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Google Podcasts

Google Podcasts

by Google LLC
4.36/5 (65427 Reviews)
June 14, 2024
Google Podcasts Google Podcasts Google Podcasts Google Podcasts Google Podcasts

More About Google Podcasts

With Google Podcasts, you can play the latest episodes from your favorite shows, explore podcast recommendations just for you, and manage your listening activity.
Discover podcasts that you'll love
• Subscribe and listen to all your favorite podcasts.
• Explore show and episode recommendations just for you.
• Browse popular and trending shows in comedy, news, history, music, business, TV & film, education, health & fitness, technology, arts, science, sports and more.

Customize your listening experience
• Listen at faster playback speeds or skip over silences.
• Queue up episodes for a seamless listening experience.
• Easily keep track of your listening history, downloads and subscriptions.

Listen wherever you are
• Listen on multiple devices – phone, laptop, smart speaker – without losing your place.
• Stream episodes for instant playback or auto-download episodes to listen offline and on the go.
• Discover podcasts using Google Search and Google Assistant.

To find out more, visit our Help Centre: https://support.google.com/websearch/topic/9739148?hl=en-GB&ref_topic=3036132&p=podcasts&visit_id=637190448011338458-2709322194&rd=1

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June 14, 2024
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User Reviews

Dirk Ykema

1 month ago

You're doing to this app the same as you did to Play Music; Taking a perfectly functional, good app, and trying to force the use of YouTube Music by needlessly sunsetting it. I know there are plenty of Podcast apps I could be using, but they're all bloated with ads and clunky interfaces. Google is slowly killing its own apps to force us all into YouTube Music, so they can force ads and subscriptions on us to nickle-and-dime us just to get basic functionality.


1 month ago

Please reconsider keeping this app. It's so functional and and clean in it's ui design which gives the illusion of a quiet space to litsen to podcasts. I have already tried the Yt music app and it's not at all as good. Uploads are not up to date for most of the podcasts I litsen to and the design is not user friendly at all. Please keep this app


3 months ago

This app is getting the Play Music treatment. Sadly, a great audio app is being killed by Google to force you to go use YT Music. This move was dumb then and even worse now. No one should have to pay to lock their phone screen while still listening to a bunch of people talk about their lives. I'm going to use Amazon Prime for podcasts now, on top of using it for music for a couple of years now.

Richard Huls

4 weeks ago

Update. YouTube music is terrible for podcasts. Please bring back Google Podcasts. This app had everything I wanted for listening to podcasts. Love listening to my favorite apps here. The only drawback is I have a couple of podcasts the have multiple episodes and I would like to be able to go back to the same area I was at previously without having to scroll down trying to find the spot I was was at before.


1 month ago

I know rating an app that is discontinued is kind of pointless, but I just want to express my frustration that you're trying to make me use YouTube music for podcasts when it doesn't even work for music. I'll be using stitcher. (ETA: stitcher is gone. I guess I won't be playing any podcasts.) Also why was I asked if this app teaches piano? Of course it doesn't.

Derric Boudreaux

2 months ago

This was my favorite podcast app. YouTube music for podcasting sucks. Forcing ads every time I start back up from stopping, poor integration over car Bluetooth. Back to Podcast Addict I guess. Really starting to regret my buy in with the Google ecosystem. I should have learned by now, but all Google does is create great apps, then kill them for inferior products.

Sara Prieto

2 months ago

This WAS my favorite podcast app. Will NOT be moving to YouTube Music. The best app I've found is: AntennaPod, it's Hands down a great app! YouTube Music does not have all the podcasts to transfer over, the interface sucks and lacks all the features a basic podcast app has. It's a music app, obviously not made for podcasts. If they make it better I'll consider downloading YTM again.


1 month ago

PLEASE BRING THE APP BACK! I held on to this app as long as I could before it kicked me off 2 days after the end date. No other app compares to the simplicity of this app. I could easily locate my podcast, queue any next podcast I want to listen to (still haven't found a good app that does this without any issues). I had hardly any streaming issues, in fact my only issues started to arise in the weeks leading up to this app ending. The app ran so smooth. By far my favorite podcast app 😃😥


2 months ago

Needs to be pulled from the store as it is deprecated. It was shut off as Google wants you to use YouTube Music Premium or something for podcasts now. Before it was shut off, I liked that thr app was easy to use. Paying $10.99 per month to listen to YT Music Premium for a small handful of podcasts seems pretty steep. Google Music or whatever it auto-converted to in Android Auto is a no-go for me. Poor usability, lack of variety/selection (just a bunch of 1-4 minute news bites, no thanks)

Robert Hill

2 months ago

This app is incredibly easy to use. The problem with other podcast apps, including YouTube music is they are overly complicated. They bury your podcast behind advertisements and "recommendations." A podcast app should be easy to use while driving. YouTube music is not. I am going to miss Google podcast. Google did not read the room well sunsetting this.


1 month ago

This app worked just fine, Google. What are you killing it for!? YouTube music is god awful for podcasts. I try to make a playlist, it bloats my queue with other podcasts from the first channel I selected. I try to search for an old podcast it gives me a bunch of other casts that have little to do with what I wanted. I'm never using for podcasts again. I'm switching to Spotify or whichever else still has all my channels.

William Elliott

2 months ago

Simple and has all the podcasts. YT Music, I gave it a shot for months, but it's horrible for podcasts. Unsafe for driving because it's so complicated to find stuff. And you search for a popular podcast that you're already subscribed to, yet it doesn't even pop up. It's just soooo bad. So I cancelled my YouTube music subscription after years of paying. Time to search for another music & podcast solution

3V Johnny

3 months ago

Just like anything that you find that works awesome, someone or some company decides to muck it up and get rid of it. Have absolutely loved using this app the past few years to listen to all my NASCAR podcast many nights during the week. Everything keeps getting transitioned over to YouTube this and YouTube that and it never works the same. It's this constant consolidation and it is absolutely infuriating. Loved it while it lasted.

Laura Newby

2 months ago

With this app shutting down and my dislike for YT music, I needed an alternative. Luckily! I found Castbox, and it exceeded my expectations. That app offers a highly customized experience, allowing me to discover and subscribe to all my favorite podcasts. I can create multiple playlists, download episodes for offline listening, and even use it seamlessly with Android Auto in my car. The user interface is intuitive, making it a breeze to navigate. If u r looking for one, try it!

Eric Bue

2 months ago

BRING IT BACK! The YouTube music podcast experience sucks. I want a dedicated app. There was nothing wrong with this app. It is a pure money grab by Google. Certain podcasts don't have a single whole episode. They're divided into clips if video is available, I assume to maximize ad revenue. Well, now you get zero ad revenue from me as I am switching to something else. YouTube music is the worst for podcasts. Idiot move, Google. Makes me question my subscription to YouTube music.


2 months ago

WAS Pretty good. Well, at least you won't have to pay to listen podcasts with your screen off. Although I've been a YouTube premium subscriber for a while now (which comes with Music Premium) But YouTube Music is not the solution I want for podcasts. As others have said, it's bloated. And right off the bat, one of two final features of this App, the export to Music, FAILS. That is, it says "I have no subscriptions to import. Even though I can download the file and see the subs in that.

Gerent G

3 months ago

Why are they disabling this podcast app? Can't even open it to export my subscriptions to another player. Goes to the web browser and says ya need to update. It had a simple design, convenient size, easy to use with no frills, straight forward interface. These are all great, but for whatever reason they've chosen to discontinue this perfectly fine app. F'ing shame.

Donald Dial

3 months ago

Absurd choice to discontinue this app. This app has always worked well, with media controls, web player integration, and importable RSS feeds. Podcasts was a good example of the Android OS having dependable native apps. Dropping the app is tantamount to dropping other critical native apps, such as maps, contacts, or Gmail. Android now lacks a basic functionality, pushing users to third party apps with ads and subscription models. I might go back to iPhone over this.

Jesse Roy

3 months ago

I've used this app since it was launched almost 6 years ago and it has been very good the entire time, easy to browse for new podcasts, easy to find anything you'd want to do as a podcast listener. I will not be switching over to YouTube Music or whatever Google decides is better than this, I will be switching to another dedicated podcast player.

Brittany McCue

2 weeks ago

Google Podcasts is a great app for discovering and listening to podcasts! Its simple interface and intuitive design make it easy to find, subscribe to, and play your favorite shows. The playback controls are user-friendly, and the ability to download episodes for offline listening is convenient. However, some users may find the discovery features lacking compared to other podcast apps. Overall, a solid choice for podcast enthusiasts, especially those integrated into the Google ecosystem.

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