation.

Latest Version

August 13, 2024
Anna Mikhailova
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User Reviews

Glenn Benson

3 years ago

Great concept, love it, gets a bit difficult on the 3rd level, but I still enjoy it, wish there was like a way to tell the stats of the enemy units, maybe in like an encyclopeida type thing, an maybe add a way to create custom layouts, with a limit on the amount of structures available, or a way to have units be sent to areas, with like a command thing

logan Colon

3 years ago

A surprisingly fun game. All you do is make robots and balance your materials so you can battle these big bugs. Definitely worth your time. I wish I could go to the packages by clicking on them and the rounds last really long (you can decide if that's a good or bad thing). Overall, a good time waster and is pretty addicting.

Mans Okley

3 years ago

I loved it. Amazing game with so much potential. I do agree that the robots AI makes it really hard but its part of the fun to play until you figure out what works. My only complaint is that after playing the same level for an hour or so, the bugs are IMPOSSIBLE to kill. When almost all the resources are gone and all upgrades are maxed but the bugs get harder and harder it makes it very upsetting;it would be cool to have some kind of never ending level with more resources and easier to kill bugs

Mikel Fischer

3 years ago

A very good reinterpretation of an ant colony simulator. Plays smoothly, even with hundreds of robots in use at once. One thing I'd like to address: the AI is absolutely fine. I have no idea why this came up in so many other reviews. Use *defenders* to intercept the bugs and spam *fighters* only when the bugs are nearby. The fighters will wander if there isn't combat near their base, which is intentional. Please remove interstitial ads in favor of any other type. Even banners are better.


3 years ago

Good potential beta game. Had to uninstall because, well, after an hour there's no play value. Plus ads. I can live with ads but not forced. Make them an optional boost instead. More than one base makes it difficult as defenders seem to stay where they were built. You can't directly control robots which would be ok but enemies can freely rampage many units until they get in range of turrets and defenders. Overall, i liked it and I'll be back with more stars once improved.

Michael Stefanick

3 years ago

The game starts off fun for an introductory level 1 and then pretty much stays there. Resource production and enemy waves are nearly in sync, so most effective strategies rely on constantly producing the same fighters over and over while dragging all over the map to collect much-needed treasure chests. With a little bit of balancing and some more advanced content such as new robot types, zoning control, strategic modifiers, and overarching progress goals, the game might be worth grinding through

Megan Richardson

3 years ago

Really fun then a little frustrating. Having a ton of defenders does nothing because they all attack one enemy at once, leaving the base wide open. After about the 45 minute mark I notice my energy becomes scarce and no matter how many loaders I have I cannot increase the rate at which I collect energy. And each wave of enemies does provide energy but not enough to replenish my ranks and I slowly watch my army dwindle until it can't keep up and I lose.

dylan Link

3 years ago

The game is an excellent example of easy to learn, hard to master. Each round lasts about half an hour to an hour before you get overrun. It's lacking in a few ways, like the fighters and defenders disengaging after killing a target even if there's more right there. So long as this game gets a bit more polish and maybe a few options concerning troop movement/targeting then I see no reason to uninstall

Ian Leather

3 years ago

I actually really like this game, it's super addicting. It's kinda like pikmin, where you control weak things fighting powerful enemies by overwhelming and outsmarting them. It seems like it's pretty new, since it definitely needs a few fixes, namely giving more control over certain bots. My idea is basically just giving certain bots general commands, like telling the fighters to either roam around like a scout, go after any enemies on the map, or stay near the base it was built on.

Kale Boy

3 years ago

This game wastes my time in a good way cause I have nothing to do. The two things that are bad are. First the targeting system. The(defend) robots go for one bug when a base is destroyed so then the other bugs just go by and destroy the other bases while all of the defending robots attack one heavily armored bug so then you lose. Second when I go to upgrade. The ads keep popping up and it's kinda annoying. But all in all this game is 8/10.PS this is one of the best click type games in my opinion

Ab Bap

3 years ago

The game is alright.... it's a good concept except whenever you reach late game then that's it... you can have all the energy you want and not have to worry about losing. The bugs have too much health while your robots do little to no damage to them. Turrets help a little but it still takes several shots just to kill one bug but it doesn't help when you have a swarm of them coming. Game could use some improvements.

David Diskin

3 years ago

The game has potential but it feels like it's still in its second draft. Happily, there are no bugs (pun not intended). It was easy to learn -- though there were a few upgrades/structures that weren't very clear that you would only learn by experimentation. Traps were cool but the fire trap was the only one that proved useful. Likewise, the cannon was the only useful building. The gameplay is easy enough but I didn't feel like there was enough to do. There are only four levels, five types of units, and a handful of buildings. Many people complain that the AI wasn't smart enough but I didn't experience any problems with that. This was one of the more enjoyable aspects of the game. The builders just automatically did their thing. I'd like the developer to allow me to purchase and place my own bases, traps, and weapons instead of finding them on the map (or both). This would add tremendous strategy to the game, along with replay value. Perhaps, then, the other traps/buildings would be more useful. I think my largest gripe is the graphics. I think this "8-bit" style was cute a decade ago but now it just seems lazy.


3 years ago

Game feels like 5 tutorial levels teaching us how to play the main game. Trouble is, thats all there is. It's fun, has potential but there's really not much else. Having a level select is so antiquated. The bugs seems to have near infinite health when stacked on a base but if you catch them alone they die quick. I dont get it. It's fun but 2 levels and some forced ads (skipable after 5 seconds) is enough.

Taylor Johnson

3 years ago

After updating to the newest version I was pleasantly surprised to see a lot of features refined. The only issues I noticed now is that the loaders all go to the same food even if there isn't enough for all of them really slows the function down. And another way to earn points because after a while miners become obsolete as there are no more upgrades and it serves no purpose after that.(plus miners run out of stuff to mine?) It would also be better if the scouts attacked exploding ants first.

Christian Iverson

3 years ago

Pretty fun, kept my attention for a long time. The random elements can be hard to deal with and some sessions have to be written off as failures pretty early on. The fighters aren't really all that useful as the greater majority don't respond to attacks unless they're very near. I mean these are robots so they should be able to communicate with each other to coordinate against threats. The ai also tends to lock on to one bug at a time, which sucks when you have a wave of 10+ bearing down on you.

Matt S.

3 years ago

This feels like a prototype. Winning relies too much on random chance than strategy; the number of bugs per wave, time between waves, way robots move, or placement of bases, turrets, and resources are all random. There is very little you can do except make more robots, upgrade units, or decide what goes on turret spots. There is also nothing you can do to prevent hornets from killing your colony aside from hope they go near fighters and turrets. The randomness of it all is not fun after level 1.

Keith Cromwell

3 years ago

It has potential, and at first it honestly reminded me of some of the better games I used to play on long kongregate back in the day. Unfortunately it's pretty limited. Turrets are in set spots, bases are in set spots, there's only about 5 really expensive upgrades per robot that don't do a ton for you once you hit a certain bug wave. It's good for what it is, but I guess I just personally wanted something more involved.

Xor Owl

3 years ago

Great concept, poor execution. Can't control your own units, so it's like herding cats... Or ants... You can build up an army and it won't mean a thing, between the pathfinding and prioritization making your troops only attack the first line, leaving the rest to walk right up to your base, and the inability to send troops between bases, makes for a rather dissatisfying experience. You can even make more troops, and they'll ignore the horde chewing on your base to go fight something else.

Alexander Scott

3 years ago

Solid game. However 40 minutes into my game an unstoppable (actually unstoppable) onslaught of bugs destroyed my base. I had 100 max level defenders surrounding the base and spammed 50 level 3 fighters at a spawn rate of .2 and still got absolutely murked. Its like that one wave was designed to be unbeatable. Other than that a really good game.

Novawarrior 1000

3 years ago

The game is a joke, it gets harder as time goes on that I like, but it ramps up soo quickly and the point of an upgrade system is to make your units stronger. Basically u will do well at first, then the game kicks u in the balls and inject the bugs with a steroid that causes them to blow up and every 5 sec your left desperately trying to get new defenders to fend off this fresh new hell about to jump down your throat. It's not fun.

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