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Filmic Firstlight - Photo App

Filmic Firstlight - Photo App

September 13, 2024
Filmic Firstlight - Photo App Filmic Firstlight - Photo App Filmic Firstlight - Photo App Filmic Firstlight - Photo App Filmic Firstlight - Photo App Filmic Firstlight - Photo App

More About Filmic Firstlight - Photo App

Filmic First­light is a rev­o­lu­tion­ary pho­to cam­era from the mak­ers of the class lead­ing Filmic Pro cine­ma video cam­era that makes live pho­tog­ra­phy fun and cre­ative.
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Re­dis­cov­er the joy of cap­tur­ing life’s mo­ments in pho­tographs you will im­me­di­ate­ly trea­sure and want to share.

First­light com­bines cus­tom film sim­u­la­tions, adap­tive film grain and Filmic Pro’s fa­mous live an­a­lyt­ics to of­fer an ad­vanced but ap­proach­able front end cam­era ex­pe­ri­ence like no oth­er.

Fast, easy and in­tu­itive, First­light lets you en­vi­sion and cap­ture your best mo­ments in cam­era, with­out hav­ing to spend hours edit­ing your pho­tos lat­er. Shoot and share, it’s that easy.

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- Fast, in­tu­itive fo­cus and ex­po­sure con­trols: Tap the screen to set fo­cus/ex­po­sure, tap again to lock
- AE Mode: In­clud­ed is our pro­pri­etary Auto Ex­po­sure mode for set­ting shut­ter/iso com­bi­na­tion
- Cross-swipe man­u­al con­trols: The most in­tu­itive way to man­u­al­ly ad­just fo­cus and ex­po­sure. Swipe across the im­age to dial in your per­fect shot. Swipe up and down to ad­just ex­po­sure. Swipe left and right to ad­just fo­cus.
- Re­ac­tive an­a­lyt­ics: A foun­da­tion fea­ture of Filmic Pro and now in a pho­to app. Man­u­al­ly ad­just­ing your fo­cus and ex­po­sure will au­to­mat­i­cal­ly ap­ply fo­cus peak­ing or ze­bra stripes to make sure you get your shot just right.
- RGB His­togram: Dy­nam­i­cal­ly shows the ex­po­sure pro­file of the im­age across all col­or chan­nels.


- Vin­tage film sim­u­la­tions: The magic of First­light is in our re­al­is­tic trib­utes to au­then­tic film stocks. A range of film sim­u­la­tions are in­clud­ed for free with the app.
- Film grain: Ap­ply nat­ur­al look­ing film grain ef­fects to give your pho­tos that ‘film look’. Medi­um grain is in­clud­ed as a free op­tion.
- Vi­gnette: Ap­ply a sub­tle dark vi­gnette to your im­age. Medi­um vi­gnette is in­clud­ed as a free op­tion.
- Lens se­lec­tor: Quick­ly switch be­tween all avail­able lens­es on your de­vice. (Note: camera/lens support is device specific).


- Burst mode
- Timer
- Flash
- Grid over­lays
- As­pect ra­tios: 4:3, 16:9, 3:2, 1:1, 5:4
- JPG or HEIC Se­lec­tion
- HDR con­trol (on supported devices only)
- Vol­ume but­ton shut­ter and sup­port for most blue­tooth cam­era shut­ter re­motes
- Filmic Pro quick launch but­ton (for own­ers of Filmic Pro)

FIRST­LIGHT PRE­MI­UM (with in-app purchase)

Up­grade to un­lock the full po­ten­tial of First­light with the fol­low­ing ca­pa­bil­i­ties:
- Shut­ter and ISO pri­or­i­ty modes: In ad­di­tion to AE you can set spe­cif­ic Shut­ter Speed or ISO val­ues to ad­here to and let the app au­to­mat­i­cal­ly ad­just ex­po­sure for the un­locked val­ue.
- Ex­pand­ed film sim­u­la­tion op­tions: More re­al­is­tic film sim­u­la­tions and more to be added in the fu­ture for paid sub­scribers.
- Film grain: Fine, coarse and ISO adap­tive op­tions in ad­di­tion to medi­um
- Ad­justable vi­gnette: Low and heavy op­tions in ad­di­tion to medi­um.
- Con­fig­urable burst mode
- Anamor­phic adapter sup­port
- RAW: DNG and TIFF for­mats
- Cus­tom Func­tion but­ton
- Cus­tom live an­a­lyt­ics
- Con­fig­urable Fo­cus and Ex­po­sure con­trols
- Embedded copyright

Latest Version

September 13, 2024
Filmic Inc.
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User Reviews

Allen Dewberry, Jr.

3 years ago

I have to honestly say this is an excellent first push on this app. The ability to access all my lenses by default and how smooth this is on my Pixel 4XL is amazing! Are you guys using something special the live preview that Google uses because it almost looks like it's adjusting for white balance on the fly like the default Pixel Camera app. It's excellent 👍.PLEASE ADD CAMERA DEFAULTS! This functionality is absolutely need to be the main camera on Android 10. Its still missing

Steve B.

3 years ago

I really like the interface and the output of the RAW files -- works extremely well with Lightroom. Unfortunately it doesn't support HDR (outside of Pixel Devices), so has limited use as a "Point and Shoot" app since you have to leave the app -- creating a time lag and inconvenience. Would be great with expanded HDR support. Overall easy to use and to learn. The GUI facilitates handling with changing conditions very well. Not sure I would recommend paying for it though (I did), but perhaps I'll start using the creative tools more and change the value equation. I have the Sony Xperia 5 II FWIW.


4 years ago

Love the app, but it's not very stable yet. Crashes about half the time on switching lenses, and can be pretty laggy at times. Overall though, promising, considering it's still in beta. Had some difficulty with premium, but updating my OS seems to have fixed it. For this reason, I don't recommend buying premium unless you're on Android 9 (Pie) or newer, as it may not work properly.

Scott Tessandori

2 years ago

Great looks...But several bugs! I want to give this awesome app 5 stars...but glitches that show in the recording stop it. If I record and unplug the mic to view the recording then I MUST do a full restart. Also only can record in airplane mode because receiving any notifications, even on do not disturb, causes glitches in the recording. Also I would LOVE to know that I'm actually recording from the microphone or from the phone mic.

Steve D

3 years ago

Edit: initially 2 stars for various reasons. I reinstalled the app and it worked fine.. no problems. I still think, however, compared to the app in a phone like galaxy s21 ultra, and other newer phones, it isn't that impressive. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's a nice app just not worth $7.99. Especially with so many other apps out there that do the same thing for free or much less money. With the exception of the desqueeze for anamorphic feature.

Davis Catherman

1 year ago

Recent stability of manual exposure on Pixel 5 is unusable. Previous versions (maybe 1+ yrs ago worked great). The issue is apparent in medium to low light. The shutter speed goes to 1/5000+ and the phone doesn't support it without adding massive noise that appears as if the ISO is set too high. This exists even in fixed ISO mode set to 200.

Sam O

3 years ago

Update 06/02/2021: have a pixel 4 XL and it's consistently freezes at the load screen. After installing, uninstalling, wiping cash and data numerous times, I'm going to have to drop to 1 star. Update 10/02/20. Definitely a solid upgrade. (Thus a one-star improvement to three stars) However, we still need the option to use the entire screen as a viewfinder.

Adam Klugherz

3 years ago

I don't get the hype..I get some weird bug/message bubble that pops up telling me to turn on location (it's on), I don't see any option to shoot in RAW. The GUI doesn't seem to adjust to landscape mode. General lack of options for the user. Pretty underwhelmed by this app. S21 Ultra - snapdragon is my device.

Alex Roman

1 year ago

Before the update it work great, then after the update the picture quality went down. There's also a stutter making my picture have a blur/motion look, making them look fuzzy. If I use any other lenz (wide/tele) I am not joking it'll take my picture force left (if that makes sense) really needs to be fix, I really enjoy this app but can't use it anymore


1 year ago

It seems like the ongoing development of this app completely halted about 3 years ago. Basic quality-of-life features are absent and clearly not on the way. It's extremely light on features, control options, and customisation for an app that not only costs money, not only on a subscription basis, but costs money on a WEEKLY subscription basis. To justify that, this app would have to be better than the free alternatives, not just as bad or worse. Which it is (as bad or worse).

Michael Ulmer

3 years ago

I like the app but... I am using this app on my Surface Duo and it really takes a much better picture than the native camera. However, due to the aspect ratio of the screen on the Surface Duo, what the camera lens is seeing and what is displayed on the screen are NOT the same. In portrait mode approximately 1/4 of the top of the picture is cut off making it almost impossible to frame your shot. You either shot more area and wind up cropping the picture or you cut off part of your shot 🤦‍♂️

Amy Garman

2 years ago

I really like the interface, the focus and exposure gestures give you easy control. I also enjoy the film simulations, with grain and vignette options that you can apply before you take the shot. The main improvement I'd like to see is support for optical zoom. I got a Samsung galaxy s21 ultra specifically for the optical zoom, but this app appears to only use digital zoom. The native Samsung camera app is still far superior in this regard.

Scott Straub

4 years ago

I do NOT have a photography background, but recently started digiscoping with my Note 10+. I downloaded the app based on an online recommendation. My opinion is from an inexperienced users perspective. This seems more intuitive than my Note 10+'s native camera. I like the ability to change exposure with one finger, and quickly switch back to AF. HOWEVER, i also have the black screen glitch, the AF could be more accurate and faster, and action shots could be less blurry. Just my 2cents

Micah Doss

3 years ago

I'd love to have a photo app with the same interface as Filmic Pro. However, this is another app that gives the impression of a sleek intuitive UI, while relying on symbols with no text to adjust settings. Exposure and focus always get mixed up when swiping. Asking us to pay for features most of out cameras already have built-in. The few filters offered aren't too impressive although I like the grain. Unfortunately I can't use any photos taken with this app because the high level of noise.

A Google user

4 years ago

This is actually quite good, if a bit limited, but it is a first release after all. (Remember the first version of Photoshop?) The swipe method is particularly nice and it's an intuitive way to control exposure and focus, much better than the Samsung native app. I will be upgrading to the paid version very soon after I familiarize myself a bit more with the app. I have the Filmic Pro Video app and it is quite powerful and flexible. I have seen how responsive the Filmic team is responding to bug reports and adding features. If you understand photography this is a logical upgrade from the Samsung (Galaxy 10) app. It would be nice if phone manufacturers would not block third-party apps from accessing all features, but we can hope.

A Google user

4 years ago

This could be great. If the gallery could tie into Google Photos that would be awesome. Recent update causes this app to fail to launch though. Hopefully a fix comes through soon! Edit: when clicking on the app, a black screen appears instead of an interface. The home and back buttons are still responsive, but slow. As for GPhotos; an option in the menus to choose where to save our files would allow GPhotos to see them automatically. Or if we could select our preferred gallery app.

Zach Prichard

1 year ago

Absolutely no medium to low light performance. I'm really confused by this app. Filmic Pro is great and I bought the pro version of this. I love the interface and features. But it literally cannot take a non blurry image in medium light. No matter how absolutely dead still I hold it. I'm on a brand new Pixel 6. It takes amazing photos in the native camera app in the exact same lighting. Not talking about night mode stuff. Just sitting in my living room with four lamps on and a TV. Blurry.

Hoosier F. Daddy

1 year ago

I got this because Pixel 6 Pro had no manual focus and I use that often but I'm having the same problem other Pixel 6 Pro users are having. Telephoto pictures don't match what the screen sees. I.e. a moon shot that fills the screen shows nothing but dark skies in the picture. Seems to be off by about 20 degrees. If this is ever fixed, definitely a 5 star app because everything else about this camera app is almost perfect.

Brad Fredricks

4 years ago

Responsive developer. Full of cool functions. Looking for audio controls that let me use external mic, Bluetooth mic, think it has it, not sure. So far so good. Also, I claimed it did not have RAW and was politely corrected by developed. My bad. Seriously appreciate how they handle their responses. Recommend this over Moment App. Maybe add V-Log please. :)

Erik Halberstadt

2 years ago

Based on two features I expected to see in Pro, I bought it. Then one of the features was an extra purchase. The implied feature: still capture. Not in Pro, it's video or no-go. The add-on I wanted was black and white "electrum" which isn't present nor approximated. I did get a refund for Pro but had to request the $2.99 via email. For video it looks like it might be a winner IF your device is supported. My Galaxy S21 ULTRA may not be - I won't be buying without AT LEAST single frame.

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