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MeinMagenta: Handy & Festnetz

MeinMagenta: Handy & Festnetz

24.12.27 by Telekom Deutschland GmbH
4.53/5 (159 Reviews)
July 03, 2024
MeinMagenta: Handy & Festnetz MeinMagenta: Handy & Festnetz MeinMagenta: Handy & Festnetz MeinMagenta: Handy & Festnetz MeinMagenta: Handy & Festnetz MeinMagenta: Handy & Festnetz

More About MeinMagenta: Handy & Festnetz

Alle wichtigen Infos zu Telekom Services wie Datenverbrauch, Vertrag, Rechnungen, Guthaben, Auftragsübersicht und vieles mehr – in einer App.
Datenverbrauch & Kosten prüfen:
Behalten Sie den Überblick in Echtzeit. Falls Ihr Datenvolumen aufgebraucht ist, können Sie einen DayFlat- oder SpeedOn-Pass einfach dazu buchen.

Prepaid-Tarif aufladen:
Prüfen Sie mit MeinMagenta jederzeit Ihr Prepaid Guthaben sowie verbleibende Minuten- und SMS-Kontingente. Für die Aufladung stehen Ihnen drei komfortable Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung: Sofort-Aufladung, der Auflade-Code und die automatische Aufladung.

Rechnungen einsehen:
Mit MeinMagenta haben Sie Zugriff auf Ihre monatlichen Rechnungen. Sehen Sie auf einen Blick, was gezahlt oder gutgeschrieben wurde und ob Ihr Konto aktuell ausgeglichen ist.

Internet und WLAN optimieren:
Machen Sie mit dem „Zuhause“-Bereich viel mehr in Ihrem Heimnetz. Prüfen Sie einfach und von überall, ob mit WLAN und Router alles in Ordnung ist. Zeigen Sie alle verbundenen Geräte an. Richten Sie Ihren Telekom Router, Mesh-WLAN-Verstärker und MagentaTV einfach ein. Nutzen Sie hilfreiche Funktionen für Tipps und zur direkten Behebung von Störungen.

Magenta Moments:
Als Dankeschön, dass Sie unser Kunde sind, überraschen wir Sie mit einzigartigen Geschenken und Vorteilen. Diese finden Sie regelmäßig im Bereich „Moments“ mit dem Herz-Symbol.

Digitaler Assistent - Frag Magenta:
Unser digitaler Assistent beantwortet Ihre Fragen zu Vertrag, Rechnung, Auftrag oder einer Störung rund um die Uhr und ganz ohne Wartezeit.

Hilfe und Service:
Mit MeinMagenta können Sie häufige Anliegen im Handumdrehen selbst lösen. Übersichtliche Hilfekategorien, Lösungsassistenten sowie eine komfortable Volltextsuche helfen Ihnen dabei.

App Widget:
Lassen Sie sich Ihren Datenverbrauch schnell anzeigen, ohne die App zu öffnen.

Wir freuen uns über Ihre Meinung unter www.telekom.de/community

Viel Spaß mit der App!
Ihre Telekom

Latest Version

July 03, 2024
Telekom Deutschland GmbH
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User Reviews

Vasudeva Bhat

1 month ago

This app makes managing my mobile subscriptions really convenient.

jonnie rodger

1 month ago

Very good. If it was in Englisch , it would be the best.

Magda Michalak

1 month ago

it's good with 80GB but the infinite one with 114 Euro payment a month is better

Huseyin K.

1 month ago

Runs flawlessly. I used Vodafone's app too. It was awful. MeinMagenta is the king.

Anton Shcherbinin

7 months ago

Not an app to help the user. Rather, an app to make him buy a more expensive data package and other advertised stuff. Installed the widget to merely see my remaining data volume. Why does it need to be 3x2 units big to show 1 number? And no, it did not show the number anyway ("Couldn't load widget. Please retry" and of course I retried 8 times, with and without mobile data and/or WiFi on, while it works perfectly on a PC connected to the same WiFi)

David Trevino

2 years ago

The overhaul is a disaster. I could manage my family data volumes with the previous app easily, was simple and uncluttered. Now i just can't, and information is hidden in ways i can't really see much of a logic flow to it. I can only see the volume of my phone and not all that are on the contract. Awful experience. Get the old app back!!

shaurya sharma

1 month ago

Could be better in English. Germany has a lot of international market.

A Google user

4 years ago

I like the app a lot. Great for monitoring your data usage, checking your invoices. The freebies like free data are great, especially the 10gb this month during the pandemic. Awesome gesture. More possibilities or more options to change your contracts would be great. I guess it is more a commercial issue than an app issue in itself. And for us Germans who love to complain, I also am a customer with two french mobile carriers and when I compare, they really suck in comparison to Telekom.

A Google user

2 years ago

Got really worse with the last complete overhaul. I really liked it before, it was sleak, clear and fast to use. Now it takes 5 times as long to even start up. When I want to book additional data passes (because my current one is depleted and I am with a slow connection), it does not even start. Very unuseful. Overview for data and phone usage, which was previously directly visible after startup, is now hidden and I need to tap somewhere first. Very unuseful, esp. with the app being so slow now.

Steven Hilton

3 months ago

Cannot access the app to Top-Up if no data is left on the plan. Must connect to WiFi to Top-Up the account, disconnect from WiFi, connect to pass.telekom.de, and then select a tariff.

arjay UU

3 months ago

Incomprehensible how a simple applicatiom for checking you phone and internet contract can be sobloatefd. The reason I had to get this app at all was that my contract was not shown online at alll. It is difficult to find receipts for your contract and understand what products you are paying for. Bloated at its best...

Sebastian Hause

3 months ago

Great app with real time stats about data usage. Only reason why only 4 starts: adding an add On data package to a prepaid card cannot be done in the app. I was searching forever, until I ended up going to a store. They showed me a website I need to use. App is mainly designed for contract users

Tom Burns

1 month ago

Excellent to keep track of your contract. The initial version was not intuitive... but all good now


4 weeks ago

Latest update causes the app to crash after a few seconds. Update: uninstalling and reinstalling the app as suggest did not solve the issue.

Arnaud Guanco

1 month ago

English page should have been available for non German speaking individuals. Very difficult to find the top-up data page. UX definitely need tp be reviewed. Very frustrating to use.

Bledar Selimi

1 month ago

The app was working fine up to the update today, now the overview will just hang and won't show any information... like this is useless. Tried to contact the service via the email indicated on the play store, got a feedback that the account is not active anymore... maybe just remove it... and fix the bug...

Timothy G

3 weeks ago

Does what I need, but has a bunch of bloat. ... Response: Sorry, but I must strongly disagree! EM-Tickets, Magenta-TV, Router/Mash advertisements are bloat that I don't need/want! ... If there has to be an 'Moments'-Tab, at least let everything unneeded rot in there, so I can effectively ignore it! ... Since everything in the overview is lazy-loading, especially above mentioned bloat, there is a lot of visual disturbance. Less disturbance would make the app OBJECTIVELY BETTER!


6 days ago

The most retarded app I have ever used. Automatic login via wifi doesn't work. Then it tells you to enter a phone number and it always tell that the number is invalid. When I try to restore my credentials using the email, it says that this email doesn't exists! They send me invoices every month and can't find the email in the system!

Mike Kriz

2 years ago

I'm a new customer with Telekom and I'm unable to add my contract to the app. The "Add a service" button, which seems to be the button I'm supposed to use, leads to a blank screen. Everything I need to know is (presumably) available on the website as well, but the app as it is right now is simply unusable. When the time comes for me to renew my contract, this poor app experience could be a deciding factor in whether I stay with Telekom or not.

Christopher Siller

1 year ago

I can not believe how bad this app is. Suuper bulky and slow, barely any features, just redirection to an online interface (which has been poor for years, cant even unsubsricbe from newsletters without a hassle). Unless, of course, you wanna upgrade and pay more money. Those features work. Telekom feels like a lazy giant to me, not putting a lot of effort into its interfaces.

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