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Pull the Pin

Pull the Pin

209.0.1 by Popcore Games
3.57/5 (61388 Reviews)
June 23, 2024
Pull the Pin Pull the Pin Pull the Pin Pull the Pin Pull the Pin Pull the Pin

More About Pull the Pin

In this game full of satisfying graphics and innovative levels, you can challenge yourself, your brain, and your friends! It’s you against physics and the tricky levels — WHO WILL WIN?
All balls have to go into the pipe … can you remove the pins in the right order and make it happen?

It should be simple: gravity pulls the balls down towards the pipe. But then pins are in the way! Can you help out and flip away the pins and get the balls to where they are supposed to be?

But wait: there is another level of trickery! Sometimes some of the balls are colorless: before they go into the pipe, they need to touch a color ball, so the color spreads to them as well. So simple yet so tricky!

Latest Version

June 23, 2024
Popcore Games
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User Reviews

A Google user

4 years ago

This game is an extremely thinly-veiled excuse to make you watch as many ads as possible. I tried to give it a chance but the puzzles were not challenging in the least. A kindergartener could solve them. And after every completed puzzle there is an ad. After every few puzzles and adds you have an opportunity to watch a longer ad for the prize that you're supposed to have earned from having done all the puzzles that had ads from before.

Lana Lamb

1 year ago

This would be a great game if they're weren't a 30 second ad between every single level. A couple of ads every few levels is more than enough thank you. For this reason I'm uninstalling. Man, I get you have to make a dollar but every level it's do you want to buy this? Or pay extra for that? Pay this and double your reward? And here, you're going to watch TV commercials regardless. Forget it. I've got way better games without the hassle and they're "free" as well.

A Google user

4 years ago

Finally a game that you can pull the pin. Too bad there are ads after every other level, and each level takes a whopping 2 seconds to complete. Not enough challenge, it would be hard to lose the levels (and I went up to 80 or so before calling it quits, thinking it would get more challenging). Almost makes you wish there still were no pull the pin games.

Dalek Nation

2 years ago

Meh. It's OK. At level 30 and there's no challenge yet. Ads are NOT too bad, they're frequent but shorter than usual. The "levels" just go by so fast. Might be better once it gets harder. Sry guys; lvl 40 and this is too bland. Maybe if it got harder, but its not; maybe if you mixed it up a bit graphically, but its just the same drab grey lvl after lvl. Not a game, just a way to get as many ads in as possible.

A Google user

4 years ago

An amusing distraction, but the number of ads is ridiculous. Each level only takes a few seconds to complete, and there's an ad after each level. Then another ad to activate the upgrade you earned. And, sometimes, an extra ad thrown into the middle of the level just because it's been more than 10 seconds since the last ad played. I get that it's a free app, and relies on advertising revenue, but space it out a bit. Maybe every 5-10 levels? Give me time to enjoy your game.

Matt Bell

1 year ago

So stupid. Ads every 30 second...Almost every level is super easy. (Most boss levels were fine, but one was glitchy and never lets me win even because one stupid ball bounces it off the cup every time!) If every level were a boss level, I might actually keep playing. I kept waiting for the levels to get harder but after 30 or so, they never did.

Lisa Pettit

1 year ago

I enjoy playing this game. Lots of fun and actually relaxing. The 2 complaints I have are 1...when I go completely through the boss level and "fail' cuz only 80% of the balls end up in the cup but yet all the balls have made it... and 2....when I try to watch the video, it says check my wifi/internet when that's not the problem. Also I've lost out on a few gifts and extra puzzle pieces cuz I couldn't watch the video to receive the gift/puzzle piece.

A Google user

4 years ago

If i could give less than 1 star I would have. This game is nothing more than an ad machine. Levels take about 5 to 8 seconds at most, and every other level is another 2 tier ad. Have to watch 30 seconds of ad and when you try to close the ad you get either 'demo game loading' page or it will automatically take you to the game download. 10 seconds of game, 60 seconds or more of ads. And this is after over 100 levels. What a joke. Dont waste your time.

Brian Merrifield

1 year ago

Game is broken. Unable to recover acct. Support doesn't respond to messages. I made it to lvl 421 and it was a instant fail. Wouldn't let me attempt the level or skip it. Send a video of the bug to support and never got a response. Tried to Uninstall and reinstall to attempt to fix the bug and lost all my progress. Don't bother with this game. It's fun while it works but once it breaks it just pisses you off.

A Google user

4 years ago

The game freezes. the ads don't work when trying to watch one. when you're playing, an ad will freeze the game. Not really sure if this game is really worth it 😐 also, doesn't have much variety with icon choices. Instead of swiping the bars clear, you only need to tap. The levels seem to stay pretty basic and very easily solved... I can't help but to hope that this game will become playable and hope that the levels become increasingly more puzzling

Andy Hairston

1 year ago

These ads contain a game. 10 seconds of playtime for each 30 second ad. Want a second puzzle piece? Ad. Improve your building? Ad. Congrats, you got a gift box - watch this ad first. Also, some "boss" levels are near impossible and rely on luck - the collection bucket at the bottom moves as it fills, on some levels causing balls to fall out nearly every time. I even "lost" because one ball was stuck on the rim of the collection bucket instead of in it.

Kyle Landon

1 year ago

Wow... The number of ads jammed into every corner of this game is insane. On almost every single screen you are presented with the ability to watch an ad in order to get more coins, retry a boss level, spin the ball machine for prizes, EVERYWHERE. The gameplay doesn't evolve over time either, so level 80 is just as easy as level 10. Save your time and sanity, don't play this.

A Google user

4 years ago

Mediocre. The game lets you play puzzles of the types like you see in so many fake ads, but the puzzles are not at all challenging. There's only 100 levels or so that quickly start to repeat. You win gold, which unlocks some art elements and a village that periodically generates more gold, but you also need stars to upgrade and level the village. The ONLY way to earn stars and level the village is to watch ads, not play the game, even after paying for the ad free version. There's no game here.

Ingenuitive Enterprises

1 year ago

Got to level 1200. Not sure how I've put up with the game this long aside from challenging myself to do the levels while saving extra pins. I have over $5M coins, and nothing to spend them on. Game needs some tweaks to keep high level people interested. I have all puzzle pieces except for the museum pieces, which are excessively difficult to obtain. I have contacted support, and have gotten ZERO response. Sucks when you pay for "ad-free", and they just don't care about their customers. BOO!! :(

Jennifer Javins

1 year ago

This could be an enjoyable little game to play for a bit to pass the time, but it is overrun with ads. You can get through most lvls in ten seconds or less, and there is an ad between every lvl. I have absolutely no problems with ads in a free game, but it's just too much. Edited to one star. I paid to remove the ads and there are still ads everywhere! Need to replay a level? Watch this ad! Spin the wheel for a "free" prize? Yep, watch this ad! Never seen such a blatant lie about removing ads.

Brandon Greeson

1 year ago

The algorithm for this game is designed to make you watch ads -- lots of ads. The higher level you reach, the app will cause units to literally disappear and fail the level. It also arbitrarily causes units to fall out of the bucket. After watching several rounds of ads, it eventually advances. I purchased "ad free" option and still get stuck watching more ads.

A Google user

4 years ago

The game is brainless fun but the ads every level or so really frustrate me to the point of deleting the game. I enjoyed the 8 levels I played that only took seconds to complete but after the 5th or 6th 30 second ad, I couldn't take it anymore. I hate when a game is ruined by ads like this. That's why the only amazing game on this whole app store is soul knight. Its fleshed out and no bothersome ads. Go there for something that's actually challenging and fun that won't frustrate you.

Brian T

2 years ago

Save your time and do not download. You play 2 rounds, then 30 sec ad. The rounds are terribly easy and they never get harder in the slightest. The ads are so bad, if you search for "pull the pin" it's not even the first to pop up. The ads it constantly pushes are the top results. This trash game is the first time I've ever reviewed a mini game. Pull the plug is more like it -100/10

Jeffrey Miller

3 years ago

No challenge and pointless paid version. I liked the look and feel out of the gate. I wish I would have played through farther before spending $4 for ad free. After level 100 there is still no challenge and the puzzles aren't increasing in difficulty even at the smallest increment. There is a building mode that does... what? And the kicker? After paying $4 you STILL have to watch long ads to unlock rewards. I mean, what?

Kevin Murphy

4 years ago

Fun gamenthat progresses nicely into more complex and challenging levels. No clue what the coins are for. Graphics are simple which would normally put this at a high 3 or even 4 stars. The ads after almost every level for 30 seconds at a time and its the exact same 3 ads over and over make it easy tonout down and just as easy to delete and forget about.

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