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Mega Photo

Mega Photo

1.6.4 by Paul Falstad
3.53/5 (3912 Reviews)
July 04, 2024
Mega Photo Mega Photo Mega Photo Mega Photo Mega Photo Mega Photo

More About Mega Photo

Mega Photo is the #1 app for transforming your photos and videos into fun and inspiring masterpieces with 100+ of FREE effects!
Twist, morph, pinch, and warp your photos into outrageous designs! You can even spin your images in 3-D. There are over 100 free effects to choose from and you see them all in real-time. You can take videos with the effects too! You can pause the recording to switch effects in the middle of your video. Make a music video by selecting a soundtrack from your music library!

Effects include: tunnel, mosaic, puzzle, hue shift, motion blur, tile, emboss, spinning cube, x-ray, collage, night vision, halftone, light tunnel, and many more. There's also 40 vintage camera effects for a retro feel.

Mega Photo will transform your photos and videos with amazing effects you won't find in other photography apps. It's the most fun you can have with your photos!

Mega Photo makes your photos and videos as unique as you are. Over 100 free effects are shown to you in real-time. You can play a tile puzzle with a live camera feed, go through a wormhole tunnel, view a spinning globe, and much more!

The app can switch from the front to rear facing camera with the touch of a button. You can use the live camera or a still image - just choose a favorite picture from your library or take a new picture.

Many of the photo effects are interactive so you can personalize it even before taking your picture or video. Tap and drag, zoom with two fingers, rotate, and more to make it your own.

Photos are more fun with your friends, and Mega Photo makes it easy. Share your zany and funny photos (like you as the Mona Lisa!) easily. Just tap to email your photo or post to Facebook or Twitter.

Are your friends nearby? Snap a photo with all of you using the helpful timer. Set the timer for up to 30 seconds so all your buddies can get in the picture. Don't forget to choose your favorite photo transformation to amaze your friends.

• Transform Your Photos - Distort, pinch, and change colors of your photos and videos
• 100+ Free Effects - Apply eye-popping effects to your images with just a tap of your finger
• Interactive Adjustable Filters - View and change your photo effects in real-time
• Share with Friends - Easily post your photos to Facebook or Twitter, and email to friends and family.
• Use Existing Photos - Snap a new photo or use your existing pics on your camera roll.
• Play Games - Take your photos and play classic arcade games with your photos.
• Take Video - Mega Photo can be used for video too with effects that would make Michael Bay jealous.
• Add Music to Videos - Add music to your videos and become the next Justin Bieber with Mega Photo... or not.

Latest Version

July 04, 2024
Paul Falstad
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User Reviews

Lieowner Rocks

2 weeks ago

This is a great app! I love mega photo because they let you go to the statue of liberty filter and take a screenshot of the flame and go to caput and put the flame picture in and go to cartoon SFX 12 on YouTube and go to the timestamp 1:26 and put that running sound effect in. And the best part? They actually let you take off your pants and shake your pelvis in your underwear to the picture while listening to how good the running sound is. Five stars is a charm!

Sharky Bud

4 years ago

The app is kinda fun but There's too many bugs in the app 1. Trying to Record the video then it end itself 2. When the recording is done it got me A black screen What is that! 3. The other Effects are glitched like the tunnel it's glitched too! Edit 4. When I'm done recording the video the sound of the video Doesn't follow the video that's catchy If the bugs are gone I'll rate this 5 stars

A Google user

5 years ago

This app is easily my most used camera app for effects. It doesnt really have the most modern effects like the touch magic but its got sooo much more than any other app. Its only downfall is not having a flash or zoom for most of the effects but it more than makes up for it the ability to blend the effects. The bad reviews are just people who were dont take the time to play with each effect and that is a must for this app Old phone or new phone makes no difference ive used this for about 5 years

A Google user

4 years ago

The effects worked perfectly fine when I used a Live Camera but when I tried to insert a photo the screen turned black and I could record anything or take a photo. Please fix this immediately, for others it may work fine but for us it does not. I am happily willing to change my rating when the problem is fixed.

A Google user

5 years ago

i wouldn't even give it a star if i could, basically by what im experiencing and what others are experiencing is that if you have an Android it only allows you to take live pictures, bc when i try to import a picture/video from my gallery it crashes and goes completely black; if you have an ios it works just fine for you. so why is it that Android's don't get the same treatment is the question.

A Google user

5 years ago

yo im sick of this app. i have an Android, and it doesn't have the same features as ios, it sucks, and q thing that is happening to Android users is that we can't pick a picture from gallery because it simply doesn't work, instead of showing the effects, it just shows a black screen. please fix this freaking problem, it's so annoying!

Bunii Bunii

3 years ago

Horrible for Samsung users, this app is barely useable. When you export a video the quality became very poor and pixelated, and when you try to import a video it does not appear in your gallery. To make matters worst is that the apps conditions in order to install this - you don't need to access my location or my call information. In conclusion don't install, it's a waste of time.

A Google user

5 years ago

50% of the time whenever i try to import a video or photo, it blacks out or the app crashes. Second, if it does actually work when i import a pic/vid, if i try taking a video, it just says exporting then nothing, it doesn't save. Whenever i take a picture, it doesn't save either... but for some reason if i do it with my actual camera, it works. But i bet like the majority of the ppl who use this app take a photo/vid from their gallery, so its not that helpful anyway. Please fix this,

A Google user

5 years ago

I insert a video and add the effects to it. When the videos done, I click submit, but when the video is done processing, it says , "Error with encoding". I've uninstalled and reinstalled over and over again. I took a break from mega photo for a few weeks, and therefore still hasn't been any improvement.

A Google user

4 years ago

Amazing app! But just needs a little fix. Though I love the effects & how accurate it is but the thing that really bothers me is when I try to import a photo, the app crashes. I would definitely love to see more effects in the future. Overall, I would probably rate this five stars but because of the bug, then that's star off. Keep it up! And fix the mistakes on this app please? -Thank you. :)

A Google user

4 years ago

when i first got this app, it was working perfectly fine, no problems, always did a great job. now, it just doesnt work. i am able to click on an effect and use a photo from my gallery, it when im done selecting my screen goes completely black. when i try recording, it says its an error, fix this, this is so far the only app ive used for effects.

A Google user

5 years ago

Whenever I'm done with my video, the video I saved will look black and flickers to my project a couple frames. I don't know how to explain my results to you, but I can tell you that I didn't get what I expected. I wouldn't say the video is corrupted because I can still play the video, but I get a mostly black screen, and can't really do anything with it. But this problem only occurs with the motion blur effect, the others work fine. Plz fix this, cuz the motion blur if what i use the most.


3 years ago

Ok 1st thing is why does it need all your information? Your location, your phone calls, your wifi access and much more. 2nd thing, everything i tried to do it turned black. 3rd thing, it is very confusing. I tried to get this for a tiktok trend but im really confused. The only ok thing about it is how many filters and effects there are.

Copeland Owen

3 years ago

This app has so many issues!! It doesn't encode videos properly at all it just only encodes the first tiny parts of the video but just doesn't encode the rest of it. Please fix it now. It also hasn't updated in years and that's probably what it is because of it not encoding properly at all. I just recently reinsalled the app and it still has the same issue and it saved my progress which I don't want. So I guess I have to say goodbye to megaphoto.

A Google user

4 years ago

I have been trying so hard to get this app to work. I've really wanted to use it but it just doesn't work. it crashes and freezes every time I try to upload a photo from the gallary which is weird bc when I accidentally put a video it worked perfectly fine. idk if it's my phone or my photo or something I'm doing but I'd really appreciate it if you guys would fix this bug. please and thank you.

A Google user

4 years ago

Bug fixes? There are still bugs first you can't use a picture because it will go black and when you add a video you cant even watch it because it will say "unsupported" and when you try to change the background,you can't because it won't let me but iOS users can and I'm on Android,therefore you should not download this app. It's a great app don't get me wrong,but y'all need to fix ALL of these bug issues if not whats the point of this app being available?

A Google user

4 years ago

This app is horrible. It's good on Apple devives but on my phone (an Android), it's bad and everything is broken. First, for most of the pictures I try to put on, the screen would just turn black and when I would try to use ankther one, the same thing would happen. Also, unlike the Apple version, they don't have the option allowing you to change the voices in the video. Thanks for taking the fun out of this app. Please, if you're on an Android device, don't get this app. It's just awful

A Google user

5 years ago

Horrible. I downloaded it in hopes I could use the effects for edits and most of the app was just black space. Very few of the actual effects showed up while i was scrolling so it's basically unusable unless you want those specific(not very cool) effects. Has anybody else had this issue? If so, is there a way to remedy this? Because I would like to be able to use the effects shown to be used in this app.

A Google user

5 years ago

Terrible, honestly. Most reviews complain about their screen going black when they upload a video/photo from their gallery, but I don't have a problem, surprisingly. The problem I *do* have is the fact is flickers after I take a video. I'm not sure what the problem is, but it makes the app unusable and overall useless. I'm deleting the app, and everyone who even thinks about downloading it now...don't. Not worth the storage it takes.

Mark Branham

2 years ago

This really is the best photo app for live filters/effects, especially when it comes to the free ones. Every other app I've tried either has way too many ads, or not enough filters, etc. The ads in this app aren't excessive, and the effects are awesome and easy to use. My only complaint is that it can be really slow sometimes or freeze up, but I'm not sure yet if that's entirely the apps fault or if my phone is partially responsible. Either way, this app rules.

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