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Rider by Ketchapp
4.55/5 (26314 Reviews)
June 15, 2024
Rider Rider Rider Rider Rider Rider

More About Rider

Get ready for some flippin' action!
Perform insane stunts while you cruise through the never-ending world of Rider! Grab your motorcycle and start flipping like a maniac!

◉ Complete 100 Challenges
◉ Collect 40 Awesome Bikes (including 4 Secrets)
◉ Receive Daily Rewards
◉ Complete all 32 Levels
◉ Unlock 10 Themes
◉ Compare your highscore with players worldwide
◉ Make insane stunts!

Download now and push your skills to the limit in Rider!

Latest Version

June 15, 2024
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User Reviews

Connor Dieckmann

1 year ago

Great game! I really enjoy it. Good selection of bikes and a good thing to play when you have nothing to do. However, the random bike feature is not good at all, due to the fact that it chooses like 5 bikes and doesn't actually cycle through your entire garage. There are a few bugs as well and some obstacles that aren't possible, but still a fun game. Edit: I decided to add the fact that sometimes it flips you for no reason, and that can be frustrating. Also the music can be a bit repatative.

A Google user

4 years ago

It's a fun game and its decently difficult which is enjoyable. Although some odd things have been happening in it. Red squares, red numbers in the corner, and those I could deal with but now I can play it once and then an ad starts which is fine, but after that the screen is just black and I have to close it and reopen the app to play again. Then after playing once another ad starts and the screen goes black again. Please fix this, I do enjoy this game and the ads arent intrusive, which is rare.


1 year ago

For a mobile game thats clearly meant to be a platform for ads, its surprisingly good. Has some nice progression to it and the challenge levels require you to perform some genuinely difficult maneuvers at times. Only downside is there's no online save, so if you get a new phone, you have to start all over. Biggest tip: Disconnect from wifi BEFORE opening the game. This will prevent it from loading up on ads and provides a much smoother overall experience.

Jenna Winn

3 years ago

Definitely five stars. It's a really simple game, and yet strangely super addicting. I don't usually do the levels and just play on adventure mode, but the levels are still pretty cool (although sometimes I wish they were a little harder!). the endless mode is really fun though. The controls are really easy, but sometimes I wish there was a break pedal. The challenges are extremely fun, and while some of them are super difficult (on the verge of impossible), the majority of challenges are doable and really enjoyable. I like the bike choices, although they don't really do much to help you in the game (they just look cool). But anyway, really simple and fun app, not too hard to understand, but really great to play!

Bryce Charters

3 years ago

This is a fun game. Great for killing time. There are a couple of nearly game breaking issues though. First off, the level generation. The randomly generated levels are made up of premade sections all have differing optimal entry velocities. Sometimes two sections are placed together in a way that causes you to enter too quickly and fly into obstacles that you had no chance of seeing ahead of time. Also, nearly every crash I have is caused by glitches with vehicle physics.

Lane Hudson

1 year ago

This is a creative driving game that is controlled by a touch of the screen. A very clever game that incorporates physics with animated visuals with changing achievement goals. My observation is that each unlocked car operates the same - they only look different. So it doesn't matter. I set it to "Random" and get a different car after every crash.

A Google user

4 years ago

this game looks good and it's a good time killer. however, not all the track pieces fit together right so sometimes it's not even your fault your car crashes. the cars have different hit boxes too and will crash if anything but the wheels touches something, which is weird. additionally, you can only accelerate and do backflips. there is no breaking or front flips, which is just annoying but i think that's just a style choice.

Madi Arpin

1 year ago

I got completely addicted to this game because it's so satisfying and the graphics are great... not sure if I advanced through it quickly because this is my second time downloading it after a few years, or because I spent sooooo much time on it. Either way it has great graphics and music. A few glitches keep it interesting, and my only complaint is that sometimes the car keeps rotating after you release your finger. Happens at random. Overall, very cool, futuristic game.

A Google user

4 years ago

Probably the best definition of what a mobile game should be. Little bite-sized content that keeps you addicted. This would work well as an arcade game. Controls are very easy to pick up. Just tap and hold, really. The graphics really fit the style too. Ads are a major problem, though. Very intrusive, long and unrelated. Play off Wi-Fi and keep data off.

A Google user

5 years ago

Rider is an amazing looking game made great by slick, fast-paced game play... sometimes. Any instability in the bike causes flipping instead of acceleration, meaning the sometimes unpredictable physics in this game make for unpredictable game play. Even in very controlled obstacles, the ones designed more for the theatricality and experience than being a true obstacle, have inconsistencies that occasionally result in absurd deaths to which the player feels helpless. Falling platform obstacles, especially the descending steps, are prone to this. More often than not, the game runs pretty smoothly, but all of this is enough to offset the fun of ideal gameplay, at least for me. Also, the game cannot seem to decide whether it wants to be played fast and with confidence, or more cautiously. Some obstacles require a lot of speed initially to even be attempted, while others require timing, and punish a fast approach with either certain death or, more rarely, miraculous survival. This adds to the unpredictability, making this a game in which the player relies more on chance than the skill this game seems geared towards. All in all, a fun game when it runs smoothly, although it can be frustrating and very punishing. It looks beautiful and sounds great, but the game play unfortunately makes it not worth it for me. Developers, I recommend a general polishing of course obstacles, or perhaps just tuning the bike physics like the tire 'stickiness' or maybe flip speed when one tire is still in contact with the track. It would also help to re-evaluate some obstacles for a more consistent pace to the game. Last, a braking or at least front flip control might make a world of difference, but the revamp may not be cost effective and runs the risk of being even more like the games that popularized this type of game in the beginning. Thanks for all your work!


2 years ago

I love this game, as it's super addicting. You always want to beat your own high score, which makes you want to keep playing. It's been a month, but I'm still interested in this game (unlike others where I lose interest after a while). To me, the only flaws are too many ads (every other game you get like a 2 min long ad). Many of them are inappropriate, even though mostly kids play this game. Sometimes I watch an ad to redo the game & after the ad they make me restart & I lose my progress.

A Google user

4 years ago

This game desperately needs improvements. The concept and visuals are nice, but the positives get outweighed by so many negatives. First and foremost, the controls aren't even that good. All you can do is move forward and do backflips. You don't get to move backwards. You don't get to do forward flips on command. And you can't even BRAKE. And don't get me started on the horrendous physics here. There are so many occasions where I somehow can't get enough speed to do a certain jump, etc etc.

Kirk Shunk

3 years ago

FIX YOUR GAME!!! The game is fun and all, but there are major problems. The game will work and then it won't. I press the screen to accelerate and it won't do nothing so I have to keep uninstalling and reinstalling for the game to function properly. Not only that, when it is working, sometimes the game will go completely black and you can't do nothing but restart the game and HOPE that you can accelerate. If fixed, the game would get a 5, but at its current state, it gets a 2 star, 3 at most🤦‍♂

Ryan Keough

2 years ago

This is a very fun addicting game and; best of all, you don't need an internet connection so I can play it on the subway. The only thing keeping it from a perfect score is one frustration. Because of the procedurally generated nature of the game and the precison and timing required to get through some of the obstacles, there will be situations where the speed you leave one obstacle makes it impossible to pass through the next. Otherwise, excellent!

Ethan Burke (Paetolus)

1 year ago

Fun game, however, it has an issue where ads will act like they were tapped on during gameplay even though they weren't. This freezes the gameplay and attempts to open the ad in a browser. I actually lost a really good run to this issue, hope it can be fixed. Update: Still a problem. Changed to 1 star. The ad issue makes it borderline unplayable.

A Google user

5 years ago

First of all, there are a lot of ads... The game is fun, but I wish the game would decide whether the accomplishment is to finish the level or to meet the nearly impossible 3 star times. If you're going to make the times that difficult, design the levels so the player can finish them more often. Also for a game so difficult, the physics need to be more consistent. I find myself randomly losing speed when I leave the edge of a ramp and it has screwed up good run after good run.

Erik Grommes

1 month ago

It's fun at first but after playing for a while you start to realize and see it's blaring issues. First the physics suck some levels become near impossible because you picked a certain car and the game doesn't tell you anywhere that your car changes how fast you flip and stuff. And secondly the level design is got awful the developers have fixed the worst ones to make the game more bearable but around ~110 score a couple of the levels are extremely hard and don't get me started with the campaign

Courtney Mansell

1 month ago

Update: I've since deleted this game, because after the newest update, all of my previously unlocked bikes aside from two are gone, and now I have to re-unlock them all over again. That was 10+ bikes, gone. No longer have my support. I've been playing this game for years, but as of lately the ads have become such a nuisance. They will stop the game mid-play, open browsers, and the ads are almost longer than the play time itself. It used to be a much better game without this many annoying ads.

Tyler Travers

1 month ago

Game was much better before it begged you to watch an add every time you die. You have to wait about 4 seconds while it asks if you'd like to watch an ad to extend your run EVERY time you die. No I don't, that feels like cheating and I just want to play again. Used to play this game constantly as it WAS fun. Now it's just annoying spending so much time looking at a countdown timer. A sad end to a once amazingly fun game.

Elias Clawson

3 weeks ago

2 stars because it was fun for a bit. The game is playable if you have an ad blocker, but then you start to realize that it's horribly made. The physics is random and unreliable, and level design is awful. The lines don't even align and several levels are basically impossible. You also can't really play this game with bad Internet because they force an ad for their own games at the start, even if you have an ad blocker. Game won't load until you see the ad.

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