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Heartwood Online

Heartwood Online

1 by E Bros
3.51/5 (492 Reviews)
July 04, 2024
Heartwood Online Heartwood Online Heartwood Online Heartwood Online Heartwood Online Heartwood Online

More About Heartwood Online

Heartwood Online is a true cross-platform free-to-play MMO currently available on Steam, Apple, and Android. We plan to bring it to all major consoles as development progresses.
Explore a vast and immersive world filled with adventure and exploration. Join forces with other players to battle fearsome raid bosses, uncover hidden treasures, and unlock new abilities and powers. Choose your path through crafting, PvP and PvE battles, guilds, politics, and a thriving player economy.

Latest Version

July 04, 2024
E Bros
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User Reviews

jose mendez

10 months ago

It needs a lot of improvements specially on the attacking system, it's so annoying having to aim at the right place to hit an enemy, it would be nice if the character could focus on the enemy automatically after the first hit or something like that... The long distance combat like mage and archer is bad as well because you have to attack the enemy like if you're using melee attacks in other to hit them... And not being able to use my android acc created with gmail on iPhone is the worst part..

Anthony Allen

6 months ago

I started an account and selected the character class Rogue. Rogues are supposed to be great with stealth and dodging attacks, so I've invested my dodge talent level to 21 skill points. With items, that's 63 dodge chance. However, it seems that every attack from my enemies are still landing EVERY SINGLE TIME! Also, I've put points in my Attack Power and have not noticed any difference in how much damage output my character deals. I like the idea, I like the game, but is the talents tree broken?

Silas P Camp

8 months ago

y'all did a really good job on the game, but the monster drops should be a bit more frequent considering I was only on the fourth quest since starting, and they should give a little more xp. I actually like the aiming system you have, but I was nearly impossible for me to progress further because the items I made were unusable since I was unable to reach the required level before I got the item since it's so slow. Also you should not need to level up the axe use and mining use it's to hard


9 months ago

So I love the game and it's content. But I have to side with what everyone is saying. The progression is way way to slow. Don't get me wrong , I am all about the grind but the early levels need to be alot easier. I stopped playing after only 6 hours of gameplay. I don't mind the rare drop rate but I don't have time to spend all weekend trying to get a skill to lvl 10.

Anthony Mitchell

7 months ago

Fun game. I wasn't sure how to report an error so putting it here. If you like grinding it is a fun game. The error I keep having is if I'm close to an ore deposit and fighting an enemy it will lock me in place and I can't move unless I log out or teleport. It will also freeze you if you start mining and then cast a spell. I'm playing the mage class if that matters. Thank you.

Dakota Rossman

9 months ago

(Played to 12 took 10+ hours) Unfortunately, this game is heavily held back by its leveling and drop rates. The drop rates are actually not that bad but could be increased by 10% for uncommon items. The leveling experience is a slog, the quests are few and the drop rates for items needed get lower the higher level the quest. The exp. Granted via grinding it silkroads level of crazy, but without all the areas and stuff to do. I'm not saying make the game easy, but at least make my time worth it.


9 months ago

The game seems like it could be good. However..... The aiming is horrible and the drop rate sucks so bad. I could live with the drop rate but basic attacks and spells is a nightmare. Why don't you let the player auto target the closest mob rather than having to directally shoot basic spells. You accidentally hit two mobs or three and essentially kill yourself as the gang up on you. I like the game otherwise but I can't play it with the horrid controls. Sorry.

Regina G Wilson

7 months ago

I don't even know where to start but the game as is now is very uneven. Basic stats (HP/DEF/REGEN) should be leveling along with your level progression rather than having to be purchased by points, save the points system for working towards bonus stats. There's a lot of areas that need to be reworked and fine tuned. I don't mind a game with grinding but not grinding for basics that should naturally level with game progression, that's just frustrating. Uninstalling until updates

Dakota Smith

5 months ago

I'm absolutely loving every part and aspect of this game. Love the graphics, story so far is decent. Openish world, quests away from the main start area. Keep up the work on this one because it's definitely something special. Side note though I have noticed if your not careful with your bank and closing the game it can erase your entire bank! Or my game didn't save I'm not completely sure! But I lost a few lock boxes and keys and I think maybe some tin. Which is completely not an issue to farm🥰

Paul Reed

6 months ago

I'm slightly torn. I love the game play and grind of it but I also have issues with it. The leveling is very unbalanced. Once you progress you get nearly no xp even when your going for higher leveled resources and creatures. The resources are not scaled for better equipment either. Again I like this and it brings me back to old school RuneScape. I want to keep playing but I have a hard time dealing with the unbalanced grind of it.

Brendan Smith

6 months ago

Phenomenal! I don't know if this is supposed to be a knock-off of Course of Aros, but my God this game is amazing! The time it takes to grind is made up for by the adventure! There are only a couple things I would ask to be changed. One being that if you're in a party with other fellow players, the loot drop should drop for the whole team not just for the person who commits the final blow on an enemy. The 2nd being the X/close button for tabs is insanely small. Other than that, well done!!


8 months ago

I'm slightly torn. On one hand, it's a decent foundation with a lot of potential. On the other hand, it's a mess. There isn't enough room here to break down and explain why so much of its core system is unbalanced. 10 places to invest stats, and only two are important. Missing crafting items. Arbitrary gaps in progression are caused by an unbalanced leveling system. I went from lv 20 to 30 faster than 10 to 20. Gathering is busted at its core, which breaks crafting. A dozen more things.

Jazmin K

8 months ago

I've been enjoying this game so far. Attacking did take a while to understand but I've gotten the hang of it. Projectiles like the spells have a decent range on them. It would be nice if you can see how much your cool down on abilities goes down as you put points into that category and with your equipment as well. As of right now it is such a negligible difference that I almost don't see the point leveling that skill. Drops and lvling should be better too.

Gunnar Thomas

8 months ago

Overall, this is a good game especially for a beta. There are some glaring improvements that need to be made. For instance, I decided to play a mage, I am level 13 and only have one spell besides my basic attack. There needs to be more content added towards your talents and make it feel as though you can customize them. Don't mind leveling slow but needs to be on pace with zones. On top of that, their is no quest tracker and you have to go back to the NPC to see it. Will continue to play though.


9 months ago

This game truly is a great one, I love the graphics and love the leveling system. But the combat is just horrible. For people like me, I have big hands and so with the attack button also being an aiming button. It's hard to keep up the combat for very long, not to mention that half the time I use the skill, it faces away from the mobs. If you lose the aiming aspect and just hit the mobs. This game would do significantly better.

Gavin Rainn

9 months ago

I enjoy the game, and think it's a great idea. However, it takes entirely too long to level up, and drop rates are way too low. It shouldn't take 5+ hours grinding stags to get one stag rack and MAYBE one level up. Also, I suggest tap to lock on to monsters for attacking, or something similar. Especially since the hit/miss rate is atrocious. I hit once every 10 Hits, even when a direct hit. Yet when I'm running and far away from the enemy, they still manage to damage me no problem.

Top Wold

6 months ago

Really great game, love the retro 16bit style animation, it's a really good game all around. But there are many bugs in the game still, especially with ranged attacks. And last bad thing is the progression system 1-5 goes quick, 5-10 super difficult, and 10-15 it becomes easy again, then super difficult to progress again at 15-20, I would say make it easier to progress to 20 on all skills and levels, then you would have a great game here! Just look at RuneScapes level. 5 stars cuz yall need it!

Lloyd Gary

3 months ago

Good game. Like that it is a grind it out game to level. Don't like that you basically have to grind out every aspect and get nothing for it. You spend more time gathering and crafting than leveling and is required to get better gear to survive and do more damage, but you don't get talent points for this. Also, talent scaling is off a lot. Same gear, no talent points used after reset and all points stacked in damage talent. Only 10 points difference in damage this is at level 25. Talents do nada

Kevin Kennedy

3 months ago

Level 1 mage starts with a sword and no means of healing, which results in death looping while trying to gather the 3 rodent pelts for the first quest. I'm not sure how the other classes do, but once you have that first level to unlock self-healing, it's better... Don't recommend in current design due to quest to player level scaling(lvl 5 vs lvl 13 enemies yay...)and lack of class specific starting gear to scale progression at start.

Justin Ross

3 months ago

I love the game. My only gripe is that I'm a lvl 46 warrior with almost the best equipment possible, and i can only kill Canis 20% or less of the time, and that's running in circles. I just saw a lvl 36 preist stand there and win. I feel like I've dumped so much time and energy into a useless class compared to the almost invincible alternative. I hope the classes will be on a more even playing field in the future.

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