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BodBot AI Personal Trainer

BodBot AI Personal Trainer

6.189 by BodBot
4.53/5 (2794 Reviews)
June 30, 2024
BodBot AI Personal Trainer BodBot AI Personal Trainer BodBot AI Personal Trainer BodBot AI Personal Trainer BodBot AI Personal Trainer BodBot AI Personal Trainer

More About BodBot AI Personal Trainer

BodBot is your own digital personal trainer, providing AI workouts customized to your goals, equipment, physical abilities, desired difficulty and much more. BodBot provides you with step-by-step guidance for each exercise and progression, and your plan adapts over time as you complete or miss sessions.
BodBot already contains the most advanced at-home and bodyweight tailoring of any fitness app on the market, and we’re working flat-out to add new tools to help support our users during this time. Wherever you are, with whatever you’ve got - we’ll get you a great workout plan.

Your Goals, Your Body, Your Plan.
■ Work out anywhere, anytime - at home, at the gym, in your garage, or in a hotel - with any combination of equipment or just your own bodyweight.
■ Get results even on a busy schedule - your workouts are tailored to the days and time you have available.
■ Build muscle, gain strength, increase endurance, improve cardiovascular fitness and lose weight - whatever your starting point and current ability, we’ll work with you to get you where you’re going.

AI Workouts and Adaptation
- Reach your goals with a long-term, science-based approach to fitness, and workouts that learn and adapt from set to set and from workout to workout.
- Adapt to thrive - your lifestyle is not stagnant, and we’ll adapt your planning based on your activity levels and sleep.
- Make sustained progress with intelligent progression of sets, reps and weight in the gym, and a huge range of bodyweight progressions at home.

Personalized Step-by-Step Guide
■ Move and exercise better with customized fitness assessments targeted at mobility, strength, posture and more.
■ Ditch cookie cutter planning - BodBot will build your workout plan to you and adapt it with your feedback. We’ll keep you on track and making progress.
■ Gain, maintain or lose weight with a workout routine built to your level.

You Train, BodBot Plans
- Maximize fitness gains with a training plan that intelligently adapts intensity and volume between sessions, with no muscle, movement or joint left behind.
- Make the most of your time with seamless integration of circuits and supersets.
- Level up - for beginner strength-trainers, gain confidence in new resistance exercises and gym equipment. Learn the correct movements with demonstration videos and detailed descriptions.

Your Own Mobile Personal Trainer
Just as a good personal trainer will personalize your workout plan, BodBot creates an individual program for you and adapts it as you progress. Limited range of motion in the shoulders? We can work to correct that. Weaker in the back than in the chest? We can address that. Hamstrings too tight? Want to develop the biceps or the glutes? Can only workout in a few windows during the week? BodBot can handle it all, and your workouts will reflect all of these needs. We're committed to providing you with the best possible training plan and the very best workouts. More than this, if you miss a workout, or if you decide to go hiking on a whim, we can integrate this new information and update your training plan accordingly. The plan lives and breathes with you and for you.

Let’s get started.

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June 30, 2024
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User Reviews

Bruce Gilpin

2 years ago

I've been using this app for almost 2 years. It's the best app of its kind and have spent time looking for alternatives. It provides a library of exercises to choose from and allows you to set up both an at home and at the gym workout set. Both sets structure the exercises around the equipment you tell Bodbot you have available and the frequency and length you want. Most importantly, it contains both warm up and cool down stretching. I had been going to a gym prior to the lockdown and while that made my knees feel better, the addition of the stretching reps made them feel like they did 20 years ago. I have not seen another product that includes that. No ads, no annoy exercise instructors just what you need to work out.

Rizz Selanna

1 year ago

One of the better apps I've found as a beginner to exercise. I really appreciate being able to pick and choose exercises, or just replace it with something similar, that the app suggests. This is very helpful. I use the free version, and it's been a great reintroduction without going overboard, as I tend to do. I do wish there were a larger variety of workouts, and maybe better video descriptions. It would be nice to know what *not* to do.

James Unverrich

4 years ago

This app is awesome for fitness novices. I have never been to a gym and couldnt tell you how to structure a workout without spending tons of money on a personal trainer. For probably less than a single training session, I get a year of workouts that I can do at home (right now) or at the gym (when they reopen). They have video clips of the proper movements and alignment. Honestly the only thing that could make this app better, is better data syncing with wearables and other fitness apps.

A Google user

5 years ago

I love this app! After some injuries in my early 20s I've had a hard time finding a workout plan that can respond. This app has done it and more. It has great tailoring upfront - to goals and schedule but also to motion and strength, and then it provides even better adaptations in the workout. The free version is extremely impressive but the paid version is worth every penny. Thank you! Edit: single greatest investment i ever made in myself. Thanks for adding the new exercises!

A Google user

4 years ago

It works!! I'm a middle aged, overweight woman, who despite being fairly active in my youth have settled into a really sedentary lifestyle. Beginning workout programs never work for me, because beginner is simply too demanding. It started slow enough for me to ACTUALLY be able to do it. Since I can change exercises, I can factor in my knee lesion when planning workouts. Also, extremely well explained and illustrated exercises, way better then most apps I've checked out.

A Google user

5 years ago

Great app for creating new workouts daily and helps track your progress throughout. Workout picture, video, and descriptions do not always match. If you switch from home workout to gym workout or vice versa, you have to reselect all your equipment again which is a hassle, and the workout changes drastically with small adjustments to equipment availability. The female models are unnecessarily sexualized for no particular reason; not a bug, just an observation. A notes section on each workout would be very convenient for documenting little notes if you wanted to. Otherwise, good app but could use some fine tuning.

A Google user

5 years ago

Overall a good app. The workouts are spot on, and the fitness tests are pretty accurate to what your limits are. I enjoy the diversity of workouts. It has everything I need and much more in terms of working out. The only complaint I have is that the nutrition side leaves more to be desired. For example, if you make a mistake and add a food you didn't eat, you can't delete it. Unless the nutrition side changes, it's best to use this as a workout app, and then get a separate app for managing what you eat during the day.

A Google user

5 years ago

This is one of the best fitness apps! It allows you to choose which muscle groups to focus on. I maintain a full body workout but sometimes want to give more focus. It also schedules it all so you can have complimentary sets to alternate or do all sets for each muscle. It also increases reps and/or weight as you progress. It has a good warm up and stretch segment. I have yet to really get into the nutrition section but I'm looking forward to it!

Jason McCampbell

6 months ago

Best trainer app I've found, but just "ok". I like that it generates new workouts and adapts them as I go. But... It mostly only adapts during the workout. It positively LOVES hamstring and shoulder exercises and V-sit holds. That's fine, but it would be nice to mix things up. The web site allows more customization of workouts, but both times I've tried ends up with 80% of the workout being warmups. Strange. There isn't a way to take an existing goal and tweak it.

A Google user

5 years ago

The best adaptive workout plan builder I've experienced so far. Designs your workouts, gives you short videos on how to perform the workouts, and adjusts based on your feedback for sets, reps, and amount of time spent. Big fan of this app. Only reason it is 4 instead of 5 is that you have to pay to sync fitbit data and heart rate, steps, etc. Also disappointed that fitbit is the only app/smartwatch supported.

A Google user

5 years ago

I don't usually get excited about apps but this is the best fitness app I've found hands down. It's the smart personal trainer I needed to be successful in the gym. Workout planning is a huge challenge for me. The highly customized and self adjusted workout plans combined with the ability to see exactly what I should be doing and how is awesome. App gets major bonus points for allowing me to switch workouts between gym (lots of without equipment) and home (very little equipment) with ease.

A Google user

5 years ago

This is hands down the best app for getting in shape. It is SMART! Not only does it tailor the exercises to your ability/strength, but it's smart enough to have you stretch the very muscles you worked. I'm impressed. You can also customize the equipment used, remove exercises you don't like... there's so many tools I can't believe it's free. Definitely recommend.

A Google user

5 years ago

So far it's marvelous at calibrating the workout based on your individual levels, and I enjoy the methods the app uses to ascertain your skills. Using real models performing the motions makes it very easy to replicate each exercise, and the self-assessment areas that test your unique abilities like range of motion are great. This is all presented in a way that encourages seeing how far you can go, and the on-screen timer is so helpful! Thanks for sharing such a brilliant workout app!

Christian Martin

11 months ago

I only use the free version So far it is great. The video clips are mostly easy to understand but the descriptions sometimes do not match up to what the video shows. At least to my understanding. I am very new to working out so this could also be by why I am easily confused. But I do love this app! It seriously kicks my butt! I feel like I am getting a workout! My only true complaint that I wish they had along with the options of "miss workout" they also had a "workout tomorrow" option.

A Google user

4 years ago

Summary: Use this if you are fairly new to weight lifting and exercise, and if you want to learn more. Don't bother with the subscription service. Pros: The app's tailoring to my level of strength, flexibility, and goals are amazing. I've learned plenty of new exercises and ways to challenge my body. Cons: The subscription service is awful. It was not clear I was going to be charged $60 when I was, and it was extremely tough to figure out how to cancel. On top of that, the Fitbit integration - which is what the subscription was based on - is also awful. It doesn't accurately record my sleep, weight, or activity data, and it gets my burned calories wrong pretty consistently.

Jai Smith

5 months ago

I've used the free and paid versions for more than four years. The difference isn't worth the cost. Some of the alternative exercises are too basic or too advanced; I wish there were more intermediate options, but the point is to challenge yourself! I love the tutorial videos. In the last four years, I haven't noticed any new additions to the exercises. I'm disappointed with some of the bugs that haven't been resolved in years despite reporting the issues. Overall, it's a good app.

RJ Murphy

6 months ago

I really enjoy the app! I've been using it for roughly a year and have changed my goals a few times to see how the workouts change. My favorite setting has been for building muscle size after I attached it to my Google health connected apps. It has provided stretches that have increased my flexibility and on days when it detects that I haven't gotten enough steps in it adds additional cardio to my workouts to compensate for that. Customer service is also easy to reach!

Parathagoras Scorpursa (Patrick Barnes)

6 days ago

I used this app years ago when I had access to a gym at my job, pretty much before COVID-19. In the months leading up to COVID, I used it exclusively. It was fantastic! I felt like it was giving me excellent routines, and I can only imagine how phenomenal this app has got to be now with the advent and application of AI onto the routines and training plans that it provides. The possibilities are practically endless for how well it could tailor your workouts specifically to you as an individual.

FTKProperties LLC

2 months ago

App is good. I like the barcode scanner for tracking calories, and the ability to change workout schedule. 4/5 stars for ease of use and customization. Will change to 5 stars if they add the ability to add notes to individual exercises, make it easier to plan for Push/Pull/Leg splits, and ability to rearrange the order of the exercises in the workout. But it has helped me a lot!

Chrissy Herman (TheRadicalEdward)

1 week ago

The free version is great. My only complaints are that there's no way to add restrictions, or go through a workout, if you've already missed the day's workout. I've missed several, but would still like to complete it, but it either assumes I've completed the workout, or that I've missed it altogether, so I have to avoid answering if I've already done the workout.

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