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by Tomasz Śmigielski
4.63/5 (258 Reviews)
July 04, 2024
MandelBrowser MandelBrowser MandelBrowser MandelBrowser MandelBrowser MandelBrowser

More About MandelBrowser

MandelBrowser is a simple, intuitive, and powerful fractal image generator. The app allows you to easily navigate fractals with gestures (pinch-to-zoom, pan, rotate) and offers many ways to customize images: from changing color schemes to defining custom fractal formulas. That gives you almost limitless possibilities to create amazing pictures.
* 70+ fractal types including the most famous Mandelbrot Set,
* 60+ paint modes (patterns),
* 90+ color palettes,
* 28 image filters, including a kaleidoscope effect,
* 3D light effects using the Blinn-Phong reflection model,
* creating fractal images from photos,
* high resolution rendering up to 8k UHD (6k on Android lower than 10),
* optional supersampling,
* real-time zoom video,
* video creator (requires Android 6+),
* image randomizer,
* user-defined content (fractal types, paint modes, and color palettes),
* saving and sharing images, your favorite spots, and custom content,
* built-in gallery with 800+ examples.

EPILEPSY WARNING: this app may produce flashing images.

The app starts in the simple mode with some features hidden. You may switch to the advanced mode in the Settings.

More information in the in-app tutorial which is also available on the app's website: http://mandelbrowser.y0.pl/tutorial/home.html

WARNING: this app is battery consuming.

Latest Version

July 04, 2024
Tomasz Śmigielski
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User Reviews

will clark

1 year ago

I actually added a line with Verizon and ordered a tablet (arrives tomorrow) just to run this mind blowing app. Lately I've been regretting not yet mastering Ultra Fractal, Mandlebuld or Mandelbulber. I've also tinkered with Apophysis and the like. I'm blown away with the features, stability and speed of renders on my phone. This app is well done to say the least and TBH I don't even care about the adds on the free version 😁 I can't wait to see what comes out when I get the tablet and upgrade.

A Google user

5 years ago

This looks like the best mandelbrot browser that I have seen on my phone! It has seemingly limitless zoom, only being stopped by my phones capabilities at about 1.0e+300. Still, that's a LOT of zoom power. the only drawback is that the loading speed can be quite slow for a quality picture. I'd honestly rate this 4.9 stars if I could. Great app.

Mr Morgan

8 months ago

This is a new review based on the premium version. I originally gave it 1 star due to the poor quality on the free version. I wish I could say this review would improve. Unfortunately, the saved videos are absolute garbage even on the paid version. I tried saving a 42s, 1080p, high quality video. On the device, it was unplayable. Every app I tried to view it on just froze. I assumed it was too graphics intense for my S22. I loaded it to my computer, and it's just pixelated garbage.

A Google user

4 years ago

Excellent app. Having coded fractals myself, i have a pretty good sense of the challenges involved in making such application useful/fast/accurate and this app scores highly on all 3. Highly recommend it to anyone with the patience and interest to "dive" in. There are a lot of nuances in fractal landscapes that make one color palette perfect in one case and poor in another and revealing the fractal topology takes a bit of work. This app takes a lot of the "hard" work out.

Linda Krautner

10 months ago

Mandelbrowser has renewed my love for fractals. Honestly kind of obsessed! This is the first fractal app that lives up! I'm not into the math part. But thanks to this, I can learn a whole lot more with your excellent tutorials that are not too complicated to understand! Thank you! I love it. I use it every day for hours .☺️😍 The lighting effects so cool and adds a lot to the images,

Jeff Alan

1 year ago

The app works well and fast but the ads are just too obtrusive to use the app to even get a real for it. I'll be removing it, unfortunately. The experience seems like it would be cool but with a loud ad that pops up all the time, I mean I could deal with that. But during the actual zooming there's a banner ad across the top. It just breaks the entire experience.

Ann B (Ella's Mom)

3 years ago

I have been messing with fractals since the early '90s and this explorer is the most feature-rich and easy to use one I've had - and I've used a lot of them on different platforms. Most explorers allow you to create palettes, but this one comes with a huge collection of installed palettes, along with a feature called "paint" that allow you to enhance and modify your images extensively without digging into its customization features. This is so far and away better than anything I have on my PC that I have installed tethering software so I am able operate my Android tablet from my PC and view these images on a 29" monitor. They are spectacular! 2021/04/04 - How did I ever miss those light filters?!! You can almost FEEL the bumpy 3D textures! My only complaint is that Google only lets me give this five stars. It deserves so many more!

Matthew Trevino

3 years ago

Nice features. Im really not too critical of apps unless the actual experience is incongruent with its description. Such is not the case here, though about half of the features included go neglected on my part. In other words the functions I use it for are adequate enough which renders the additional content something of an opportunity to explore at a later time if I happen upon the chance. Bottom line: it's a pleasant way to pass a bit of time when there is nothing else to do.

Matthias Guenther

3 years ago

This app is phenomenal. It's everything I could have hoped to find in a fractal generator, and the performance is quite impressive considering that it runs on a mobile device. I would appreciate support for logical loops in the advanced fractal generation, though. As it is, I had to resort to repeating the same sequence of lines 200 times in order to approximate an infinite series.

A Google user

4 years ago

There are ads, but very few and it does not distract from the app experience at all. Controls are simple and the ability to zoom far exceeds any other fractal viewer I've seen. When zooming the image will pixellate. Just stop zooming for a moment as your phone computes and the image will resolve (the farther in you zoom, the more computations are required). Saving an image in app actually saves the location for later exploration. Great job!

Jorge Bojorquez

3 years ago

I absolutely love this app! Not only is it powerful and intuitive, it is incredibly deep and the results are nothing short of magical. It can create insane fractals of all sorts with endless manipulation of colors, shapes, textures and has just gorgeous examples and presets. The paid version is a must! If you are an artist or just a fan of beautiful visual programs, do yourself a favor and download this app and support this amazing developer! Thank you for your time and enjoy Mandel Browser!

Craig Sniff

3 years ago

Very cool app. First learned about fractals (and chaos theory) 30 years ago in college. Back then, we had an old, old, OLD Mac SE/30 to generate them. They were obviously nothing close to what is possible with today's computers. All the more impressive is a phone being able to generate and zoom in (more than 1 trillion times!) on these images. I've looked for an Android app for years that does what this one does.

madeleine jeppson

1 year ago

The only free fractal app (that I've found) that lets you play with 3D effects via lighting and surface depth. I particularly love the Rings paint mode because changing the radius can give you tons of variability. I plan on buying the full version soon, because there's a TON more there, but there's so much you can do with the free version that you might not even need it! You can create your own palettes in the free version, and one custom formula. Water reflection filter is also available.

Jonathan Dameron

2 years ago

I've tried a wide variety of fractal generation programs on both my PC and phone over the past 10 years, and this one is easily among the very best. Every feature I wanted is provided and it's quite fast. The randomize button is EPIC!!! One request: though the deep zoom capability is excellent, it'd be nice if the stretch feature weren't capped at 100.

Panda Amanda

3 years ago

Hi there! So, I love this app. I decided to buy the app very quickly, and have been impressed. The pallets and skins available are stunning. The customisation available beyond that are even more brilliant. There's one thing I dislike, though: The app times out too quickly when you leave it alone. Sometimes I want to save a high res image, and the app may take a long time to load it. In those cases, if I leave the app, it times out and all the loading progress is lost. This app rocks.

Lil Blue_Inkling

1 year ago

Absolutely loving the app. It allows me to do so much and explore the mathematical nature of fractals. The number of fractals or fractal images you can make is indeed endless. Very flexible. I do have a suggestion for deep zooms, however. Have you looked into perturbation theory and/or series approximation? It could definitely speed up the deeper zooms by alot. Perhaps this could be implemented into the custom formula editor as well?

A Google user

4 years ago

An incredible app with amazing functionality. This app makes you want to learn to code. Detail is stunning with endless possibilities. The advanced mode makes this app comparable to commercial apps that cost tons. I can't believe it is free!! The ads don't completely hijack this app. It takes my phone a bit to render iterations and detail but I get precise control. Hats off to the developer. This is NOT just a plaything to keep you busy. It is ART!

Matt Hendricks

1 year ago

I've used a lot of fractal apps over the decades, since FractInt in the DOS era. This one is simply astonishing. The hi-res fractals I've rendered on the phone and viewed on my desktop machine are absolutely breathtaking. The app is also a bravura illustration of UI done right for mobile. Simply exquisite. My only ask is for ability to keep the palette rotating. Frax on IOS lets you spin the palette at your selected speed using a touch and swipe maneuver. It would make the app perfect!

A Google user

4 years ago

Its really good. Selection of fractals and paint modes are great. The way it updates during zooms is rather effective. I learned about more fractal functions. I'm surprised most of the fractal types exhibit the canonical Mandelbrot shape in some way. The fractal edges seem slightly blurry. The Back button is not intuitive; it should be Press Twice to Exit, or at least the "..." menu could use an Quit option so I don't have to kill it.

Tim Nelson

3 months ago

I am using S21 Ultra. I have tried many different fractal apps, over 20 of them so far and this one is the BEST! I paid the $6, to this developer, to remove ads, (which I rarely do) and to get the full pro experience because my experience was SO Freakin Great!. On Chromebook this app works like butter with my touchscreen. You can zoom in far better than other apps that try too. Can't give this enough stars. In fact, the number of stars I would give would not be found in the Mandelbrot set :)

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