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Falcon Squad

Falcon Squad

98.7 by 1SOFT
4.73/5 (33740 Reviews)
May 31, 2024
Falcon Squad Falcon Squad Falcon Squad Falcon Squad Falcon Squad Falcon Squad

More About Falcon Squad

Captain, where are you? Aliens are attacking our galaxy and putting our galactica in danger. Let's defend our galaxy from alien shooters in a space shooter arcade game. Ready your spaceship to shoot all the Aliens out of our galactica.
- Classic visual: Gorgeous Pixel graphics remind you of old-school retro games and fit vertical shooters. This top-down shooter game makes sure you can't take your eyes off the battles and relive the old feeling while playing the classic scrolling game!
- Build your squadron with the massive hangar full of spaceships, supporting drones and gorgeous wings, and add-on gadgets with numerous customization.
- Hundreds of challenging and breathtaking levels.
- Real-time battles: Challenge your friends or random players through real-time battle modes such as PvP, 2vs2, and Tournament. Fight and raise your rank to the top of the global leaderboard.
- Clan: Like-minded players progress and fight together, building their community to take down tougher opponents.
- Reward system: Play every day to earn free prizes and tons of free stuff! Complete daily missions and upgrade your squad!
- Additional modes: Experience further in different modes like Endless, Trial, Boss Assault,… and take part in live events for even more rewards.
- Online and offline game modes.

- Slide to control your spaceship and dodge the enemy's bullets.
- Use gold and gem to upgrade or evolve your spaceship to fight evil enemies.
- Use the active skill of spaceship and wing and collect power-up items to enhance your whole power.

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May 31, 2024
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User Reviews

A Google user

5 years ago

I like the game and I played it a lot. It is fun to play. but you cannot Advance real far in the game or get to the very high levels without spending money on the game. I've also noticed that a lot of my power ups and active skills that I've been accumulating just disappear. not sure why that is. also just noticed that in tournament mode sometimes even though I have higher score than my opponent I lose and they win and there are times where I won and had a lower score than my opponent.

A Google user

4 years ago

It's actually a fun game. The only issue is that the higher levels are basically unbeatable without an upgraded ship. The route to ship upgrades, well, it's impossible to wait for the ship to be upgraded because it's going to take forever. The game is designed for you to spend money to win. When you spin the wheel you will never win $100,000 of coins. I did spend money in the past but I stopped. It's a waste. The levels get way too difficult! It's a money trap!

A Google user

4 years ago

PVP has become a ship-changing fest instead a game of skill. They point valued changing ships highly to encourage players to upgrade multiple ships... aka spend money. I understand the necessity but you can't do it at the expense of gameplay. Like many other gaming apps, if they didn't charge so much real money for virtual money, they'd probably make more overall. I'm willing to spend 1$ here and there but $20? You can get a good console or PC game for that.

A Google user

5 years ago

playing it on Android. great audio video. easy addiction, except: no instructions. when I reached a higher level I couldn't make use of special skill because didnt know how. i've stuck on the same level for over an hour and am sick of the frustration. too bad, id have played it much more if i only knew how to use the features. another example of a great product that failed me because of inadequate documentation also, my finger heats from phone's radiation i wont play it again without docs

A Google user

5 years ago

the rewards you get after each level aren't enough to progress in the game. in response to the developer: I stand by my review. The in game rewards don't allow the player to keep progressing with the difficulty if the game. It forces the player to keep repeating levels to win enough "money" to afford upgrades in order to progress. This aspect renders the game monotonous

A Google user

4 years ago

I really enjoyed the game for awhile. Maneuvering is good. The fire /speed varies, so that makes it interesting. However, there is "The Boss". It is beyond annoying to kill that thing. It becomes very monotonous. Some prizes aren't clear about what is included until they are bought. For example, I spent a week saving up to 90,000 coins to get a large prize box. I received nothing similar to how it was portrayed. I don't even know what to do with the things I got. I decided to uninstall.

A Google user

5 years ago

II have had this game as a time waster waiting on other things for 6 months now and like the game. I have progressed mostly by playing but have successfully bought gems and cards a few times. I have two issues with this game that should be fixed to make it more enjoyable and less frustrating: 1. As noted on PvP by others, the network connection plays a key role in winning versus losing. I almost always lose the PvP when playing on the cell network, but when connected to wi-fi I easily have a better than even chance at winning. The way PvP is scored needs to be better to avoid this issue. 2. Endless mode is almost useless past stage 30. At that point the bonus gold reverts back 15 gold per level passed even though the enemy and the stages get much harder. Furthermore, there is little to no gold or gems to be received after defeating the level 39 boss. Therefore there is no incentive to try to go past that level and no incentive to want to upgrade the starship any faster by buying gold or gems for upgrades...therefore the publisher is losing out on revenue. There is no reason to do this as the game limits the number of endless modes to five per day.

A Google user

5 years ago

This is a fast, fun, and fair game that challenges and entertains. Excellent format, well thought-out rules, and interesting graphics take this game toward an A+, but jewels come too slowly causing a player to repeat the elementary levels time after time to get jewels to build ever more superior fighters. This failing makes the game a B+ instead. I've been playing 8 or 9 months and really do enjoy Falcon Squad. Thanks!

A Google user

5 years ago

This game is fantastic! I gave it 5 stars all across the board. I've played this on my friends phone for a whole day! It was super fun and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I then decided to get it on this device, and I still loved it. It has a classic Space Invaders look while keeping up with the modern controls of alien shooters. Controls are phenomenal and you can even control your sensitivity. Overall, the graphics are hugely expected and phenomenal, the controls are great, and the gameplay is great!

A Google user

5 years ago

Great game overall. Super fun, with well enough progress without paying. PVP aspect seems a bit off. seems there is no real way to strategize for a win. just shoot what you can and hope the other guy misses one I guess. sometimes seems like they are getting extra points, even though i feel i didn't miss any enemies. Maybe increase the score gained for being higher on the screen. allowing you to actually fight for a lead. more risk, more reward kinda thing.

A Google user

5 years ago

I really like this game. It's an awesome blend of classic sci-fi scrolling shooters, especially Galaga. However, the ads are so frequent it has killed my desire to play this game. Looks like there's an option to buy with no ads, but those players are complaining about there still being ads. I'm at level 10 (not that far into the game) and I'm being hit up to buy something every time I come out of a game... sometimes hit up twice. Devs... you've got a great game but you're killing it with ads. Give players a break. Fewer ads.

A Google user

5 years ago

PVP doesn't work properly. I can hit every enemy with none escaping off screen and dont get hit and still somehow lose. You can actually predict losses right from the start by seeing who loads first. If the person your playing loads even 1 second before you, unless they make a mistake, it's an automatic loss.This needs to be fixed. Otherwise a good game.

A Google user

5 years ago

This game is totally pay-to-win. Ridiculous amount of ads. Otherwise, an enjoyable shooter with lots of color. Sound effects are terrible; music is good. There are NO REWARDS for completing stages in the higher "Hard" or "Hell" levels of difficulty, making it pointless to do them. Don't waste your money on this game: total rip-off, but fun as an occasional time-waster.

A Google user

4 years ago

once you figure out upgrades and such, its pretty great. when you spend coins etc, i wish there was an "are you sure" prompt. other than that i like it. old school graphics and simplicity. still good if you dont purchase anything. I have come to realize that once you get to higher levels, ot becomes difficult to do things without spending money... Upgrades get harder to obtain... And the videos you can watch to aquire things needed to upgrade, good luck getting anything of value.

A Google user

4 years ago

Having played the game for a while, I'm definitely liking it. There are many aspects of game play that are, I think, rather well thought out and designed. I like that if one fails a given map, there are numerous opportunities to watch videos to earn gold and other types of game "currency" and in doing so, be able to upgrade at least slightly before trying the map again. I also like the "Gate Keepers", targets that until killed create a barrier which you can't go through so it's almost like being in a maze, while not being in a maze! Nice! There are other aspects of the game that I also enjoy but for now, this will hopefully give you enough to consider playing it. I definitely recommend it!

Lanna Voss

3 years ago

So I love this game. It's honestly the best mobile Shoot-em-up I've played, and trust me, I've played quite a few. The graphics are really nostalgic, the background music is perfect, and the pacing of the level progression is very nice. However, I have to give this only 2 stars because after logging back in after getting a new phone, I don't have access to my previous purchases or unlocked ships.

A Google user

4 years ago

I do like the game. No problem with watching ads for gold, I get it, ads are revenue. I just don't like that after the first initial levels you have to either pay to level up or spend a thousand years grinding to get enough coins. The packages are a bit expensive as well. I'd buy a complete version without the "buy these packages of coins to level up" options.

A Google user

5 years ago

I've put some time into this game, fun at first but quickly gets old, and you can't get to all the levels without paying a large amount of money. it's not even about skill, you need to upgrade to meet built in damage thresholds. Upgrades come in slow! Even their Endless mode is poorly designed from a reward perspective. Completing the first 30 waves feels pretty good, but the next 10 waves takes about three times as long as the first 30 while granting only about one seventh of the rewards.

A Google user

5 years ago

This game has some entertainment value. For about the first 20 levels. There doesn't seem to be any way to maintain ship upgrades without buying stuff. So after playing it a ton you dont feel like you're building up a cool ship or anything. Then the enemies become harder to kill. Now you either spend money for better equipment, or you lose. Meh. Thanks but I'm good.

A Google user

5 years ago

Nice retro 8-bit style shooter with cool graphics, lots of power-ups, ships, bosses, weapons, and upgrade options. Controls are really smooth and there a lot of extra options like PvP, Endless, Teams. Game is a lot of fun at first, but then an extreme difficulty spike makes it necessary to upgrade your ship in order to advance further. Requirements for upgrades get so steep that you either spend months grinding for Gold, Gems, & Cards on lower levels and watching tons of ads or pay real $$$!!!

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