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Monster Trips Chaos

Monster Trips Chaos

2.2.9 by SharpenPlay Entertainment
4.24/5 (360 Reviews)
July 02, 2024
Monster Trips Chaos Monster Trips Chaos Monster Trips Chaos Monster Trips Chaos Monster Trips Chaos Monster Trips Chaos

More About Monster Trips Chaos

★★★Genuine Offline Monster Training Game★★★
★★★An indie game, offline map, lots of monsters.★★★
Very interesting adventure games, level puzzles, monster battles, skill strategies, etc.
Take your monster balls to catch the monster on your adventures.
Challenge and collect Mythical monsters, defeat all the Gym Leaders and become world champions. These are our dreams.
Let us grow with the monster until it reaches super evolution. Welcome to download experience!
Monster Trips is a RPG game with elements of strategy and monster trainer.

To become the best monster trainer in Monster Trips, players have to travel all over the world, capture tons of powerful monsters and enjoy this wonderful journey.Explore the world to capture and train your ultimate monster brigade.


Monster Type System
Monster Trips is based on monster battles. Monsters have different types that have both strengths and weaknesses. To train different monster according to interests and strategies is the essence of this game.

【Various Skill Combinations】
Skill is the key to each battle. Each monster learns different skills as it grows and various skill combinations make the game very interesting.

【Send Monster To Friend】
Send and receive monsters between friends.

【Unique Mechanism】
Mechanism System: Unlock the mechanism to challenge Gym Leaders.

【Original Scenes】
Players can enjoy the battle, roadside flowers and beautiful sky while traveling through the world.

【Interetsing Puzzles】
Game Hall System: Play puzzles and exchange rewards with coupons.

【 Various Elements】
Other Features:
Big World Map System: Town, cave, lake…… The best views you have ever seen.
Quest System: Get to know everyone and their stories. Finish their quests to get rewards.
Achievement System: The more you achieved, the better trainer you are.

Latest Version

July 02, 2024
SharpenPlay Entertainment
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User Reviews

Prateek Singh Chauhan

4 years ago

I'm literally enjoying this game but at one point when I'm in valor city there's a glitch where I have toh go to talk my partner for becoming strong but when I go to talk toh him he says for the time building and says he will take me but after that he goes and my character just gets stuck I have close the whole game and restart it but then also it repeats . Please try to resolve this problem other wise I just have toh uninstall this game .

A Google user

5 years ago

it was a nice game and I enjoyed it. The problem is, it is hard to get enough materials for super evo, and sub quest exp rewards are not enough to fill the exp meter. I finished the game, and tired waiting for the next update so I uninstalled the game. I was having fun with my first monster Azurex tho it makes me bored waiting for the next update.

A Google user

5 years ago

the graphic is good but i hope the interaction can be improved, i cant click on signboard & have to walk away & forward to read the description many times, its annoying when i could just click on the sign to read my current location another problem is the back button on the left upper side, i have to tap multiple times to cancel out the box another issue is i know quest is important to follow but dont set up a block from healing center like the Navi pond quest at the begining, i cant heal at all

A Google user

4 years ago

Guys u have done great in this game. I will prefer this game to other users also as it is cool game. But if there will be world chat and we can compete woth each others and also shows top players in game, it will be great and people will also like it more and we are also waiting for new evolutions. Although game is awesome but these features will make it more interesting. And one more thing too many power cores are needed for super evolution. Please decrease it.

A Google user

4 years ago

It's a mediocre rip-off with surprisingly good effects and graphics. I only have one complain and that is navigation and how to equip things; I'm struggling on these two and without them, I cannot progress further.

Aman Amlavdiya

3 years ago

This is a superb game I liked it too much but when we go to the last cave the game is finished and we are not able to go and defeat elite four and champion because you doesn't add the this things in it says that in other update you put it in it so please be fast and give update in it we want to finish this game. Another problem is you have LAN service but we can't use it. Also getting monster gems is also so difficult please do something about it. After next update I give it five stars.Thank you

Kevin Korff

1 year ago

Love this game, only minor problems that needs to be fixed. When fighting the thunder trainer, game doesn't save and when going to Valor city, the lazers is stuck in the monster center of Valor city. Lastly time gate doesn't want to load to go through with the game. When that it's fixed, it's an awesome game. Love it


2 years ago

Everything is great exept the quest to super evolve a monster in order to get the tool is impossible because you can get a power core form diamond lottery and by defeating op ncps in the nave lake 😕 so the game littrealally ends there. If only they could give a 30-40% chance to get a power core in wild then I think the game could be continued

A Google user

5 years ago

Very interesting game ever love this game very much it's same all as pokem on show as a trainer begins with his journey towards monster world with alot if Adventure and difficulty, and defeat different types of interesting monsters it's graphic design is very good and help players to play it easily its my fate that I am writing this first review for the game to the servers of monster chaos. I hope you will soon add some new update to this game to make it more interesting Thanks for this game.

Ava Martin

2 years ago

This game is has some good moments and bad moments. So I played for like 2 hours and I got a lot to sat about it..So first of all its a pretty cool game. You can do the basics: walk around, catch monsters, uhm walk into walls and gets stuck while trying to get into the building.... Other stuff. Well theres nothing really bad about it. Its a standard pokemon..ish game

khobie Arceno

3 years ago

it is an awesome game for me, because I'm a huge fan of this kind of game, but I did only give a 3 star rating, because the game doesn't have any monster that is a dark type, and why is that I can't enter the time gate? i know this game is offline, also the grasses in the game is annoying, many monster popped out every steps, please lessen the chance of getting encountered by a monster when passing in the grasses and most of all, the monster myths are crazy strong, please do fix it. Thank you!.

A Google user

5 years ago

Great Game! I love the story and overall gameplay is smooth and entertaining. It's fun trying to catch all the monsters. I'm having trouble catching Annoyo though. The monster index says to catch it on floor 1 of Viz Cave, but I can only find Annoclaws there. Has anyone found where to catch the first evolution? Update: I found him using the super rod on route 119 for some reason. I found Flitey there too if anyone wants to catch him before getting 5000 achievement points. Happy hunting trainers!

A Google user

4 years ago

It's a very nice and enjoyable game to play however after getting a new phone I found out that making a backup for my progress requires me spending $1.48. I have always been playing games for free and once it stats that I needed to spend money, all my grinding for the game goes down the drain. Pls if you see this, like my comment so the developers can change it to be free.

Princess Parreño

6 months ago

The arts of it's game is good but I'm confuse on the part second gym(water gym), it's said about 'game processing' something like that. And I already level up my character to challenge it. It wouldn't let me in. Even more confusing why there's a puzzle that impossible to win as it's give 4 moves to by pass it. Is there anything hint nor guide how to play this part? I'm really confuse right now.

Donn D.

2 weeks ago

Hello ShapenPlay Entertainment, I would like to thank you to make this game, it is playable and offline but I want to suggest that add more monsters and add some sound effects. In this way it might help this game to be cool. Still it is nice, hoping for more updates. Thank you!

Nikhil Communication

3 months ago

Overall very good but only one problem make your game more accessible and easy because puzzles of gym 2 os very hard other all 7 gyms its accessible. Also its very hard to get super evolved monster as it requires 90 power cores and 60 fire of lives we can get fire of lives but its noteasy to get that much power cores at navi cave because trainers there sometimes gives fruits also trainer there are extra powerful


4 months ago

Very poor translation. Mediocre art. But the absolute worst part is that you're given a bunch of exp items at the start of the game and then you're forced to use them as part of the tutorial. So you're forced to have a 2nd stage level 20+ monster before the first gym, when all of the wild monsters are level 1-2... Wow.

A Google user

4 years ago

It was great! I can even make it as Role-Playing with my friends . It was hilarious! But we just hate and despise one thing , the challenge . Like the other one , on second gym , the monsters level were above 20 while we(if not use the fast levelup) will be in 10-15 . Its Impossible! Please make this game be less challenging . Cuz we wanted to finish all , not stuck in the start point . Also , add some more monsters! Nameable! Breed and hatch eggs , it'll be very fun and enjoyable!!


1 week ago

So this game is amazing but 1. the leveling up system just becomes so slow after the wind gym and Viz ridge is impossible for beginners 2. No customization at all. The characters are eyesores and you can't even name your monsters. 3. The series of this game is just a cash grab. No updates and instead... They make a new game with the same story and everything or like now.. make a fully different game with the same mechanics and not fixing anything

A Google user

5 years ago

It could have been put together a little bit better and bugs need to be fixed a little more. Another thing, the game kept glitching out when my monster made a moves so that needs to be fixed. Also if you want depth to the background add shadding around the trees and such. Then it could really be better, but i enjoyed it while it was on my phone.

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