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Crab War: Idle Swarm Evolution

Crab War: Idle Swarm Evolution

3.70.0 by Appxplore (iCandy)
4.53/5 (39948 Reviews)
July 02, 2024
Crab War: Idle Swarm Evolution Crab War: Idle Swarm Evolution Crab War: Idle Swarm Evolution Crab War: Idle Swarm Evolution Crab War: Idle Swarm Evolution Crab War: Idle Swarm Evolution

More About Crab War: Idle Swarm Evolution

Giant reptiles invaded their lands and drove the crabs underground. Centuries later, infused with the power of crystals, they are ready to exact their revenge! Raise the swarm and resurface with a vengeance. Grow your army of crabs, evolve them and drive the scaly beasts out of your homeland!
• Evolve more than 80 beautifully designed crabs
• Spawn 33 unique queens to lead your swarm
• Unleash 6 powerful abilities and customize them with up to 18 different talents
• Hunt over 50 uniquely dangerous reptiles
• Ecdysis and be reborn with powerful mutations
• Slay the Wildebeast and claim legendary rewards
• Compete with others in challenging tournaments
• Modify your genes and customize your crabs in the gene tree
• Call upon the help of powerful allies such as the killer crab and golden ray

The fight for your home has begun. Are you ready for WAR?

- Minimum Device Specifications -
• Android Kitkat 4.4
• 1 GB RAM

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July 02, 2024
Appxplore (iCandy)
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User Reviews

Arkangel Arkangel

4 years ago

This game is super fun. I enjoy the lack of many ads, and I even put a little bit of money into this game. I'm playing a 2nd run on an android this time instead of Ipad, and it's still just as fin as it was a couple years ago. But, I would enjoy more crabs. It seems like there isn't anything after Blood Guardian, and I would like to see more queens, so I can progress further. 🦀🦀🦀

G Volintine (RylorienLuna)

4 years ago

6/19 Updated my game, it crashed after I loaded in, and my game data was lost. My purchased skin, my gems, my achievements...everything, gone. Logging in, FB connection, reinstalling...nothing on my end brought back my data. I didn't play this fanatically but I did invest time and money into it. EXTREMELY disappointed to not get any help in fixing this. What a waste.

A Google user

5 years ago

Fun and Very Addictive!!! I still think the game is great, but for some reason I am losing upgrades that I have already activated, I increased 1 of my emerald queens and got a 2% increase in all emerald critical rate and I looked and I got the upgrade on my emerald tap crab, but then I looked again a little bit later and noticed that it changed back for no reason, I just lost the 2% increase in emerald critical rate, I'm not sure if it's happened before or not but I'm certain it has happened!!!

Lucas Huebschman

1 year ago

There's a lot of events and always something to do, unlike the average idle game. One bug I found is that sometimes, when I'm leveling queens, the level up button gets bigger and doesn't shrink. It's kinda weird, it doesn't really have any impact on the game play, but it's the only real bug or issue I've come across. Still very good game

A Google user

4 years ago

This is my favorite idle/clicker game. However, on my LG Stylo 4 it crashes very frequently when watching ads. For a game that encourages watching ads for in-game bonuses this is a real bummer. I'll bump my review up to a 5 if this gets fixed. Edit: I got a dev response saying I don't have enough ram. I don't buy it. I've got the 3gb ram version of the Stylo 4 and have no problem with more graphically intensive games or their video ads. This only happens with Crab War.

A Google user

5 years ago

the game is beautiful, but WAAAY too easy. i didn't lose a fight until after I was around level 400, and only because I didn't realize a boss appeared. But I don't know if I'll reach my first rebirth, which is where the game's mechanics get interesting, because it takes forever to reach that point. If i have to spend this much time again to reach the second mutation point, I'm definitely dropping a star.

Shaun Knighton

1 year ago

Despite the concept of a Crab War being rather entertaining, removing ads should be a one-time purchase and not a monthly subscription. I don't care that the sub comes with other benefits, removing ads is the only thing I care about but I'm not paying a monthly fee to do that, no matter how much I like the game itself. Edit: devs misunderstood, the problem isn't that I don't want to spend money, I refuse to pay a monthly fee just to remove ads. Make it a one-time fee -separate- from the sub.

A Google user

5 years ago

Now that I've played for almost a month! - this is a strangely addictive idle game. Unlike some others I've played, I feel like I can regularly make "progress" without paying in. Just have to actively grind for it sometimes. That being said, it takes a mite more care than other idle games. But - CRABS - yo !! Cute shiny crabs! You must watch many ads to make profit from the events, but ads are only ever forced via a pop-up screen you can immediately close from. Favorite idle game right now

Kirk Abercrombie

3 years ago

It's slow to start but fun once it gets moving. I could play this game pretty much all day I kinda was hoping for there to be distinct levels and a bit more of a storyline to it but either way all together I'll give it a 5 star rating. Just for how good the graphics are and how the gameplay picks up once you start evolving and upgrading it really picks up big-time when you start getting more queens and abilities. Overall it's tight needs more storyline to it but it's still time consuming.

A Google user

5 years ago

To really rate this game you have to understand that it is simply a clicker game, and a beautiful one at that. The best looking one I've ever seen in fact. It does have a large amount of ads to watch that can be skipped, but that would take longer to progress, personally I don't mind watching a few ads if it'll help my progression. Well done on this game and I love the art style.

A Google user

5 years ago

Best time killer there is. * update 11 APR 2019* Came back to playing the game after about a year absence. Now there is all this beetle stuff, the daily beast is fought by tapping beetles, and the standard game has no difficulty anymore. it all just feels like a grab to get you to watch ads now. Take the daily beast battle. Now you speed tap beetles as they appear. Only you don't do enough damage per beetle and you have to watch an ad to get enough time to defeat the beast. Feels rigged.

A Google user

4 years ago

I have been enjoying this game for months now. The problem is that over the last 3 or 4 days the ads that pop up when tapping butterflies or doubling rewards have been freezing the entire game. As a result, I not only have to continuously shut it down and reload it, I have also lost countless rewards ( gold, pearls, boosts, gems, etc.). It was a stress reliever, now it's annoying. I've contacted support both today and yesterday and yet the problems continue.

Brayden Putt

1 year ago

This is about the only idle game I can stick with. Lots of layers, plenty of ways to get the different currencies, and it feels like it rewards you for time spent actually playing rather than forgetting about it. To get 5 stars, I would love a single payment to remove ads and pop-ups outside of the subscription. Even if it was more expensive, I'd rather pay $10 now and be done forever then have to remember to stop the subscription when I eventually put it down for a few months

A Google user

4 years ago

This is one of those games where at first it seems like there wouldn't be much to it, but then you really get into it and discover that it has a ton of things to do. There's tournaments, ecdysis (aka prestige), 33 different queens that you can upgrade, mutations, a gene tree, the list goes on. It's just so satisfying when you can insta-kill all the reptiles for a while and watch them all explode. Also, the music gives me Terraria vibes and I love it. Overall great game!

A Google user

5 years ago

I really like how unique this tapping game is, though I think there is a glitch (I assume) after the update. When you watch an ad for an Abysswyrm, the reptiles seem to repel more backwards to the point you can't see them. The text seems to get smaller too. I'm not sure if that is a glitch or an intentional put-in, though I wanted to put that out there. Otherwise, I like the concept. I also like how the butterflies are a way to put ads since I do watch them for boosts.

A Google user

4 years ago

The game has suddenly become unplayable. It arbitrarily decided that there is a "newer version" of my save file on the server, and insisted on a reset. After the reset, it gave me the exact same message. I'll leave the 4* rating in place for now, but please fix this problem asap. My internet connection is terrible, btw. That may be relevant. EDIT: Restarting my tablet fixed the issue.


3 years ago

Very fair, fun, and great asthetic. Prime example of a good addicting idle clicker. Edit: Did end up deleting after maybe a good two weeks with this game, not due to some major breaking bug or anything scummy from the devs, progress just happened to slow down deep into the game. There definitely needs to be more variation in gameplay if you want to keep casual players interested, I'm not saying to re-invent the wheel, but just adding some pay to win competitive events doesn't work.

Milk Weed

4 months ago

Loved this game as a kid. Looks really cool and I's great for a tapper. It just feels. Empty. You just infinitely go up, I unlocked most upgrades and possible crabs and evolutions. I've bought some things. Yet that's all there is. There doesn't feel to be any endgame at all. Ecdysis is prestige but the only thing you get from it is mutations. You don't need to do it. Wish there was more to the game. Maybe legendary crabs you can find at Extreme depths. Imperial reptiles that you have to beat etc

Gabriel Johnson

2 months ago

So fun to play again. 5 years later it's still one of my favorite games to come back to due to the simplicity, lack of shoving adds up my nose, low prices for power ups, and other things in the the shop. The game gives multiple opportunities to add 2 of their special crabs to your army, and the player has the ability to customize these crabs with skins they have earned in events. Also, the most amount of adds is in the skull bugs, butterflies, event butterflies, and the claw of midas, all good!

Jonathon Hollister

3 months ago

Very addicting. I've sunk quite a bit of time into this game. Once you unlock all the upgrades and mutations, that's pretty much it. There are weekly tournaments and other things to try and get if you're a completionist, but I'm quite bored with the game now. I started playing the game a few years ago and stopped for quite a few years. In that time, nothing has changed. It's still just a mindless march to infinity until you prestige and begin the mindless march again.

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