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Mercado Pago: cuenta digital

June 17, 2024

More About Mercado Pago: cuenta digital

Con la cuenta digital de Mercado Pago puedes mantener tu dinero siempre seguro, además de tener una línea de crédito, realizar pagos y transferencias online de manera inmediata desde tu celular. ¡Disfruta de los beneficios de una cuenta digital en Mercado Pago!
¡Pide una tarjeta gratis y sin anualidad! Utiliza la tarjeta virtual para hacer compras online y en tiendas físicas. Si también quieres una tarjeta física pídela por la app, ¡y te la enviamos gratis a tu casa!

Saca efectivo con tu tarjeta en supermercados y en cajeros de todo el país.

También puedes obtener una línea de crédito para pagar servicios, recargar tu celular y comprar en Mercado Libre.

Conoce las ventajas de Mercado Pago:

Rendimientos diarios: Genera rendimientos diarios en tu cuenta, es simple y lo activas a través de la app. Transfiere dinero con tarjeta de débito o dinero en cuenta y efectivo en tiendas.

Cuenta digital
Con la cuenta digital Mercado Pago, es mucho más sencillo pagar cuentas, recargar el celular y hacer transferencias a cualquier banco o a quien quieras, recibir pagos online y cuidar tus finanzas. Realiza todas tus transferencias desde un mismo lugar.

Cuida tus finanzas personales
La cuenta digital funciona como una billetera virtual que te permite resolver pagos, evitando trámites y ahorrando tiempo.
• Empieza a pagar cuentas y servicios desde la app.
• Ten la facilidad de pagar servicios con código QR o link de pago y transferir dinero entre cuentas.
• Puedes utilizar muchas alternativas para pagar tus compras: con saldo recargado en tu cuenta de Mercado Pago, tarjeta de crédito, débito o recargable, en efectivo con transferencia, depósito bancario o solicitar una línea de crédito.
• Solicita una tarjeta física o una tarjeta virtual gratis, sin pagar anualidad ni emisión.
• Realiza compras online o paga en hasta 12 mensualidades fijas con Mercado Crédito, sin usar tarjeta de crédito.
• Haz recargas de celular y tarjetas MI.
• Disfruta de los beneficios de Mercado Puntos: descuentos en compras, envíos gratis, facilidades en devoluciones y más.
• Con tu cuenta digital también puedes obtener una línea de crédito para realizar pagos con QR, recargas, pago de servicios y compras en Mercado Libre, usando tu dinero como necesites.

Ve tu negocio crecer
De ahora en más, ¡tú eliges cómo cobrar! Recibe pagos como quieras - pagos con código QR, link de pago por redes sociales o web, pagos con el lector de tarjetas Point - y empieza a vender online y presencialmente.

• Adquiere el lector de tarjeta Point para vender, cobrar y recibir pagos.
• Cobra con código QR o link de pago por WhatsApp, redes sociales, chats y más.
• Cobra con tarjeta sin pagar gastos fijos.
• Ofrece al cliente la posibilidad de transferir dinero y pagar a través de la app a tu cuenta digital.
• Aprovecha para aumentar tus ventas:: con el lector de tarjeta Point, tú puedes recibir pagos seguros de forma online, cobrar y mejorar tus finanzas.
• Si lo deseas, con Mercado Crédito puedes acceder a un préstamo para impulsar tu negocio. Lo pides 100% online, sin trámites ni papeles y el dinero se deposita en el acto en tu cuenta digital.

¡Prepárate para vender más con Mercado Pago! Tú puedes vender online o presencialmente y cobrar de la manera que quieras. Empieza a recibir pagos con Point o vía transferencia, directamente en tu cuenta online.

Elige el lector de tarjeta Point para tu negocio ingresando en www.mercadopago.com.mx.

* Producto disponible solo para la Área Metropolitana de CDMX.

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June 17, 2024
Mercado Libre
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User Reviews

Ricardo Utrilla Arellano

4 years ago

got my Debit Card renewed, got the details into the app, made a purchase and everything went smoothly, 3 days later I got 4 a notification for 4 different transactions from my bank, all from this app and not even duplicates since they all were for different amounts... got my data out and had to replace my new debit card again beware.

Giovanna Guimarães

4 years ago

The app is giving all kinds of errors and I'm not able to pay my bills because of those errors. When I go to the "help" section, it also gives an error. There's nowhere for me to talk to someone to try and fix those problems, so I'm writing this message hoping for help. And yes, the app is updated.

Leonardo Guia

3 years ago

After receiving a notification from this app and clicking it the app opened a fingerprint read request which I tried to turn down by closing trying the app. However , the app crashed my phone as the app's finger print request froze my screen. Not even after I turned the screen off and logged in to my phone again the screen was still frozen by this mercado Pago app. One must disable all notifications from this app as they may crash and you will have to restart the phone.

Edilson Peres

1 year ago

I can't use the app at all. After the login it gives me a message that there is no internet connection and the image of a cat which broke the antenna of the router (I found it funny though). Anyway, the problem is not my internet connection as this is the only app I'm not able to use.

Armando Gonzalez

2 years ago

The app is easier to use than Banorte and Banamex (Mexico). I have never had an issue and transfers are so easy to do. Has a lot of functions such as being able to save accounts you transfer to. I never had an issue receiving the card. I have personally never had an issue YET although family and friends who have, have told me support sucks.

Matias Perez

3 years ago

Although a digital bank, it doesn't save the complete history of transactions except for the last year. Should you need to complain about a transaction older than one year you won't be able to do it, and Mercado Pago will not facilitate anything, even in cases of a mediation through the COPREC. In Argentina, e-books are tax free, exempt by law of the "Impuesto PAIS" and "Percepción Impuesto RG AFIP 4518". Mercado Pago charges them nonetheless, and it does not register the transactions with AFIP.

Greg D

1 year ago

Has a problem with Cedulas de Extranjeria and constantly wants me to fix data that's already correct. In some parts of the system, it assumes that your data is wrong and you must actually have a Cedula de Ciudadania, which it then can't confirm because it doesn't exist. The app is useless for me until they fix this programming "assumption". (You know what happens when you "assume" in English, right?)

Thomas G Henry

8 months ago

stable. fast. no complaints.

Rita N

10 months ago

Terrible app to have your money in, very unafe, not recognize your face, not recognize your cedula, not allowing to log in, such a disaster, and support team "resolving" my case for 60 days already.

José H. Bezerra

11 months ago

When i used it it was an incredible app, good for minors (like me), simple and very fast (and efficient with Mobile Data). Unfortunately, I wasn't able to access the Help menu, only my supervisor (aka, my mom).

Andrés Velasco

11 months ago

Platform is unstable. Have money from credit card charge that was not reembursed to credit card but the amount was sent to mercado Pago and now can't transfer the money to my banks accounts. Besides that, in (failed/denied by their platform) processing stages they charge a fee to give your money back... Emailing them 3 times already and they/staff/AI or whatever don't read the previous data and proof attachments. I guess they don't care in customer service or solutions to their platform issues

Marcos RFG (mrfg)

1 year ago

The app seems to mix languages occasionally. For example: the My Money screen usually shows "Meu Dinheiro" as expected, but sometimes shows "Tu Dinero" (although the rest of the screen is in Portuguese, the expected language). A simple solution for this issue would be a language option within the app (something that is really missing from the vast majority of apps nowadays).


8 months ago

Love using Mercado Pago, very easy and efficient to use.

Alexandre Lindquist Franco

7 months ago

It would be nice to have a feature like automatic debit for the credit card invoice.

Luan M

2 years ago

Generally works well. Also, the service is trustworthy. My problem is with the app itself. It mixes different languages in the same screen but my main problem is the following: every other time it asks for my device's authentication it freezes* the whole device and forces me to restart. Either it's not reading the return of the authentication or it's not telling the OS to stop asking for it. Other apps ask for the same authentication and never have this problem. *By freezing I mean that it makes it impossible to do anything else on the device because the authentication screen stays on top of everything else, even after inputting valid fingerprints or the correct password. Attempting to close the app or to back out of the authentication doesn't work.

Cintia Maui

9 months ago

I had a misunderstanding at the end of February and it was so hard to reach a human being, but still they couldn't understand what had happened or the didn't want to. Spent 10 days without money in my acc cuz you decided to lock my acc and cc like it was been robbed, made nomsense! I was very bad attended, but I tried again on the 11th day and the sweetest woman helped me with everything in 5 minutes, she was patient and wanted to help me.

ste men :v

9 months ago

very poorly coded, barely working application. you can't enter cash money because it loads a blank page, launching the app is challenging because sometimes it requests your unlock pattern an endless amount of times, rendering the app completely useless since i can't use it. one of the help pages also doesn't work but i can't remember which one. this is what happens when you hire the cheapest programers. an app like this HAS to be taken seriously. moving money around is not a high school proyect

hana baker

11 months ago

Definitely would NOT recommend if you are an expat. The identification system is set up for nationals. If there's an issue expats need to prove identity with your passport and curp. If your American bank credit card is not listed on THEIR list refunds are impossible.. I had a go through my American bank to finally get a refund on a cancelation. This is NOT EBAY equivalent or Amazon.

Hugo Cuarenta

8 months ago

The most tedious app. I can't use any of my cards because it red flags it as not mine. Update 04/02/24: If you want to access this app from another phone and try to identify your identify, it asks for an IFE or INE which i did not use when signing up, I used my passport.


7 months ago

Not letting me open the app from my phone. When I press "Continue" to enter the phone pattern or fingerprint the screen just glitches and nothing happens. Up until now it was working fine. It could be a problem with the fingerprint sensor.

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