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Giftster - Family Wish Lists

Giftster - Family Wish Lists

September 16, 2024
Giftster - Family Wish Lists Giftster - Family Wish Lists Giftster - Family Wish Lists Giftster - Family Wish Lists Giftster - Family Wish Lists Giftster - Family Wish Lists

More About Giftster - Family Wish Lists

Get gifts right, every time! Make and share wish lists in a family group you create - for birthdays, Christmas holiday, baby, and weddings.
Unlike other wish list apps here on Google Play, Giftster makes your whole family's gift giving experiences more fun and less stressful.

Only with Giftster can you invite family members to join a private group you create.

Everyone can view and shop each other's wish lists all in one place, discovering gifts and marking things purchased to avoid duplicate gifts. Gift status is hidden from the list maker, keeping the surprise.

This all-new Google Play store version of Giftster has a companion website that runs in your phone’s browser or a full-size computer desktop with all the same data and features. You and your family can use Giftster from any phone (Android or IOS), tablet, or computer to view and shop lists.

Giftster is the original lifetime gift registry, connecting family and close friends around gift-giving occasions. Set it up once and use it year after year.

"If your family uses wish lists for holiday shopping, you're going to love Giftster, which works as a gift registry that connects family and close friends. By using Fetch, you can auto-add items from any website in the world." - Business Insider



- Mark items purchased to avoid duplicate gifts
- Add items from any store in the world - a universal wishlist
- Use fetch to auto-fill item details from a web link
- The list maker cannot see the status of items on their own lists
- Personalize your list with an image, note & profile photo
- Make your list private, shared with groups, or public – for everyone to see in search or only those who have your unique list link
- Use Giftster just for your own lists, and decide to share them later
- View lists of all gifts you’ve received or purchased for later reference


- Invite your family members to join your own private gift idea-sharing group
- Join an existing group created on the app or the giftster.com website
- Suggest items secretly on group member’s lists (hidden from the list maker) that everyone else can see. How fun is that? Your spouse can add items to your child’s list this way, too.
- Invite your members by text or email
- Check Amazon for product match ideas on other members' lists in one tap


- Keep track of gift ideas for kids & pets with child accounts
- Reduce the back and forth of sharing gift ideas with family
- Your partner and others in your group can add additional items to your kid’s lists


- Add a draw to any existing Giftster.com group with 3+ members
- See your secret pick and Secret Santa rules
- Picks remain a secret for everyone, including the organizer
- Exclude picks and reuse a previous draw, too, on giftster.com with our Secret Santa generator


- With Giftster you become part of a social network connecting family and friends around gift-giving occasions
- Connect to one or more of your family with a group. Each family member logs in to update and view their own universal wish list registry and to claim gifts on each other’s lists.
- Everyone in your family can connect to you with this app for Android, or the app for iPhone and iPad, or on giftster.com which runs on mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.
- Giftster instantly syncs changes to all devices, including your account at giftster.com.
- Requires internet access via cellular data or Wi-Fi to operate

“I used to get burnt out buying gifts, now I do almost all of my Christmas buying via Giftster. Christmas burnout is a thing of the past.”
–Rebecca W.

Already a member at giftster.com? Log in with the same account to see your wish lists and group members.

This is release 6.0 of the app. Got feedback? Please send to [email protected] or call +1-612-216-5112.

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September 16, 2024
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User Reviews

Pam M

3 years ago

I've been using Giftster with my family for a few years now, first on the website, then on the app. The kids are grown, but it's still a great resource for birthdays and holidays. The one thing it's missing is a place under preferences for "favorites". Favorite candy, favorite colors in clothing as well as for the home, type of razors used (for replacement blades), etc.. Things that aren't gifts, but make good additional items for parties/stocking stuffers, etc...

A Google user

4 years ago

Love the app and the convenience of it, but something is wrong with it right now. I can't log in without getting an error about it. I'm only able to go into "buy for" tab but I can't change, adjust or add to the wish lists. After the error message pops up, I click on 'email support' and it immediately kicks me out of the app. I've removed the app and reinstalled with no improvement. Help!

Katie Clark

2 years ago

I have been searching for an app that does what Giftster does, and I finally settled on this one because I liked being able to add things to a gift list that the gifted can't see but the rest of my family can. I made my whole family use this last year for Christmas and it was a success! A couple of people thought it was hard to navigate in my family, but most of us thought it was easy to figure out. Will definitely be using it again next Christmas!

Madeline Quitta

9 months ago

My family has used giftster since 2011 and we have always loved it. I think that it is overall pretty great. I will say I think the web version of giftster is miles ahead of the app. The app would be infinitely better if it was comparable to the web version. Overall though, it does exactly what you need it to do.

A Google user

4 years ago

Great idea but my God it has got to be one if the most glitched apps ever. Logs you out randomly, craches and says it's taking to long to load when it doesn't even load for a second before showing the message, and if you finally can get into the app it doesnt even show your list or members of your groups list either. Overall just needs alot of work

Tyler Robinson

2 years ago

Pretty good app honestly. Creating lists are seemless... Sharing in a group works wonderfully and being able to claim items whether with buy intention or actually purchasing is a nice touch. There's a little bit of a frustration that is maybe more Amazon's issue, but grabbing links of products from the Amazon app includes the item title and must be manually edited to get just the URL. It seems the fetch feature could probably parse the url or of the copied text.

Joseph Potthast

1 year ago

Love this app it's makes it so easy to make plans and share with family and friends to figure out what to buy each other for gifts. Whether it's for birthdays or holidays or even I think this is cool I want to buy it later when I have more money it's the perfect way to shop for each other. You see it, you want it, you copy the link and click fetch and the app/system gets all the details, words, cost, and pictures and people can get it for you.

Sarah Shuda

1 month ago

This app is SO helpful! My daughter loves sitting down with me and adding items to her wish list. Our extended family can then easily see what she wants as well as what her current clothing sizes are. My husband finds it useful too when buying birthday gifts for me (I'm picky). I can't see what our group has purchased for me or my daughter keeping the surprise factor intact. We love Giftster!

Monica Campos

3 years ago

ALMOST PERFECT!!! I need a second app called Gift List to work with this one. It would be great if it had some of the features like setting a budget and then the option of "bought" or "to wrap". But this app works well w/my family. Never have to second guess what they want. However there are a few glitches when it comes to "fetching" a picture. If the site has multiple color options sometimes the color you want doesn't pop up.

j sleeper

2 years ago

I really love the idea of this app - being able to make lists with links and invite other people has been great and SO helpful with a large extended family. There are just a couple quality of life issues that irk me: deleting entries is difficult. Swipe left to delete, but the delete button has to be pushed in an extremely specific way to actually work. 9 times out of 10 it just opens the item. Also in the app the "date added" is not visible at the bottom of each item. Don't know if its current!

yousef dash

1 year ago

Update: app got reeeaally slow. Best gift shopping list app out there, and I tried all the popular ones. With one or two steps you can add items from any website into any list, and share it with specific people. It already pulls price and pictures for you, and works on the app and on PC as well. It still is a bit clunky in parts(but robust): I wish we could share a link from our mobile browser directly to the app. Also I wish we could move items between lists, but there's no way to do that now.

Monica Hilliard

4 years ago

Very useful. It's the best gift app I've found so far. I just wish the UI was modern and attractive. Feels like I'm inside a crumpled and ripped paper bag. Gallery views, instead of long lists, would be nice too. That said, I've tried other gift apps with a nicer looking interface and walked away sorely disappointed in their functionality. In my book, function beats form every time. If the developers improved the app design without compromising functionality, this would be a 5 star ⭐ winner!


2 years ago

Works pretty well. I wish they would improve management of lists, like moving things between lists. I usually do this in a browser instead. Thank you for response. Lately the edited date(or whatever the last line of the gift entry is) is hidden by the lower toolbar. Cannot quite scroll far enough to view it. Small bug.

Jessica Rose Causey

3 years ago

Easy to Use. I was easily able to add about 15 items while shopping on my phone. You can simply copy the link using the share button on any site and past that into your list and it pulls all the data from the website including an image, price and description. When you family or friends go to the list they can also click on the link you pasted. Only complaint is you can't sort the list. It currently sorts lists A - Z by name. I'd like 2 more sorting options available - by date added and price.

Stefan W.

1 year ago

I've used giftster for years, and I've petitioned them to allow lists to be organized by name (instead of creation date). I HATE not being able to organize my 20+ lists in an order that's easy to look through; which hasn't changed in years. Update: It's been 3 years, and no features added. I've basically moved on to other services.

A Google user

5 years ago

This is the app all my friends and family use and have used for years. Great interface. Just recently, though, some of our kids got duplicate gifts. And, the givers' apps show that they had reserved them. So it appears the locking system is broken somehow. This happened twice now with experienced users, so definitely a bug.

Ruthanne Bowers

1 year ago

I love the way the idea behind the app, but it could use a few improvements. First, I wish there was a way to communicate anonymously to the list maker to let them know an item is no longer available. And I wish that when making a list I could put a deadline, and then once the deadline has passed there would be a way to see which items were bought. Sometimes by the next event I forget but may want to include unpurchased things in my next list.

A Google user

4 years ago

I love this app! We are a family of 8 and this app makes shopping for birthdays/Christmas so much easier. Previously, we used paper list/email. This app you keep up in real time w/ what's been purchased so no duplicates happen. We will continue to use this app as long as it's available! *suggestion* I believe a scanner for UPCs would be so helpful!! I was out shopping and saw something I wanted to add to my list but no scanner! I took a picture and added it to my list later.

A Google user

5 years ago

This is so much better than trying to remember what everyones told you they want or trying to get everyone to put their lists into a text message. There is nothing even close to what this App/Website can do to keep you organized with what your buying for each person. It also prevents the chance of duplicate gifts, when a gift is reserved/Purchased everyone can see that except for the person that made the list. It includes Everything you'll need to know like: Clothing sizes, colors, fit etc.

A Google user

5 years ago

Our family of 8 is going to give this a try. So far we love the idea and all the options. We especially love that you can use it online with the Chrome extension. We tested out a few other apps before deciding on giftster. One suggestion I would like to see added, (maybe it's in the works) is to integrate the app in the share list and have it fetch the info like the Chrome extension does on a computer. Also would be nice to fetch the info straight from other apps like bestbuy or amazon. I know there is a fetch button inside the Giftster app, but that just opens a browser and I have to re-find the item all over again through the giftster browser in order to add it to my list. Nice work, so far we all love it.

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