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Amazon Seller

Amazon Seller

June 02, 2024
Amazon Seller Amazon Seller Amazon Seller Amazon Seller Amazon Seller Amazon Seller

More About Amazon Seller

Manage your Amazon business on the go with Amazon Seller! Analyze your sales, fulfill orders, find products to sell, manage offers and inventory, and quickly respond to customer questions. Capture and edit professional quality product photos and create listings right from your mobile device!
The Amazon Seller app helps you:

• Analyze your sales. Tap a bar in the sales chart to see a breakdown of sales by ASIN and tap a specific ASIN to review its sales trend.
• Fix critical issues. Quickly act on critical pricing opportunities, inventory alerts and growth opportunities from Amazon Selling Coach.
• Manage your inventory. Easily update your prices and available quantities.
• Access Sponsored Products. Monitor performance and manage existing Sponsored Products campaigns.
• Manage your orders. Get notified when your product sells. View your pending orders and confirm shipments.
• Manage your returns. Authorize or close returns, issue refunds, and modify returns settings.
• View next payment balance. See how much and when you’ll be paid by Amazon.
• Respond to messages. Numbers that appear next to Communications inform you of how many customer messages await a response. Use customizable email templates to reply even faster to common customer inquiries.
• Capture and edit professional quality product photos using the Photo Studio.
• Create new offers to existing products and create new catalog products to sell on Amazon.
• Find new products to sell. Search with visual image match, text search or scanning bar codes. Check current prices, sales rank, competing offers, estimated profitability, and customer reviews.
• Share the app with your team and have more attention on your business. User permissions set on Seller Central also apply in the app.
• Have a question about selling on Amazon? Use the app to contact Seller Support.

• An Amazon Seller account

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June 02, 2024
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User Reviews

Lee Lassow

3 years ago

the app is funky at best. doesn't replace a laptop or desktop for flow or understanding or tasks. the app is not intuitive at all. it barely functions and never properly. cant access cases and most features without going to full site. still is Flakey at best. I.e. if you are in vacation status. nothing has been done to improve this app. it is flakey at best and unfortunately unsupported by anyone. it is inadequate for any mobile usage. A perfect example of poor off shore coding

Rob V

1 year ago

Update 12 mo later. Same issues but worse... I would do 10-20 new listings back to back. After a few hours I checked and noticed only a few of the listings I did actually went through. There was no history of me listing it, weird. So I lost trust in using it unless I go really slow and keep checking back to make sure it's still there once it loads up. Now I just do it manually on my PC. Everything else on the app is 5 Stars

Joshua Pennekamp

10 months ago

It's good, keeps me updated. Wish I could update my bids on my ads from my phone, then I could really run my business better and in the move. It would also be nice to be able to manage shipments, so I can weigh, measure, and print the label right there, instead of making a note, starting my computer, logging in, and running back and forth. Another feature I can imagine would make selling easier and faster would be an automatic AI camera that would put a pure white background on an image.


2 years ago

Very confusing UI for editing item pages. Who thought it was a good idea that dragging down on a screen with a text box refreshes it, as if it's a web browser or Instagram feel? The send button is at the top-right of the messages screen, but when you're trying in the textbook with the keyboard open, you have to scroll up to find the send button. If you scroll too far, the page refreshes and you lose your draft.

A Google user

5 years ago

This app is great for the most part. However, unlike similar apps on other sites like Ebay you can't click on the tracking number to see if your item is still in transit, etc. You have to find the shipping label, copy the tracking # on your computer/go to USPS's website, etc. And the search feature to add a new product is often very frustrating. It often doesn't recognize the bar code & searching by the product's name doesn't always bring up the correct item so you have to email the helpdesk.

A Google user

5 years ago

The app runs frequently in the background and crashes while running in the background at least once per day. Amazon Seller is fantastic when it comes to keeping tabs on your business and listing products. I love the visual search, it's such a fantastic tool! If not for the bugs and constantly running in the background, this app would be 5 stars. Stop running in the background!

Mark del Rosario

3 years ago

Satisfactory when not buggy, but still very unstable and inaccurate at times. Limited functions. Just manage your expectations because app is still a necessity for 3rd party sellers. An improvement would be much appreciated, and much needed. Would really help us sellers a lot of the app was reliable and convenient. Update: Slowly but surely, they are improving the app and adding more functions. Again, it's far from perfect, but definitely moving towards the right direction. Keep up the work!

A Google user

5 years ago

This app contains too many shortcuts for things you'll never need. Essentially, bloat ware for a sellers marketplace. Things you do need are nowhere to be found. If and when you get close to what you're looking for, it provides a link that takes you to a place that gives you directions on how to find what you're looking for. Why not just provide a link that takes me to it? Better yet, why not just leave all of the high tech fancy options to professionals that require it, not force it down a beginners throat without any other options. I'm trying to sell items with part numbers. I know the price, I know my inventory. I don't need parcel derivatives or compounded freight modules. As bad as Amazon blows, at least have a user friendly app. Fix these problems and then get back to stealing from people and then lying about it. It's clearly what you scumbags at Amazon are best at doing. Steal, lie, hide.... Amazon.

A Google user

5 years ago

I would love to be able to edit my listing from the app, rather than having to open in a browser to complete my listing. For example, put an item on sale, and even more importantly, UPLOAD PHOTOS. The app is extremely convenient, but has a few much needed additions before I consider it perfect. I use it almost daily and will continue to do so, while I wait patiently for the updates I've just noted. My rating will be updated once I see some changes. Overall, good app. Thanks! *UPDATED RATING*

A Google user

5 years ago

Makes it quick and easy to check your products/items prior to listing. Have been using for several months now, and all works quite well for me. I find the app to be helpful and convenient for me. Update: I've been using the app for about 8 months now, and I still like it! I find it helpful for a small seller such as myself; its handy for scanning items and reviewing the costs etc. Also great for checking your orders too and more!!

A Google user

2 years ago

Many, many of my items have been removed by Amazon. It has made listing items too time consuming, in fact I can't understand what much of the language means. I don't understand why I have to prove with invoices and other documentation. It seems Amazon wants to get rid of the small-time seller as myself. I find eBay so much easier on many occasions. There is no "Requires Approval" for listing on eBay.

A Google user

5 years ago

Very useful, nice to have on-the-go. You can't do everything from here, but all of the absolute essentials are covered. A suggestion, though: if the fees can't be calculated because item info is missing, PLEASE let me enter that info from the app. 98% of the time I have the item literally in front of my face as I'm checking it in the app. It would help so much if you added that in.

A Google user

5 years ago

This app is great when is working. It won't work half the time, some times even with a good signal or WiFi ... I hope Amazon fix whatever the issue, because it is an essential app and extremely helpful. Update 9/23/2018 - App is more stable and won't crash as often. Amazon has put a lot of effort to add more tools to assist. The app is very good, but it could be great: need a tool to add pictures for used products, need a spell checker and need more space to see what you are writing. It also needs a way to add tax to the offers and a better way to manage inventory among other improvements. It is a good start, but this tool can be a lot helpful because it is design to be be used in the phone and obviously is very convenient to use on the move.


5 months ago

The app is much easier to use than on the website itself. I'm sure it's great for sellers who have large inventories. For myself, it's somewhat difficult to use. I would like to see a button which will allows me to view the listing as a purchaser so I know what others see. Amazon has come a long way though and I appreciate being able to sell periodically and minimally.

Susie Young

6 months ago

I like the app. But they changed a function in the pricing opportunities. It's now pricing health. I can no longer click through on the asin to check my stock or view other sellers and their prices like I once was able to. It used to be a great tool. I have to go to view inventory to gather this data now. You don't want to lower your price just because the app said so. Check the current buy box price, number of other sellers, and quantities first before making any changes. 😢

Mak Steezy

8 months ago

This app sucks. It should've been scan products and it's set to go out the inventory amount etc. when you try to add a product you have to get approval for everything. When you list the product says not available and 0 inventory when you clearly inputted the right amount. Thing sucks. Needs work. Needs to be easy. Scan. Input on product info. Print labels. Send it out. Whole process that should be easy but it's not. It's like i paid $40 just to get frustrated at an app.

Judy Linnebach

8 months ago

great for analyzing products and using favorites to remind me of interesting items Lately has been very buggy and won't let me use back button. Edited Dec 2023. Amazon "updated" this app recently. They eliminated the profit calculator that was for each ASIN, now it does not save the previously entered cost of purchase and shipping info on each item. I had years of data saved in the app of what we last paid for an item. This helped us to change pricing to be competitive. Now worthless!

Desi Johnson

4 months ago

The Updates Saved the Day, however... The time & effort put into making this app more functional was a blessing. But there's still ONE issue, & it's HUGE to me. The ordering notifications. They are still nonexistent. I've set up the push notifications for the app. It doesn't ring until I open the app. It adds more to my day to constantly check my shop. And it could cost me orders & that isn't good for business. Please make the notifications work without opening the app.

Ryan kinney

5 months ago

If I could leave a zero, I would. Absolutely horrid to deal with and set up initially, had no problem charging my account the 40 dollars a month fee, and over two weeks to finally gain access. Once finally on, there are so many hidden fees that there is no profit left for you to make money. Pushing free shipping to gain customers. Then paying the shipping fees on top. Literally loosing money selling items. Highly wouldn't recommend to anyone.

Chris Carroll

4 months ago

It's the most discombobulated navigation system I have ever seen. So many freaking icons and selections done in such a vague way. The logistics and everything or just thrown together, and trying to get help on the app just near impossible. It seems like Amazon wants to avoid talking to customers and don't want to show your own ignorance of navigating through their app. It's flustered me to the point, that I discontinued selling on Amazon. It's that bad.

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