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I am innocent

I am innocent

2.18.131 by Long Jaunt
3.96/5 (27018 Reviews)
June 28, 2024
I am innocent I am innocent I am innocent I am innocent I am innocent I am innocent

More About I am innocent

Mystery games & texting games from the creators of detective games Sentence , Memento and the series of investigation games Who is the killer
Investigate a series of murders with teenage victims in mystery games . The killings are somehow related to the disappearance of your sister many years ago. All forces are thrown into the crime investigation to find the killer . Investigate the mystery and answer the main question of the detective game — Who is the killer ?

🏆 Detective ! Hid the corpse in Nobodies crime scene investigation ? Survived in Duskwood interactive investigation ? Succeeded in Simulacra detective thriller ? Then try to investigate killer case and deal with a new realistic detective simulator in texting games : teen games with special interactive detective games mystery text games and crime investigation find the killer game ! Find the killer and solve the case or he’s definitely going to find YOU in this text based games thriller games !

Key features of detective games & murder mystery text game :

🎮 Dozens of hours of original crime scene investigation texting game : I am innocent brings aesthetic games to the next level, maintaining the storyline games traditions of serial killer games Criminal case , Sara is missing , Murder in the Alps and detective thriller Simulacra !

🤫 Unusual characters of the crime investigation ! Investigate teenage games and find the killer in detective games mystery !

🎬 Text based games with group chats, calls, photo and video criminal evidence of the mystery texting story games blur the line between text games & storyline games with investigation in style of thriller games Duskwood , Simulacra and Bitlife .

✅ You can find the killer and stop the serie of murders or fail the investigation . Begin crime scene investigation like in Sara is missing , analyze facts like in Simulacra and experience killer games like in Duskwood interactive investigation or text game Replika .

🧩 The complex topics covered in teen games can affect everyone, like the personal drama of the heroes of story games Bitlife , Sara is missing and Replika . Investigation games in serial killer games will give you an important experience in solving crime games .

Unique opportunities in detective simulator offline games :

💡 THINK over responses in find the killer game : interactive investigation gives you freedom during detective game , still remember about the responsibilities for the consequences of the investigation with multiple endings in games for teenagers .

😎 HACK into virtual databases to solve the mystery in games for teens : killer must answer for his killer games .

😱 SAVE your friends and family from the serial killer games by interactive choice in games for teens dialogues .

🔎 ANALYZE the evidence in mystery games — and you'll have a chance to stop the serie of mystery murders , solve the mystery and complete crime investigation after all investigation games .

Psychological detective games — texting story games or thriller games ?

🕵️ Detective game is a great reason to start your own investigation , deal with personal conflicts and put all the evidence of the crime scene investigation in its place. Interactive investigation in this text game detective simulator will help you become a part of aesthetic games and of the finding of the serial killer . Dive into the characters’ suspense conflicts in addicting games — everybody lies ! So don't get caught up in a web of lies during your investigation of murder and solve the case !

Suspense offline games , addicting games or murder mystery story games ? This realistic detective texting game will help you to get one step closer to the secret of the teenage games and solve the crime games . The conflict of emotions and reason in games for teenagers makes the plot of the detective thriller much more realistic than classic investigation games .

Best of luck,

Sentence team.

P.S. Seems like you’ve got a new message …

Latest Version

June 28, 2024
Long Jaunt
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User Reviews


3 years ago

Great, modern concept, well executed. Fun shape sub-game, too. Problem is: you can't progress main game without buying "coins" and "lives" to keep playing shape game to the end, which allows you to keep chatting with the characters to move game forward. Also, not clear how much you have to pay in total to play whole game. So, game is not "free". Would rather pay a few bucks outright than have the frustration of this unknown number of must-pay roadblocks.

A Google user

4 years ago

the games to continue are a little hard so that makes for the gameplay to be pretty slow. I don't like to spend money on games like this, so I dont play very often because I lose interest. the concept, however, is great! it has potential to be my favorite app! but due to the slow speed of progression unless you pay, I'm changing my rating from 5 stars to 4.

A Google user

5 years ago

This game was honestly a waste of time. It took me 3 months to get through the whole thing for a bare bones story and mild gameplay. Later in the game the difficulty level increased to the point where it was weeks between actual story moments so I had forgot most of what had happened by the end. This game also included a variety of glitches, mostly in the "hacking" portion but im not complaining since many of the times it worked to my benifit.

A Google user

4 years ago

Glitchy puzzle dominates the game. The overall game is good, but hinges on a weak puzzle that is glitchy...sometimes overlap of squares is allowed (glitch) and sometimes black squares do not convert correctly. I wish the game was more about the theme and not about a bad puzzle for 99% of the time. Deleting before the "investigation" can began.

A Google user

5 years ago

This is a puzzle game with an occasional murder mystery. The layout is nice, I did think it was interesting to have everything sent through texts. The story seemed fine, the characters were interesting enough. There's a relationship meter linked to your choice of messages for some of the characters. Just wasn't into it, wish there was a more interesting gameplay element besides the same style of puzzle over and over, it gets repetitive quick.

A Google user

5 years ago

Love this game. There are a few glitches but if your careful they wont really happen. Except the very rare puzzle map doesnt load all the way. They are getting trying to fix theses, they fixed a bad one from about a year ago the last time I tried to play the game. Finished the first story this time cant wait for the next story to be ready.

Aaron Smock

3 years ago

When a game is shown to be a horror genre phone simulator, and most of the game is really just a puzzle, then you have a problem. I downloaded this game for the interesting story, but was met with mainly block puzzles that ruined the experience. A little bit of puzzle is fine, but this is the wrong way to go. I noticed the same issue still being a thing in the other games. ...why? Just...why?

A Google user

5 years ago

The games you guys insert get way too challenging to pass. I have to get four stars to continue and I've been trying to get just one the last twelve hours. Maybe making the "hacking" games a little easier instead of getting very very difficult to where i can't go on to the next level or event. I love the game but I'm spending more time trying to do random games to earn stars to continue instead of getting to play the game more. Great concept just don't enjoy most of my time spend on the "Hacking" game

A Google user

4 years ago

It's an interesting game, but the sheer amount of puzzles is insane. It'd be much better if you could do each puzzle just one time, but you have to do the same six puzzles three times before moving on! And every puzzle is basically the same as the last. Different types of puzzles, and doing each one just once would make this game much better. you have to "grind" to get tiny pieces of the story, and it's just not worth it. Sad, because I was excited to have a decent mystery game

A Google user

5 years ago

ive been trying to stick with this game because the story is so interesting but honestly the incessant tetris mini game every 30 seconds to progress is annoying and boring as hell. I kept up with it through the 6th hack waiting for it to end and of course there was at least one more. Now i'm uninstalling and i'll just read a spoiler. If the levels were winnable it'd be one thing, but a lot of the time they aren't so you keep playing until you get lucky and that is not fun to me.

A Google user

5 years ago

I've been playing this game for quite a while now and love it. Although I am getting a little sick of stupid blocks and feel like you should get better rewards. I've made it to hacking into Fred's computer and have finished every level but the game keeps telling me that I need to collect 3 more stars to continue. I can't collect anymore stars because I've completed every single level

A Google user

5 years ago

Very frustrating. I want to read the story, and not play puzzles so much. The more you progress, it turns into more puzzles that are impossible to beat and the story kind of stopped. "Get the password" you play for days trying to complete whole sections and then get no new plot lines, just asking for another password. I'm bored, deleting game.

A Google user

5 years ago

Could be fun. Really interesting story. But to progress the story you have to do these mini puzzles. And theres just wayy to many for very little progress. For example you have to do 3 mini games to unlock 3 stars. You do that then get 2 or 3 text messages, then have to collect more stars again to continue. It feels like 80% mini games vs. 20% storyline/text messages. It be fun if about half the mini puzzles were cut out.

A Google user

5 years ago

At first, this was a really great game, addicting even, but then as i got further into the game, the app glitched, i think. It told me i needed 3 more stars to continue, but i completed every level. I never got another text to give me the next section. This meant, i couldn't continue the story and was basically stuck. I am completely devastated that i can't play this anymore. I still think that it is a very fun game. I hope that the creators will fix this bug soon.

A Google user

5 years ago

The puzzles get really repetitive (and boring) after the first 6, especially since it's the only way to progress in the game without having to spend coins (or but coins if you don't have any). Wish there was a way to get through them faster. Like, maybe instead of 1 star per play, you could get 3 stars. And then up the number of progression stars to like, 9. That way we still have to do 3 puzzles, but at least they'd different and less repetitive.

A Google user

5 years ago

An interesting experience with a fairly good narrative that progresses well and kept me interested until the end. Some of the dialogue sounds a bit stilted, and could do with a bit of proofreading. The main downside is that the "hacking" elements are fairly tedious (although not impossible with a bit of patience). Overall a fun game that I'm glad I took the time to play through.

A Google user

5 years ago

Updated: way too repetitive. The premise is very cool but I am so bored, I am going to uninstall. The story is great but you have to play a zillion games of "tetris". I like tetris style games but dang. You have to play each level at least 3 times (that's if you beat it the first time, which you won't). For example, there are color requirements for some of the levels and you won't even get enough of the color blocks to meet the goal. Very crappy oversight in the development. Very frustrating and that is NOT why I play games. First few days of playing: Very cool mystery game where you get text messages that use conversations with characters to tell a story. A story you are involved in. There are also mini games, (update-there is only one mini game, it is a tetris style game) which lets you be more interactive than just reading and replying to texts. It doesn't take long to get hooked. Unique!

A Google user

5 years ago

The higher you get in levels the more likely it is that the levels will simply become impossible at their base. The storyline is compelling (though I wish you could choose your preferred gender and orientation to make it more immersive) but if you're supposed to get a certain number of colored blocks in a level I kind of feel like you should be provided them, the trick should be using them properly. I know it's to get those micro transactions but I just find it frustrating and quit playing.

Rob Hare

4 months ago

This is actually a boring block puzzler, not a mystery game. Worse, the puzzles quickly become set up in a way that they are impossible to solve without using coins or power-ups (for example, you need to clear 30 blue blocks in 20 moves, but only 20 blue blocks ever show up on the board). Think Candy Crush but worse. Pass, don't play.

Elliot Long

3 months ago

This game is something else. I'm not sure I want to call an immersive mystery game fun, but I very thoroughly enjoyed it. The puzzles were challenging but not impossible and the story was captivating. Be warned there are mentions of graphic violence. I took off one star since the game does occasionally glitch- the timer to grant more lives often runs into the negatives, and sometimes puzzle pieces will glitch through each other and lock in where they shouldn't be able to. 9/10 You should play.

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