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Respect Money Power 2

Respect Money Power 2

1.132 by Ostensible Games
4.63/5 (1057 Reviews)
July 03, 2024
Respect Money Power 2 Respect Money Power 2 Respect Money Power 2 Respect Money Power 2 Respect Money Power 2 Respect Money Power 2

More About Respect Money Power 2

Respect. Money. Power.
Are you clever and ruthless enough to rise to the top of the criminal underworld?

Deal product and build your empire in three regions and three difficulty settings. Match wits against cartels, bikers and rival street gangs all powered by advanced AI.

Respect is a tactical game of keeping one step ahead of your enemies. You manage your soldiers, upgrade your weapons, and compete for the best corners in the city. Use spies to track down your rivals' stash houses, and drive-bys to soften your enemies. Bolster your defenses with heavy weaponry and send your hardest soldiers to execute unexpected raids. But don't forget to keep an eye on your own men; out on the streets, RESPECT is everything and disloyalty is your greatest enemy. If a soldier steps out of line, you need to respond. Settle disputes, promote lieutenants, throw lavish parties, track down valuable rumors, intimidate snitches and keep off the heat with crooked lawyers to protect your crew.

Don't let the retro style fool you; RESPECT is an unforgiving simulation of life on the street, dealing product and making tough decisions.

Three difficulty settings provide additional challenge as you work your way up to Original Gangsta

Playable Cities include: 1980's Baltimore, 2010's Albuquerque and unlockable 1920s Chicago and 1990s Los Angeles.

This game is ad-free, offline, turn-based, and optimized to the smallest file size, making it the least annoying game available on the app store.

Latest Version

July 03, 2024
Ostensible Games
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User Reviews

Hytro PSX

2 weeks ago

Great Game,been playing this for hours,idk why some people are struggling to play this game even on the easiest difficulty,I always play on the O.G Difficulty,the only problem that I struggle with this is when the enemy gang have no more turf they randomly attack one of my deeper turf and take them(bc if my turf is not neighboring any enemy turf I usually armed them with knife and not putting a protector in it bc usually the ai only attacks neighboring turfs)

Cheese Tuna

3 years ago

I love this game and there is a very addicting charm about it. It is such a small size of a game yet there is so much content packed into the game. However, I do ask that you make more free locations as half of them you need to pay for, which in my opinion should not be that way. And maybe add some more animations to the shootout sequences. For example, when a guy with a knife attacks, he kind of just sits there not doing anything but somehow he kills the other enemy gangster. But the game good!

Mario J

1 month ago

I like the strategy of this game. Keeps you focus on the next choices you make on your next move. Plus the different timeliness of gangs that took place as well.

Malachi Morgan

2 months ago

Great game, play it a lot! Also I think you guys should expand on this there are many more gangs with different histories like Oakland, or certain places in Africa, this game has a lot of potential and looking forward to seeing what comes next!

Miguel Nava

3 weeks ago

If it's not my men going to prison, then it's them leaving. I find ways to get more money, as it supposedly helps with respect, and all that does is just slow down the process of them leaving. There has been a few cases where I can revive my respect, but then I can't go into gun fight because everyone leaves right after. If you could, at least, make the respect a little easier to deal with?

Alaine Joubert

1 month ago

I love the game it's my second time coming back to it and it feels even better than the first time I played .it would've been nice if y'all could add a category for all your soldiers that died and a category to see which soldiers got the most kills but either love the game maybe update id like to see what new y'all add

Frank Jimenez

3 months ago

Game is really fun! Im just hoping to see more options and more content. Overall, we should have more customizations for a character. It would be very nice. Maybe 'Arms' types? It would make it very interesting.

Alex Anderson

3 months ago

I rather enjoy this game. Pretty entertaining and enjoyable little board game type, and it's surprisingly difficult. My main gripe is that additional maps and gangs cost $3.99 A PIECE, which makes this like a $15 or $20 game for the "full version"... I'm 1000% for paying for games and supporting the developers who create them, however I'm also of the opinion that this simply isn't a $20 game; the additional gameplay options price themselves out of the expected entertainment value.

Kimron Cutter

1 month ago

I'm willing to pay top dollar for a 80's Miami Map and More clothing customization options also a modern New York and Chicago Map also. I Also would greatly appreciate an Asian gang implemented in the game as well . And a more modern Italian mafia style pack done similar to the Russian mob pack but not exactly the same.

Ryan Lam

1 year ago

I love the concept for this game, but With the current interface, keeping track of soldier's stats makes optimizing soldier assignments each turn tedious. The AI struggles to target multiple territories for attack one turn. This, among other behaviors/limitations, makes it too easy to beat. There needs to be more diplomacy options;focusing on exterminating enemy soldiers works too well cause it doesnt make you public enemy #1. Enemy gangs with no chance of winning draw out the game too long.

Malik Bradley

1 year ago

A very interesting game the way it's presented and the little tidbits of information including statements by the mayor and local officials is a really nice touch. The game has a lot of character. I would love to see this on a grander scale with the same kind of graphics but with gameplay like retro city rampage. That would make this game awesome.

r nort

3 years ago

Game is fun and can be addictive at times, but seems very pay-to-win. The idea of the game is to take over as many turfs as possible in the city. This requires a strategy however, as you compete against other gangs. I can't count the times I've had to reset my progress just to fall into the same holes. It starts off fine, but no matter what I do, my gang is always dismantled. My friend, however, who payed for certain upgrades, does not have this issue and can take power swiftly. 8/10.

A Google user

4 years ago

Quite boring. I really tried to like this game, but I kept falling asleep while playing, and then i started going into raids with better weapons and more soldiers than my opponent, and I lost every soldier I sent in. So, if the battles arent fair and I'm not even enjoying it, I think it's time for an uninstall. Would be interested to try the sequel if there ever is one, but I'm pretty much writing this game off. Controls were easy once you figured it out, so it's at least got that going for it.

Frederick Lozano

2 years ago

Found a bug when 2 gangs attack your stash spot they fight each other and the winner gets your loot. The enemy's economy is a bit to strong on the hardest difficulty. Essentially they are cheating for added difficulty. I still win but it's obvious. I wouldn't mind them having some weaponry buffs but the amount of recruits and lack of need to maintain happiness makes the game feel unbalanced. I mastered the 1st version of this game.

Justin Birch

1 year ago

Heavy arms are way too rare, yet every other gang always seems to have them almost immediately. I've played this game enough to know it's not just a string of bad luck I'm having. It's clearly hard-coded into the game for heavy arms to rarely be available. The game is fun overall, but this makes you not stand a fair chance most of the time unless you get very lucky early on - but not *so* early on that you can't afford it.

A Google user

4 years ago

Fun game. But combat seems way to random for my liking. And I never really found out how respect works. One small fight and I'd be losing respect. If you have to fight a series of battles it gets really hard. As soldiers leave your gang due to the battles sometimes even 9 guys! I work on deals and I play more defensive since battles take so much respect. But when you get attacked in a series of battles you lose alot. To the point you cant fight back. Which is why I whoudnt recomend this.


2 years ago

It's a good game and i recommendit to people that like the kinda take over the world kinda games. But it has a few flaws that I'd like to adress. it would have been nice to have a little more customization with the guns or your character, it feels like they're should be more cities or even factions, and a few more guns to but other than that it's a good game.

ThatOne GamerKid

3 years ago

Amazing strategy game. I have gotten more enjoyment out of this game and the medieval spin-off than I have out of some Steam games that are much more expensive. Also, it completely blew my mind how much detail was put into the 1925 Chicago map; I was honestly expecting a half-assed reskin moneygrab, but it was fully fleshed out, even had new models. The actual gameplay can be punishing but I find that I can almost always recover if I play it right. I look forward to some new games from this dev.


1 year ago

The blackmarket system is quite annoying, more specifically on O.G mode. I get it, it's supposed to be harder, but giving "Small Arms (amount here)" for the next 15 or so turns before getting the chance to see any large guns is awful. It makes it feel more like waiting out the turn and hoping you survive any raids because the enemies will already have plenty of AKs and large guns which will let them out power you easily. Other than that, this is a great game, I spend a lot of time on it easily.


2 years ago

(I'm updating my feed back) Great game and concept. Been playing it for years. I see the dev. listened to feedback and add two more guns and armor. Haven't played Rio yet. Going forward,it would be cool if you can customize your members or at least your lieutenants. Maybe two options at the black market each turn. And what about like a chop shop buy/upgrade/customize vehicles. And can I have like an ultimate pack where I can have all the guns and stuff for any map. Like a sandbox. Rock n' Roll

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