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Foot Clinic - ASMR Feet Care

Foot Clinic - ASMR Feet Care by CrazyLabs LTD
4.19/5 (3904 Reviews)
June 13, 2024
Foot Clinic - ASMR Feet Care Foot Clinic - ASMR Feet Care Foot Clinic - ASMR Feet Care Foot Clinic - ASMR Feet Care Foot Clinic - ASMR Feet Care Foot Clinic - ASMR Feet Care

More About Foot Clinic - ASMR Feet Care

Welcome to Foot Clinic, the #1 ASMR nail salon game set in the delightful happy hospital. Step into the shoes of an ASMR doctor and podiatrist as you indulge in the ultimate nail salon experience. Scrub, scrape, pluck, and pull all kinds of feet in this immersive ASMR doctor foot clinic and nail salon game.
At happy hospital, we believe in providing not just medical care, but also a soothing and relaxing atmosphere. Immerse yourself in the world of ASMR as you perform intricate foot surgeries and treat conditions like calluses, corns, and ingrown toenails. Experience the tingles and calm that come with ASMR sensations, enhancing the therapeutic effect of your doctor skills.

When you're ready to take a break from surgeries, head to the on-site nail salon for a pampering session. Enjoy a blissful foot spa massage and give your nails the attention they deserve with a variety of colors, patterns, and accessories. Transform your feet into stunning masterpieces while you unwind and relax in the serene ambiance of the happy hospital nail salon.

Key Features:

ASMR Foot Clinic: Dive into the immersive world of ASMR as you perform surgeries and provide specialized foot care. Experience the satisfaction of making your patients' feet happy and healthy.

Delightful Nail Salon: Indulge in a luxurious foot spa experience and pamper your nails with a wide range of colors, patterns, and accessories. Let your creativity soar as you create beautiful designs.

Happy hospital Atmosphere: Enjoy the soothing and relaxing ambiance of happy hospital. Immerse yourself in a world where medical care and relaxation go hand in hand.

Download Foot Clinic now and embark on a journey of ASMR-inspired foot care and nail salon bliss. Channel your inner ASMR doctor, showcase your creativity in the nail salon, and make every visit to happy hospital a truly memorable experience. Give your feet the care they deserve in the most relaxing way possible.

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Latest Version

June 13, 2024
CrazyLabs LTD
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User Reviews

Lexus TAM

4 months ago

Every 10sec 1 ads. 1 ads 30sec. You need to wait 30sec ads to continue the game.. With this apps you will see many ads n some even cannot close!

Carol Hill

3 years ago

I would have enjoyed this game. But you cant even finish a patients foot without being interupted with ads. After each tool used there is an ad. After each patient there is an ad. If I could finish up with one patient at a time without being interupted with ads then I might would like the game. But with ALL the ads. There is no enjoyment in the game. "BORING". Im uninstalling


3 years ago

Thought its be interesting. Thought I was prepared for the ads, but I wasnt. There were ads to start levels, ads to fk ish levels, ads in the middle of a level, and ads to get bonuses, VIP clients, and cash. This is an extreme amount of ads. The game glitches, says I finished a task when I wasnt, doesn't have the target where I'm pointing, doesn't finish a job properly. Overall total trash.

barney smith

3 years ago

The amount of ads is way over the top. I mean I understand ads for "bonus money" but there is a 30 second ad for everything you do in the game. if you have one customer that needs 3 things done, you'll spend 10 to 15 seconds doing each procedure, but after every individual procedure you have to watch another ad. and there is no opt out. or paid adless version

Eric Blankenship

3 years ago

Its a good game. Real good time killer but if they can't control their ads whats the point. I want to watch ads to get the items or play a VIP clients just after an ad plays from finishing last client. A message pops up and says. Ad is loading pleas try agin later. No big so I wait 30 sec. same thing repeated same so I hamer on it for what seems about it a thousand times same. So I move on I click no thanks or I don't want it. I play the next client and guess what. An ad plays. Uninstalling.


3 years ago

I would of gave 5 stars, but I constantly have to see ads that are from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, very annoying. I can do 1 action on a patient, but if there is a second action needed for the same patient I have to see another frickin ad, shouldn't have to be like that. Cut down on advertising & I'll give you 5 stars. If it doesn't change I will delete this game.

Vincent Brogan

3 years ago

Every second I came closer to losing my soul. I got to the highest tier of galaxy doctor and the levels were clones of the ones at the begining. I guess it was functional in all technicality. Not that any of it was good in the slightest, being functional is the bare minimum. There are a lot of ads, because of course there are, at least they were skipable after about 6 seconds. Theres a joke about how a lot of Netflix shows seem made up to fill up the library and arent real. This seems like that

Caroline Kirkham

2 years ago

This would be a really fantastic game, worthy of 5 stars, if there wasn't an ad every 10 seconds. The game itself is great, fun to play, but the ads really do ruin it. 1st time I played,there were no ads and I played it for hours and was addicted, but next time I played, there were more ads than gameplay and the whole thing was ruined. Ads may pay for the game, but nobody wants to just see ads, they want to play games

Joshua Amos

3 years ago

The game constantly interrupts your attempt to solve the "puzzles" to show you ads, while you're in the middle of using a tool to solve the "puzzle". Also the "puzzles" are all basically just "click or swipe this spot with the tool you're given". There's no potential for failure, and no challenge. You can't even change the tool to the wrong one.

Haylee McQueen

2 years ago

I read the reviews and saw that everyone said that there is a ton of ads, I wanted to see for myself and it's true. I played the game for around 5 minutes and probably got 7 ads. It also vibrated my phone like crazy when I did anything with the tools which was super annoying. Idk if it was just me but it was also kinda glitchy. It would be a better game if it was smoother and didn't have so many ads. I deleted it after 5 minutes.

Nicole Figueiredo

3 years ago

The game is very laggy, it's not my phone's problem since it can perfectly run this game. Fix the sound buttons in the options. Put an option for the sound effects and another for the BGM. Don't put them in the same option... I am forced to play with the BGM on, because if I turn it off, the sound effects will also go off, which is ridiculous.

Emily Carling

1 year ago

Ok guys, I get that you need to put ads in a game to cover the cost and to make a profit. However, you will not make a profit if no one downloads your game because it is an ad machine. You are virtually installing a giant ad to your device. Please either find a better way to cover expenses or consider using cheaper graphics, etc. I would not recommend this game, more ads than gameplay. Not worth the time, guys.

Laicey Norton

4 months ago

Too many ads, every time you go to do something an ad pops up. I would give it no stars but you have to give it at least something in order to leave a review. Don't recommend!!

Corresponding Lullaby

3 weeks ago

the game is nice but it probably has too many ADS but I currently earning through it..


2 years ago

Soooo many inappropriate and repetitive ads. Its ad after ad and little bit of a game. Some ads are in excess of 30 seconds which is rubbish it can take you 2 minutes to get to the game part. The game is very easy and doesnt seem to get any harder as you progress. You use the same tools. I'll uninstall it soon as its getting boring and I hate the ads.

Diane Charles

1 month ago

Un-installed 5 minutes after installing. Can't play 1 round without adds. I understand adds are part of the game but way too many here


1 month ago

Excellent time killer however adverts are absolutely non stop, not even 2 "patients" & 14 adverts... I understand adverts are your income but also know there's no way in Holy hades for this many adverts, lose adverts that pop up during game play & you'll get ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Jake Junkus

3 years ago

Compelling idea done so poorly that I can't believe I played more than 30 minutes - I just wanted to give it a chance, but I should have stopped before disappointment turned to active dislike. Sad graphics, repetition game play, no challenge (no risk of failure, no benefit for a good job), poor mechanics. AND SO MANY ADS! SO SO SO MANY MANY MANY...

Teri Northern

3 years ago

If you're wanting to be a podiatrist, or are one or a nurse, etc. sorta fun. But when you have to watch ads as much as this game has, it absolutely takes any pleasure completely out of it!!! No kidding, had to watch a 60 sec. Ad to continue, did that, put a black square on a foot which took a total of 2 seconds, it then went to ANOTHER 60 sec. Ad. No thank you, BIG DELETE!!!

Patsy Rubenkoenig

2 years ago

I think this would be fun except for the ads. They are longer than the play time. You get a treatment and an ad etc etc. I'm going to delete it because of the frustration. There are times you earn a gift 🎁 but you have to wait for the ad to load. The alternative to wait is skip getting the gift. It's the same with collecting the money. Wait for the ad to load or skip collecting the money.

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