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3.7.4 by 幻想娛樂科技
4.33/5 (1425 Reviews)
June 27, 2024
城堡爭霸:世界王者 城堡爭霸:世界王者 城堡爭霸:世界王者 城堡爭霸:世界王者 城堡爭霸:世界王者 城堡爭霸:世界王者

More About 城堡爭霸:世界王者



✔ 多樣化的城鎮升級規劃路線,將你的城鎮打造成不破堡壘!
✔ 英雄時裝強化,讓您的英雄兼具美貌與實力!
✔ 極簡的操作,絢麗而強大的魔法,在你的指尖凝聚,為你摧毀一切阻礙。
✔ 招募各具超凡能力的英雄,經過戰鬥的磨礪,他們將為你建立不朽功勳。
✔ 在競技場中與其他玩家的英雄一分高下,爭奪最強霸主的稱號。
★ 全新塔防玩法神棄之地,從零開始培養英雄制定戰鬥策略擊敗史詩級BOSS。
★ 全新魂器系統,使你的英雄擁有強大的戰力。
★ 多樣的皮膚和時裝系統,帶來豐富的視覺體驗。
★ 爭奪聖火、搶佔據點、聯盟爭霸,爭奪皇城,只為獲得無上榮耀。
★ 和好友揪團組隊,團結合作共同挑戰多人副本。
★ 同仇敵愾,全服合作一同抗擊湮滅將軍來襲。
★ 開啟萌寵紀元。在細心的培養下,它們將在戰場上一展風采。
★ 挑戰大師副本,贏得史詩英雄。
★ 誰能制霸全服?全新的PvP系統-世界王者,等你來戰!


台灣代理商 : 幻想娛樂科技股份有限公司


Latest Version

June 27, 2024
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User Reviews

Hanzo CSꪜ

3 years ago

Why i need to redownload the game when there is an update so dumb

A Google user

5 years ago

I like that this game is a free to play friendly game🤗

A Google user

5 years ago

Never get any good heroes need a free lazulux Thanks

A Google user

4 years ago

Tw . all updates 1st ... nice 2 have around 4 sneak peaks

Zardak Cachaloo

3 years ago

Damn you igg for every year just make it harder for f2p players to play.if this game just about money then dont allow f2p players to play from the beginning.now we played these 5 6 years to make our accounts stronger but igg made us weaker damn you all igg.

Rey Villanueva

3 years ago

Why is crashing out everytime I'm log in

A Google user

4 years ago

Super fun game. The F2P aspect is better than the P2P

A Google user

4 years ago

Ilove this game💕i dont spend amount of money in this game but it is my favorite gAme

Rebecca Ashker

3 years ago

Fun great I like that it gives free gifts it's a some

A Google user

4 years ago

Nice game.Auful support.If you have a problem no help at all just excuses.

Tecaz lite

3 years ago

But now there are no event coins in the game how to buy them please add treasure mining in this version so that we could buy event coins.

Jun jin

6 months ago

Noob games ever, mega pay to win, u got money, then easy, no money, no win.

Cenamike1234 Cenamike

3 years ago

I cant log in the game because it show me that i havent purchase the game and black screen some time .pls fix

A Google user

5 years ago

I can't run the game, it keeps telling me to update to the latest version even when I reinstall the game to its latest version

A Google user

5 years ago

go IGG make more games oh all Castle Clash Version is so incredible so very impressive game castle clash game versions is the Top 1 for me best game ever and castle clash big updates is so very Good and cool thts all

Sayan Magar

4 years ago

Best game i play ever its intence its good but its hard to get gems i have played for 1 year and i have powerful hero lavanica dovekeeper and many more

A Google user

4 years ago

The best games ,strategy and prepare to guard the property villages or camp from the enemy,opponents¡!

DiamondSkull 1

3 years ago

Everytime I open this game it tells me that downloading resources is not available because I may not have purchased this app I tried this on all the game versions and servers I reinstalled the game over and over but it didn't work so please fix this bug

Man Kumari Kc

4 years ago

Mega Pay2win. Spend 5$, chance to play all events, Spend 25$+, you can buy everything. If you are a free player, quit and play a game like clash of clans. If you are a buyer, go ahead buy everything


2 years ago

Pay to win. If play for free, prepare to spend a lot of time. Quite a few things to keep you entertained. They should check their updates. Keep asking you to update even though just updated. Perhaps you've got to wait until they've updated their own system?

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