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Draw Climber

Draw Climber

1.16.07 by VOODOO
3.96/5 (12066 Reviews)
June 12, 2024
Draw Climber Draw Climber Draw Climber Draw Climber Draw Climber Draw Climber

More About Draw Climber

Funniest race you ever played!
Draw your legs to win the race!

Any drawing will make you run!

When you are stuck you can draw another shape to pass!

Latest Version

June 12, 2024
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User Reviews

A Google user

4 years ago

I like this game. I play it quite a bit. I don't mind ads but space them out. I have no problem watching them so you can earn revenue but having a full length ad after every race is very annoying and I just turn on airplane mode after a while. I would rate this higher if there wasn't clearly some sort of cheating with the opponent. It is very obvious that if the player is to get too far ahead that the game will teleport the opponent right behind them. It ruins the fun for me.


3 years ago

A decent game to waste your time with. However, I've rated 3 stars because their animated coin reward is buggy. When you get higher tiers of coin per hour, when you collect them (especially if using the x5 option) it will freeze up your device for several minutes or longer depending on how much you're getting. And if you close the program and reopen you lose your coins. It does this on all of my devices. The phone I mainly use can play all the latest games with no issues at highest settings.

A Google user

4 years ago

I'm giving it a 2 star for a few reasons. 1. Way too many adds 2. The coins top off at 50k so at a point the offline earnings become useless beyond 50k. 3. The 'opponents' don't race fair, they show up behind you at random when you're in the lead, and it doesn't matter if you are level 150 and they are level 5. They are always as fast as you, always.

A Google user

4 years ago

this game is meh?? its a nice game if you want to pass time and the ads dont bother me that much cause if I turn off my wifi they go away.. but there are other problems. such as the opponents (which are just bots), teleporting behind me in a race when im clearly in the lead. it gets annoying after a while when they are CLEARLY CHEATING. I guess you get what you pay for (which is nothing) but even still, there are lots of free games that are better. nice game for killing time but pretty annoying

A Google user

4 years ago

The game is fun and all but I really wish this game had REAL players to match with. I love the concept of the game and how you need to draw different legs to complete each obstacle, but playing with an AI is really boring. When it's far away, it will spawn next to you which is very unfair! And there's way too many ads, I don't really mind them, but there's 20 sec ads after every round and it's really annoying. This game has a lot of potential, I will only give it a 3 star because of the concept.


1 year ago

The game itself is decently fun. With short levels and actual growth as you go along. Ads pop up after each race which is annoying considering the levels are short but whatever. I would have given it 4 stars but then I started getting ads during rounds. I get pop ups that make it impossible to win because I can't draw and clicking out takes long enough to set you all the way back.

A Google user

4 years ago

Was a little fun, I got pretty good pretty fast. I was getting very annoyed at the ad walls and am deciding to uninstall. The ads I did choose to play for 3x coins would make me sit through the whole thing and not even keep to its promise, wasn't being given the 3x coins and I basically gave you all free ad money with nothing in return. Game is also buggy as hell and the AI is way too good at it that it's almost annoying. Also, the opponent isn't actually another person which is very stupid.

A Google user

4 years ago

Honestly the game is quite fun to play casually. BUT the amount of ads makes it completely unplayable. 30 second ads after every single level (levels take about 10 to 15 seconds) so you literally end up spending more time watching ads than playing. On top of that there are also ads on the bottom of the screen and pretty much everywhere you see. Nice game, not so nice experience though.

A Google user

4 years ago

Ahh, Voodoo! Still selling out, are you? To those wondering: don't even bother with this game. Yes, the concept looks fun and interesting and exciting, and to be fair, it's definitely the first step in a cool game! However, it gets boring after the first two levels (whoever draws the longest legs wins) and you will be bombarded by ads. More than one ad at a time, in fact. You'll wait 15 seconds, skip it, only to get another ad or unkippable demo. So, really, don't even bother. It's not worth it.

A Google user

4 years ago

It's a cool game with a unique idea but it is poorly executed and very full of ads which is to be expected from a game you find through other ads. It will tell you "searching for an opponent" when you play but I'm pretty sure it's just the computer playing against you. Also you can win almost everytime by just drawing the longest lines possible. Overall it's fun but after 5 minutes of seeing ads over and over I deleted it.

A Google user

4 years ago

Certainly a fun quick pick up game to pass the time. Only draw back I have is the AI opponents getting an obvious advantage to catch up. I'll see brief moments where the AI is stuck on a obstacle or at a slow crawl behind then once off screen for a second or 2 the AI will abruptly appear behind you at a extreme speed. Only to go back to the slower pace it was at before the glitch. Other than that I find this game very enjoyable. Just would like to see how badly you can beat the AI opponents ha.

A Google user

4 years ago

Riddled with adds. Adds at the top of the screen. At the bottom. On the sides. And after every level/game is a long add you can only skip after about 10 seconds which doesn't really even skip it as it takes about 5ish more seconds before it really is over. Then the game is too easy. With the 20ish levels/games I played I won EVERY SINGLE ONE. It wasn't even a challenge. This is a disappointment of a game and only another one of those games that has adds in tons of other games.

A Google user

4 years ago

This concept is great, however, there are too many ads. I feel like there would be a balance, however, if you removed the ad(s) that play after you finish a level. that way, you can still have ads playing for the coin multiplier (and the banner ads+pop ups) , while removing the annoyance factor. one level takes just about as long as an ad. so, they relly feel like they are wasting your time.

A Google user

4 years ago

If you've ever played a VOODOO game, you're in for pretty much the same treatment here. A fake online feature for some reason, buttons that spawn in late to trick you into watching an ad or spending your coins, and the worst of all, the absolute ASSAULT of ads. Look, ads are a necessary evil to keep games like this free. I get it. But you dont need even half of what VOODOO puts out to make a reasonable amount of money, especially with the amount of games they've released.

George Srour

3 years ago

It's a fun game and a nice concept. But you can add many more features and have long tracks and options. After some time it gets boring because it's basic. Also the ads in it are very annoying....you could limit ur ads to once per 5 levels instead of putting ads every single time you play a level. It gets pretty frustrating having to wait almost 15 to 30 seconds in between every game.

Nattay T

3 years ago

It was fun for a bit... Then I realized the speed upgrade didn't matter. I stopped upgrading and never lost. No purpose in grinding for upgrades if they are worthless. Fun for 10 minutes, worth playing for an afternoon, but until there is some sort of tangible feeling of getting stronger it has no staying power. Too many ads as well, especially for how little game there actually is.

Aaron Wiler

3 years ago

It's a decent game, though I've found most of the races can be won by drawing the same thing with hardly a need to change it up. my real gripe is the ads. the races last maybe 15 seconds and then you get a "choice" whether to watch an ad to increase your coin count. Great! Only, you have to watch an ad even if you say no. The only difference is the ad MIGHT be skippable after the first 5-10 seconds. On average you're going to be spending more time watching ads than playing the game.

Thou Dog

1 year ago

This is a fun little game, with an intuitive control interface. There's lots of room to try new leg designs! The only issues I face are (1) the app doesn't keep the screen awake, so it'll go dark in the middle of a race, and (2) it is ~really~ heavy on the full-screen ad spots. Four stars for those reasons. Keep on innovating, it's a good app that does what it says on the tin.

A Google user

4 years ago

Great time waster. It's a nice, mindless game. And the ads are intrusive, but not horrible. My only recommendation is this: if I fall behind, my AI opponent keeps going and doesn't show down. But if I get ahead, it automatically catches up at the checkpoint. If I can't get jumped ahead, I should be able to win a half a level in front of the AI. Don't let it catch up - make it work to beat me.

A Google user

4 years ago

Fun little game. Great idea, very original idea! Only complaint is, like most games like this, as you progress through levels you collect coins. At the end of each level you have option to watch a video/ad to double your coins. However every other round or you have to watch an ad anyways and you dont get the reward. That's a bit of a pet peeve of mine which is why I rate 3 stars. I know ads are how small games like this profit, but perhaps just a simple popup ad instead of a video?

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