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KALPA - Original Rhythm Game

KALPA - Original Rhythm Game

3.0.29 by QueseraGames
4.44/5 (252 Reviews)
June 26, 2024
KALPA - Original Rhythm Game KALPA - Original Rhythm Game KALPA - Original Rhythm Game KALPA - Original Rhythm Game KALPA - Original Rhythm Game KALPA - Original Rhythm Game

More About KALPA - Original Rhythm Game

Can you hear my voice?
Somewhere in the universe, a desolate star that has lost its light.
A mysterious girl is standing in front of the star tree.
The dead tree glows when the mysterious instruments begin to play beautifully.
The stark stars turn blue.
I ask her a lot of questions out of gratitude, but the only thing that comes back is her name.
I didn't know anything else.
She was known only as the guardian of stars that roamed the universe and saved the stars.
I didn't know the rest.
She is called by various names. Kalpa, Savior, Apocalypse...
The instrument she plays is made of light, so we don't know the shape, but it seems that only she can play it.

Game Features:
- Play the original top-down rhythm game on mobile
The score is obtained by touching the note according to the line of judgment like normal Rhythm game

- 50 songs + IAP, more than 100 songs will be included Rhythm game!
with selected quality songs and illustrations Rhythm game

- 250+ note patterns Rhythm game

- A concert tour with a mysterious girl, Kalpa Rhythm game.

email: contact@queseragames.com
site: https://www.queseragames.com/
discord: https://discord.com/invite/892YwATA2F
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEBCnH0s86ArhQ0L3YTLrjA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KALPA_twt

Latest Version

June 26, 2024
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User Reviews

Branna Penno

2 months ago

The game controls well in my opinion, the fact that I can control the visual AND actual judgement lines is a good idea as it allows me to adjust it accordingly to make up for my reaction time, there is a lot of customisation too, and the best thing of all(as of writing this description) there are no ads.

Toxic Neko

2 months ago

Very dissapointed in the offline mode. Recently stopped working at all while launching the game offline. Its a shame seen as ive put a lot of money into this game already. Otherwise its one of the best rhythm games out there, but would love for a way to play any songs offline and especialy the ones i bought eith my own money

Michael Sohnen

2 weeks ago

1. Glissando not well telegraphed in 2-thumb playmode. They mention in the tutorial that if notes are "aligned" then you can swipe glissando instead of individual tap. But in fast maps it's quite hard to tell what notes can and cannot be glissando. In other games like deemo or pianista glissando notes have a distinct shape and color. I don't see why they refuse to do that here If they telegraph glissando then I will move my review to 4 or 5 stars

Binishawn XD

1 month ago

Came back for at least years pass since I played this game. I find some changes, yes. it's starting to seem P2W kind of game. supposedly because I cannot earn those currency needed to buy each pack of songs,gacha; which disables me from accessing new characters. What ashame, I used to give this rhythm game a 5★ because I use to thought it's F2P friendly til the end as you progressed more throughout the game. although it seems my thoughts are incorrect.


1 year ago

its a good rythmn game- it has five lanes with the only game mechanics being the fact it only has two types of notes and on hard songs the speed changes at times and the settings are pretty catering. however, its not that f2p friendly. you need to buy music packs with real money or devote hours to grinding in game currency and the only other way to get new songs, the story mode, you hit a paywall pretty soon enough and you cant progress (chapter 1 part 4). id enjoy it if i could.


2 years ago

Fundamentally, as a rhythm game, it gets the job done. I love the difficulty increasers and the moddifers to make it more challenging. The artwork is beautiful. This game is honestly a ✨vibe✨. Personally, the music selection is a tad-bit lackluster. Just a tad-bit, but the variety is appreciated.

Asami ÒwÓ

3 years ago

it's just okay,, there isn't really anything special about it and I found more cons then pros. as someone who has been playing rhythm games for years this was difficult to play just because of how annoying everything is, the only thing I really did like was the vibration instead of hitsounds. I believe this game has potential but it really does need some work

Adrian Jacobsen

3 years ago

At first I absolutely hated it because I use styluses to play. you cannot use them; for me at least. After I decided to use my fingers, suddenly I wasn't getting misses all the time. the constant misses kinda hurt me ngl. It's a really nice game and the sudden fast to slow makes it more challenging and unique. It's a very good game in my opinion.


2 years ago

Very fun 5 key game, both modes for multi finger and 2 finger gameplay which means you can play handheld too! Both modes feature a lot of challenging levels, multifinger levels can get much harder as well. It has a couple minor bugs I've seen through some textboxes and obtaining things from the rewards is a bit slow, and allowing offline gameplay for all the songs you bought and unlocked would be a great aspect this game is missing but should have.

Levi Quakenbush

1 year ago

KALPA is a great ad-free f2p rhythm game to pass the time with. The daily missions are a nice incentive to keep coming back, including opportunities to try out otherwise paid songs. There are even chances to earn paid currency, making it not feel as strongly paywalled as other games like it. The recent update to 2.0 really upped the polish on the game, and the tutorial was a great idea. Unfortunately, the translation is still poor. Please polish that next for 5 stars!


2 years ago

The game mechanics are really fun and the levels give you a lot of difficulty options. There are some problems though: 1 The slide mechanic is really finicky and doesnt really work in harder lvls just due to the amount of notes 2 There are HUGE PERFORMANCE ISSUES and once you get into higher difficulties (for me it started on maxed out lvl 3 even tho i turned all of the possible visuals off) 3 The menu is really clutered is quite annoying to navigate (just like most rythm games)


2 years ago

It's a good rhythm game so far. 🙂 It's a 5 lane bemani style rhythm game with only 2 types of notes, tap and hold. I'm actually happy there are no slide or flick notes since those tend to move phone sometimes if playing with device sitting on surface, causing misses. Nice customization options to unlock or spend on. No ads. I'm not yet able to gauge how f2p friendly it is. So far it seems fairly f2p friendly, but could hit a wall eventually.

Wicked Wolves Otome

2 years ago

So, I'll start out with saying I've played many M&R games, from Arcaea to Deemo, and almost everything in between, and this game is a good one. It is very easy to pick up the gameplay, while being hard to master, and has a good selection of songs, especially to those willing to drop a few dollars...overall very clean nice looking game, with no bugs(that I found). Many game modes and difficulties allow any skill level to do well and have fun. TL:DR Great game to invest in, especially if spending

Sam V

3 years ago

This is a lovely little game. Prices for packs are very reasonable I feel. There isn't too much music, but what there is is very good. I really like the currency system to progress in the constellations for some reason. Translations, however, are very rough and engrishy at times. It has a certain charm to it, but it can be jarring. Sometimes text gets cut off and you can't scroll when characters speak, but overall this is a cute game with cute characters. Rythmn part is rather easy.

iced tea

3 years ago

I tried out the game and it seemed really enjoyable, which it is. But I am giving it 3 stars for a few reasons. One, sometimes the game detects my taps late, or sometimes not at all. Two, playing songs on higher difficulties requires you to unlock it via stage, such as Hard+ or Multi Finger Mode, and then you must unlock those difficulties to play in stages and it just gets more of a chore for experienced rhythm players. Good game, but it does need some improvements.

Lex B

3 years ago

The game is good, I love the mood and challenge, however I have a couple problems with it. My problem is smaller, it's that it's pretty challenging to earn any of the currency to buy other packs, which makes it kind of a pain unless you buy some. It does kind of throw things off when the song slows down suddenly, I feel like there should be a warning. Other than that it's an amazing game, lovely drawings and lovely songs!!

Nerketur Kamachi

2 years ago

Story mode. Extremely difficult. Difficulty goes up extremely fast. But I can now, without a doubt, wholeheartedly recommend this game for rhythm game fans. If you can get past slightly off English, and a barebones UI with little in the way of letting you know you did something on a menu, you will have a lot of fun. Past level 9, songs can get extremely hard extremely quickly, whether you play thumbs mode or not; precisely why I love it now. Takes a bit of getting used to, but worth it.


1 year ago

I know I don't have great rhythm and reaction time, but the input lag/sync of notes kept changing while I was playing the game, making it impossible to play. One second I'm playing a song and everything syncs up fine. The next I'm missing every note because the timing's completely different. I've also had a huge range of numbers in the sync menu, going from -290ms to -160ms. Text is also hard to understand, and some menus and tutorials are confusing.

Zephan Sturgill

3 years ago

I originally typed a 3 star review because of lag. However I discovered if I turn vibration off, it fixes the problem. No more lag. I was even able to leave the hit effects on, which I had originally turned off. However the translation needs a LOT of work. It seems like it was translated by Google. The songs are good, but hopefully as it takes off we will get better songs more well known in the rhythm community. Good game overall tho! I like the idea of thumb play vs. multi finger play.

Purplexia Sphinx

3 years ago

It's a nice game, cute characters and a good soundtrack... but it has parts where it's hard to follow which part of the song it's keeping beat to (something that often changes mid-song, even several times during a repeating sequence) and there's some strange lag that has prevented me from actually hitting the notes- which is a real pain if you're trying to do *good* in any way. That being said, it is still pretty fun and I do enjoy it overall. Just a bit frustrating.

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