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My Perfect Hotel

My Perfect Hotel

1.10.5 by SayGames Ltd
4.43/5 (9935 Reviews)
June 03, 2024
My Perfect Hotel My Perfect Hotel My Perfect Hotel My Perfect Hotel My Perfect Hotel My Perfect Hotel

More About My Perfect Hotel

Ever dreamed of running your own hotel? Start from the ground up in this fun and fast-paced time-management game where the aim is to build an accommodation empire and demonstrate your dedication to hospitality. Show your skills as a hotel manager, invest wisely in staff and property improvements, and work your socks off to become a hospitality tycoon in this addictive and entertaining casual simulator.


🧳 Climb to the top: Start the game as a simple bellhop single-handedly cleaning rooms, greeting guests at reception, collecting payments and tips, and keeping the bathroom stocked with toilet paper. As your bank balance expands, upgrade rooms and facilities, and employ new staff to help keep up with the growing demand at your hotel. Your guests may be sleeping comfortably, but there’s no time to rest for a determined hotel tycoon.

🏨 Build an empire: There are several hotels to explore and expand, each with dozens of different unique upgrades to make before you reach five-star perfection. Open hotels on the coast, in beautiful mountains, and deep in the tranquillity of a forest setting. Demonstrate your competence as a manager in each location, then get promoted to get a new and bigger property, and continue your path to becoming a true hotel tycoon. Each hotel has its own style and atmosphere too.

🔑 Keep going: If you want success in this high-stakes industry, you can’t just stroll around your property at a leisurely pace. Upgrade your and your employees’ movement speed to work faster and provide your guests with all the services they need ASAP — it’ll boost your revenue too.

💰 Amenities are the answer: Maximise profits and get more funds to invest in this fun simulator by ensuring your hotels have all available amenities. Bathrooms are the first step, but work hard and you’ll soon have the opportunity to add vending machines, restaurants, parking lots, and swimming pools to your properties. Guests will pay extra for each facility, boosting your revenue. Though remember each facility also needs staffing, so get hiring or you’ll soon run off your feet with angry guests left standing in line for each amenity.

👔 Human resources: : It also takes work to run each facility: the bathrooms must be stocked with toilet paper, guests must be granted access to the parking lot, in the restaurant customers need to be served and the tables need clearing after they’ve eaten, and at the pool you need to ensure a constant supply of clean towels and tidy sun loungers. You won’t have time to do it all yourself, so hire new staff, or you’ll soon have angry guests left standing in line.

🎀 Grand designs: Upgrade accommodation to improve guests’ experience of your property and choose from a range of different room designs in each location. In this engaging simulator, you’re not just a manager, you’re an interior designer too!


Looking for a time-management game that’s original and simple to play and provides endless hours of entertainment? Dive straight into the fast-paced world of hospitality provision and develop your skills as a manager, investor, and designer.

Download My Perfect Hotel now and get to work building an accommodation empire.

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June 03, 2024
SayGames Ltd
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User Reviews

Alexis Woods

3 months ago

Wheew! I wanted to like this game so bad. Normally I can deal with ads, no problem, but this game just has WAYYYYYYYYY too many ads. You can barely do anything without getting an ad. Not only do you have to watch the ad but they are long as heck and there is no way to mute them or even skip it after a few seconds. Cool concept but I'm Uninstalling due to the heavy amount of ads. Good luck to you guys.


3 months ago

Fun, but too many ads to be able to fully enjoy the game. Removal of ads is $10, basically. Ads pop up randomly, in the middle of tasks and takes away from the enjoyment and experience. I counted 4 in about an 8 minute span and most of the ads are 30+ sec long. I say there are better games to play, and I wouldn't really recommend this one. I only gave 2 stars because at least it's somewhat unique and not a rinse and repeat of other games (imo).

Kerri Leroux

2 months ago

Fun game but I'm deleting because I can't handle the ads. I understand watching ads to get bonuses and whatnot but after watching a ton of ads for upgrades it's really annoying when a random ad pops up every 20 seconds for no reason. There is more ad watching than there is gameplay. Take away the random pop up ads and it wouldn't be so bad.

Marty “Mars” McMillan

2 months ago

Nothing but ads. I have never played a game with more ads than this one. I've been playing now for an hour and I've had to watch at least 50 ads, no lie. They're one right after the other. You can skip some but you won't get the big prize if you don't watch the ad. I had high hopes that this would be a good task completion game. It's gotta a nice design and if I could've played it I'd have kept it. But the required amount of ad watching is maddening. This is how you ruin a game devs.

Cherif Ghoul

2 months ago

I like the game but the ads are really excessive. There is an constant ad banner at the bottom of the screen and the game is interrupted every 20 seconds by full screen ads. They are 30 seconds long and require you to interact 2 to 3 times. Even if you pay 5 to 10 bucks to remove the randoms ads you would still need to endure so many to make decent progress.

Jade Miley

2 months ago

So I want to like this game but it's so buggy and slow! Not sure if it'd all the ads or what. TBH I don't mind all the ads, I'm quite used to it from experiencing/playing other free to play games, so I dont really care when they pop up. Despite the jank, it can be a calming and repetitive game of room cleaning and money collection during your lunch break. But when I try to upgrade rooms it freezes. I try to open a menu, it freezes. Bro I don't care about ads, I just want it to not freeze!

Vanessa Yaeger

1 month ago

I enjoyed playing but will admit the ads feel non-stop. I will say that I totally understand that if I want to play for free, there are going to be ads, but to have an ad every minute or 2 seem excessive. I can not play the game anymore because an ad froze, and now the game won't load. (I did try turning off and on my phone, checking for an update, and emailing the company)

Areanna Perez

1 month ago

I got the no adds because without, you'll get nowhere. So I definitely got super invested with the game, and I've never had any problems. Until one day I was playing and it glitched. Didn't think anything of it, so I just cleared it and started it up, thinking it'll work. WRONG. The loading bar gets to halfway, and that's it. It's EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING to get so far in a game, and it just stops working all of a sudden.

Ikhlas Mateen

1 month ago

Too many ads during first 5 mins of the game. I can't tell if I like the game or not. Can't play long enough before another forced ad pops up. $10 to get rid of ads, but that applies to the "forced" ads only. Does not apply to the ads U HAVE to watch to get additional money needed to advance in the game. I'm on level 3. I like the game, but, I can't it long enough to enjoy it before another ad pops up. They come up every 30 secs. Besides, this game is meant for very young children. Not Adults

Raven Fisher

1 month ago

Having way to many issues with the commercials freezing and having to exit out and restart and when I come back something I had started paying for like the toilet paper is now set back to where I have to do it all over again. Either remove the commercials or find ones that actually work. The game when you get to play it is great....those commercial freezes are highly irritating.

Chickie Chili

2 months ago

I have not even had it a full day and it's already messing up. It started when I tried to upgrade my first room, and it zoomed in on the room and nothing happened. The only thing that would fix it was restarting the game. Now when I restart it, it takes forever to load and gets stuck in the same spot. It gave me a prompt to click on a clipboard when I got a certain upgrade and when I click it nothing happens. Not even restarting the game will fix it. I don't care about ads, just fix the glitches

Christy McGowen

2 months ago

It's too bad, I really enjoy this game, or did until the ads accelerated to one every LESS THAN 2 MINUTES. And not just the quick ones with the "close" box-the long ones that take you to the play store when you hit the "x" button 3 or 4 times. Now, all I'm doing is trying to get out of the ads, and I'm only on level 3. Oh, and the "ads free" version is ten bucks, $9.99, anyway. Don't even bother.

Cody Blissitt

2 months ago

Love the game, and there are endless things to do without waiting on a timer. Typically, I start a game and then buy the ad blocker if I like it. Ads didn't seem too excessive before I purchased the blocker (Ads is what allows the game to be free). Yes, the ad blocker was 10 dollars US currency for this game, but there is no reason to have to spend more money on this game to level up. Nothing is too far out of reach in the game to deem it necessary for further purchases. AWESOME GAME!


1 month ago

Way too many ads!! Game stops when ads are done have to restart app. Gets stuck sometimes ppl stop moving and stand there as life goes on around them. Update: Getting ready to delete the game, it won't return to back from commercials. Then, when the game crashes, progress is not saved, making it impossible to expand the hotels. cannot proceed.

Arrow Har

1 month ago

It's a fun game, really, but when you get to the 2nd hotel, it can be a little much. 1. When you want to watch an ad to get to walk fast or like say you wanted to get extra money or stuff to get a new area and the ad won't work, it can get annoying, but ad wise in general there's really no ads father in the game so over all 4/5 thanks for reading 👍 hope you like the game like I do 💜💙❤️

Daija Freeman

1 month ago

Edit: The glitches stopped but now it keeps flashing as if a screenshot is being taken of me playing (no its not me doing it). Original: I want to like the game because it seems fun, but the ads are ridiculous. They pop up randomly every 2 minutes or less. The past 4 ads i had to force close the game becaue it keeps glitching and freezing during the ads and gameplay. the game has potential but ads, glitches, and starting over really messed it up for me..

Kayla O.

1 month ago

Fun game but could use improvement. It's quite addictive and it's also simple enough to be relaxing. As others said, there are quite a few pop-up ads. I've not had any that are 2 - 3 minutes long, but they are frequent. My main issue is the game makes my phone extremely hot, and it drains my battery like crazy. I've tried changing settings, but it seems to make no difference. I'm really enjoying the game otherwise.

Erica Alice

1 month ago

Insane amount of ads. It's a fun game, don't get me wrong. But the amount of ads is ridiculous. I see the developer saying that they need this many ads to keep it free and to keep the game functioning. Yeah, you need some ads but the amount you put in is complete overkill. You're obviously lying. There's other free games out there that have waaaaay less ads than this. It's a cash grab. You don't need an ad every 30 seconds. Do better, please. Play your own game to see the problem.

Misty C

1 month ago

This is a great game...but WAY TOO MANY ADS. I understand making us watch ads when we want perks but every 5 minutes or so? Many ads freeze up causing me to close the game. When this happens all of the work I did before it freezing is gone. I really wanted to keep this game but will be deleting it. And dont say its my device because its not. I play other games with ads without an issue

Yolanda Cameron

1 month ago

I like the game but way too many ads. There is more time in ads than game play. It's frustrating. Yes, 3 clicks to get out of ads is ridiculous. First ad about 60 sec, second screen 10 to 15 secs long before X, then the 3rd and finally X to get back to the game. There has to be a better way without all the ads. I even paid the 5 dollars to which I say don't bother because there are still a lot of ads.

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