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Beelinguapp Language Audiobook

Beelinguapp Language Audiobook

3.137 by Beelinguapp Languages
4.27/5 (2479 Reviews)
July 04, 2024
Beelinguapp Language Audiobook Beelinguapp Language Audiobook Beelinguapp Language Audiobook Beelinguapp Language Audiobook Beelinguapp Language Audiobook Beelinguapp Language Audiobook

More About Beelinguapp Language Audiobook

Learn languages by reading the content you love with our parallel-text method geared for every experience level - from beginner to expert! Read stories in 2 languages at once, listen to the audio. Language learning is fun and free with Beelinguapp!
Learn a new language with Beelinguapp, the app where you read stories in different languages side by side. Listen to audio in your target language and read text in both your native and target language as reference.

Learn at your own pace with this fun and free language learning app. If you are familiar with language learning audio books, you will love Beelinguapp’s innovative method to learn a new language. Listen to audiobooks narrated by native speakers, so you can train your ears. Learn from the very start - learners are fully immersed in their target language

Read stories you love, news articles or travel guides to learn! Read classics like Snow White and Sherlock Holmes, cultural guides to global cities, daily news articles, or even kids books with simplified sentences and illustrations. Find your favorite audiobooks, listen and start learning today!

Language learning requires more than just studying vocabulary - ditch the flashcards and pick what languages you want to learn through text and audiobooks. Improve listening and reading comprehension, pronunciation and build your language vocabulary. From Spanish to French to German and more, Beelinguapp teaches you through fun and familiar text. Follow the words with karaoke-style scrolling text to learn a new language with ease.

Beelinguapp is fun and easy to use for anyone that wants to learn a new language. Use your native language as a guide and start learning today!

Beelinguapp Features:

Language Learning Made Easy
• Learn a new language by reading different stories in a language of your choosing!
• Learn a language no matter what experience level: beginner, intermediate, expert.
• Read stories in YOUR language to reference what a word or phrase means.

Audio Book Reader
• Spanish, French, German and more languages on easy to listen audiobooks.
• Listen to audiobooks in any language even if your phone is sleeping.
• Learn languages by following the reader of the audio book with a karaoke style animation to know exactly what they are saying.
• Spanish audio books combined with English, French audio books combined with German – the choice and what language audio book you want to read is yours!

Great Stories in Different Languages
• Side by side readings of your favorite fairy tale stories, novels and more.
• Learn languages at your own pace and choose only the stories you want to read.
• Languages, genre and learning level (beginner to expert) can be sorted to make learning languages easy

Learn new languages by reading different stories side by side with Beelinguapp! No memorization and no flashcards needed. Learn languages at your own pace by reading your favorite stories on Beelinguapp!

Download Beelinguapp now and start learning languages for free!

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July 04, 2024
Beelinguapp Languages
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User Reviews

Phil The Pill

1 year ago

This app has potential. When choosing "Filters", make sure you touch the dim checkmark in the upper right corner to save the filter. The "Bekids" section appears to have only 9 very short stories, but are very good for beginners. I subscribed so I'm taking a chance on this app. It may be useful. Time will tell. BE CAREFUL! It's hard to find how to cancel subscription if that's what you are trying to do. I haven't found it yet. They hid it.

Christie Pickel

3 years ago

Great idea, terrible app. I have yet to find a single story for learning Spanish. (idk why, it's not like it's an obscure language!) Worse, you can't even search by language! You can search by genre and difficulty, and you save your languages in the settings, but it apparently means nothing. You have to individually click each story, (which can trigger an ad) to see if it's available in your language (and it's not). If you're trying to improve your English, it's great. Anything else, PASS.

N di G

3 years ago

Amazing mini readings side by side that are a unique and very useful way to truly learn a new language outside of vocabulary lists. One can easily create personalized flashcards with a press of the finger. The variety of abridged reading material is splendid. One can re-read often, that's good! YThe news stories are great. I really loved the songs, but very disappointed that I can only access each song one time. I hope it is a glitch, because one needs multiple times and repetition to learn....

Bree G

3 years ago

Great idea, terrible execution. There are so many little bugs that the overall experience is frustrating: the flashcards don't work, the translations aren't perfect, buttons won't work, no sources for the news articles, the voice won't stop reading aloud after you turn off the sound, or even when you exit the story. I could go on and on. This app feels like it was haphazardly thrown together by people who don't know how to code. The passive aggressive customer service doesn't help either.

Ben Thayer

2 years ago

Amazing content & GREAT way to learn BUT there are PERVASIVE UI ISSUES that make the app slow, inconvenient and less usable. For example, it takes over 10 seconds to translate a single word!! That's a tap, 2 long taps and then more waiting for the app to actually pull up the translation. It takes way too long! AND when you finish listening to a story, it takes you away from the article as soon as the audio finishes! and there's no way to go back! There are other issues - its death by 1000 cuts


3 years ago

This app may be useful to you, but some of the things I want to do are complicated for the app. The interface that pops up when in text selection mode is confusing and doesn't make sense. Additionally, I'm unable to select multiple lines. My selection is locked to a single line at a time, which is frustrating when trying to translate or add to my glossary more than one word at a time. I would suggest a better translation interface rather than using the default 2-second long system text bubble.

Alek Sung

4 years ago

Great idea, but very poorly executed (at least for Portuguese). For the handful of stories I went through, I found there was at least some audio issues. Some of the text would not match exactly what the reader was saying. But the most frustrating part of the experience is the volume of the recording would be extremely low forcing me to turn up the volume all the way. Then at some transition between sentences, there would be a very long and disruptive sound (almost like static) and would scare me

Inigo Montoya

2 years ago

Update: unfortunately I've had to uninstall it. The recordings are poor quality and unintelligible, and the app has lots of glitches where you have to click back and forth or it closes early, and is generally difficult to use in addition to being laggy. // Previously: Best app for learning languages I've found so far. I really like it. Was confused by some issue with gold not loading correctly. was confused by the new format but nothing was actually wrong. Thanks for making such a great app

A Google user

5 years ago

Not recommended unless you like the convenience. I'm trying to learn Hindi, which this app supports (good!). Unfortunately, the stories are poorly selected. Most children's stories are in the past tense. This isnt useful when you begin learning - you need a variety of tenses. Also, the Hindi speaker does not speak clearly and his recordings have a lot of distracting background noise. Sometimes they even glitch and his voice drops out. Definitely not worth paying for. Also, copy text doesnt work.

c.e. mcawsom (Cat McAwsom)

3 years ago

This app does exactly what it says it does. The split screen/split language viewing option is great. The comprehension quiz at the end made me aware of when I lose focus. Edit: June 6 I wish night mode was consistent throughout the app (not available when browsing for reading material). Love the broad topics available; in addition to folk tales & abbreviated classics you can read international about news and events.

P Harris

2 years ago

Used to be awesome!!!! Karaoke style text scrolling is amazing. But they now have so many pay walls and it's difficult to navigate to even 3 stories to try it out! After buying lifetime on faith, my score is slightly higher. Without a pay wall, it's better but you still can't highlight across lines in order to add to your glossary - which is very lame. They've got kinks to iron out. I'll be waiting. It's still fairly awesome in terms of comprehensible input. Only LIngua, LingQ, Beelingua and Speakly have a lot of transcriptswith audio. Beelingua is the cheapest app of that bunch and Lingua is a website, so it still has usefulness, it just has some room to improve. Will update review periodically.

Professor Ray

11 months ago

I read several stories & and even took some of the quizzes, but every time I went back to the app, it said "you have 0 stories read this week ". I tried to reach out to the company without success. Customer support is definitely lacking. On the plus side, many of the articles are interesting and they are "bite-sized" so one can get through several quickly. The articles can also be re-read and several of them have accompanying comprehension quizzes, but glitches with saving vocabulary as well.

A Google user

4 years ago

It's perfect for my reading studies. I'm trying to incorporate a natural voice when reading Hangul (Korean), hanzi (Mandarin), and the mixed alphabet of Japanese. It's greatly improved my literacy rate and I've began to easily recognize so many sounds. It's also improved my memory rate on the characters. Overall, it was what I was looking for when I downloaded the app. The only feature I wish it had was a romanization option.

A Google user

5 years ago

I can't get into the app. It opens to a page asking is this the first time you've used this app with yes/no buttons. Clicking on either will advance to 2nd screen covered by full page ad offering discount on first year of premium version for 30 minutes. That's as far as I got. No x button to close, no setting/menu, buttons, nothing. Closed out of app & reopened again but its still frozen on that screen. I'm now going to uninstall from my device's settings. No rating on its intended functions as I never got past their sales pitch page. 0 stars.

Sang Dang

1 year ago

Great concept, extremely poor excution. The free version seem great so i bought it. Then i found out nothing work right. It cant save your progress right, can't sort by reading level right, simply adding story to your favorites and unfavorite them is a problem and a bunch of other bugs. Everytime you reopen the app, everything you have done before got messed up. It's so frustrating. How hard it is for them just to simple code those fucntions to work correctly and stay that way? GEEZZ..

Bill Evans

5 months ago

I'm only able to login by always using the password reset method, if I'm logged out for some reason I have to reset my password again. I use a password mgr so I know I'm not mis-typing it. Also, I paid for an annual subscription on my previous phone, transferred everything to this new phone, purged (and sent back) the other, now I have no subscription. Both problems should be fixable, but I've reached out to the dev(s) twice, it took weeks to get the first response, there was no resolution.


3 months ago

This app I think is good for beginners & Casual learners. With this app you read short stories, and typically the app assigns a few words from that story as your vocabulary, and you can play games with the story's vocabulary and/or take a small quiz after reading. I like the side by side reading of the story, however, I can't read two texts at the same time, so I found myself mainly focusing on the English, but not both. Also, not a fan of how small the assigned vocabularies are.

Filip Wolak

4 months ago

Great idea for learning a new language, good selection of short stories, but the app is very buggy. Stories restart position after screen rotates. Flashcard microphone stops working for no reason. Flashcards no longer provide translation. Can't select more than 1 line of text. Seems like simple things but they ruin the overall experience. Would probably live with that if it was free app but as a subscription all such issues should be addressed.

Elzora Robinson

3 months ago

It's cute, but the voices have no emotion. It's like they're AI generated. So wouldn't help you much with processing native inflections and speech patterns. And I wish they had longer stories so I could listen to them like a podcast while working. Still a good app for the price, and would recommend to a frugal person who just wants to learn by reading. So price pushed it to 4 instead of 3 stars.

Aiden P

2 months ago

I wanted to try out the free version before paying for the rest of the app. However, it's sometimes unclear which features are free and which aren't. It won't even define vocab words for you for free! Ugh. Also, I tried to play the vocabulary "mini game" after reading a story, but it was completely broken and didn't even list the vocab words or anything. And judging by other reviews, I don't think it's worth paying for...

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