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Graveyard Keeper

Graveyard Keeper

1.129 by tinyBuild
3.29/5 (677 Reviews)
July 04, 2024
Graveyard Keeper Graveyard Keeper Graveyard Keeper Graveyard Keeper Graveyard Keeper Graveyard Keeper

More About Graveyard Keeper

Graveyard Keeper is the most inaccurate medieval cemetery management sim of all time. Build and manage your own graveyard, and expand into other ventures, while finding shortcuts to cut costs. Use all the resources you can find. After all, this is a game about the spirit of capitalism, and doing whatever it takes to build a thriving business. And it’s also a love story.
- Face ethical dilemmas. Do you really want to spend money on that proper burger meat for the witch-burning festival, when you have so many resources lying around?
- Gather valuable materials and craft new items. Expand your Graveyard into a thriving business. Help yourself -- gather the valuable resources scattered across the surrounding areas, and explore what this land has to offer.
- Quests and corpses. These dead bodies don't need all those organs, do they? Why not grind them up and sell them to the local butcher? Or you can go on proper quests, you roleplayer.
- Explore mysterious dungeons. No medieval game would be complete without those! Take a trip into the unknown, and find discover new alchemy ingredients -- which may or may not poison a whole bunch of nearby villagers.

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July 04, 2024
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User Reviews

A Google user

5 years ago

I cant move anything I bulid. I also really dont like the "control stick" on the screen. it's very finicky and I will get stuck on trees and bushes. Can you pls make it a point and click? I dont have a good PC to play games on currently which is why I play on my phone. If this games doesn't improve with patches, I want my money back and I'll wait to play this when I get a PC. I love the concept of this game, the graphics, and the storyline, it's just the mechanics are getting in the way.

Dylan Sanders

1 year ago

The game itself seems like it got a lot of depth to it. And would be fun to play. However i played the first time for about 40 minutes then shut it while i was busy. Tried to open an play later. Wouldn't open at all, crashed/stalled at the beginning on a black screen. Uninstalled and reinstalled. 2nd time giving it a try. Played for nearly 90 minutes shut it just tried to reopen it after a few hours. Black screen again. $10 this game cost!!! Please fix or refund me.

A Google user

4 years ago

I gave this game a shot, but the controls make it a absolute headache to play! It has so much potential but what's the point if you're lagging and having to pause every 2 minutes or so to move around. Please listen to your customers who spend $10 dollars like myself on something that should be 2.99 or even free in the state it's in. I tried getting a refund but I passed the days, unfortunately. You haven't event updated since summer 2018. So please don't make my 10 dollars a mistake.

Patricia Rutkowski

3 years ago

Unplayable and abandoned. I get the LazyBear and tinyBuild splash screens, the skeleton loading bar comes up, and it just doesn't load. I tried moving files around on internal storage, no dice. After initial purchase, I uninstalled with intent to reinstall, but was automatically "refunded" (meaning I'll get my $10.49 back in a week if I'm lucky) so I had to purchase it again, but it still won't load. Should've checked the last update (7/19). Paid $10.49 for a dead game. Great.

William Collins

1 year ago

I have played GK across pretty much every platform, and still love this game. Just wish there were more DLCs for the phone versions. That said, the cell phone version has some very severe bugs. Crashing is not uncommon, and the game refusing to even start without being uninstalled and reinstalled really impacts the ability to enjoy playing.

Zachary Cook

1 year ago

I enjoy this game, but mobile version of Game is a bit broken does not open anymore without reinstalling. Edit: found a decent Workaround for startup issues. Go into app settings and remove storage permissions for game. Then start the game, and allow the permission again when prompted, and game starts. Annoying, but easier than reinstalling and potentially losing your save.

A Google user

4 years ago

Big yikes. So, I had recently purchased the game and it's DLC (as I enjoyed the console port), I expected it to be as great as the other ports and hoped for it to be at least somewhat stable. However, I cannot even sleep to restore energy without the game crashing and forcing me back to the app store. I wouldn't mind this if it wasn't persistent, with it crashing every time I tried to sleep. I can't even save.

A Google user

4 years ago

This game was recommended to me, by a friend, as sort of a stardew valley but with a dark twist, and I immediately threw money at my phone. So far playing on a oneplus 6T game runs fine, no crashes. However, I have run into the bug that seems to freeze up for a split second every so often. Doesnt seem to happen consistently. Steam rating far exceeds the app store rating so i assume some fixes are coming. Keep up the good work guys!

Andrew Frees

1 year ago

Was working great until I downloaded the DLC. Then it crashed at the beginning load screen every time. I thought reinstalling would fix it and it did - unfortunately it also deleted my save file. Hours of game play lost. And now it won't load again. I've emailed the developer and even tried to reach out on their Discord. No assistance. So, unfortunately, eventhough this game is great when it's working, I'm still rating 1 star until I get some kind of help.

A Google user

5 years ago

5 stars for PC version. 3/5 stars because as soon as the app loads up for me, it immediately crashes at the second load up screen. If my phone wasn't compatible, it would let me know on the page, so I know that can't be it. I can access this through my family library, so I don't if that is an issue? So, if someone could help me fix the issue of it immediately crashing before it loads up the main menu, that would be awesome. Also I have uninstalled and reinstalled already. Love the game though!

Andrew Muilenburg

2 years ago

I played it for a bit last year, and it crashed every 15 to 20 minutes or so. It was a lot of fun, but the crashing made it insufferable. I decided to wait a few months, hoping an update or two would solve this. I just tried playing again after 6 months, and no matter what I do (in-game or through optimization), it crashes whenever I use the bed in the game. Please fix this. I will change my rating to 5☆ once I can actually play.

A Google user

4 years ago

This has become my new favorite game to play. I've put in countless hours of gameplay since buying it nearly two weeks ago, and this has become my go-to mobile game. My only real problem with it (aside from using the clumsy thumb wheel for movement, which I hate) is that, on my Galaxy Note 9, the game glitches with a second-long pause every few MINUTES. It's very frustrating, and this is the ONLY game that I have this problem with. I'd like an update that would fix this bug! It's annoying!!!

omar dolores

3 years ago

I love this Game and I want to thank those that help make it. I highly recommend this Adventure/RPG with its emphasis on crafting. It seems so simple, but it completely engrosses the player into a more complex gameplay. However, there are still bugs when engaged into combat with multiple foes, and running for too long will pause the active gamplay with no vision of where gamplay paused. The Church is not allowing the player to be able to place where one can craft upgrades, a Big Bad bug.

A Google user

4 years ago

This game COULD be amazing. Sadly it is little more than a bundle of bugs and lag. I deeply enjoyed the game at first, it was quite enjoyable. The problem I have faced is that the game has gotten progressively more glitchy and difficult to play. Just a small list of some of the bugs: game will slow to a stop for seconds at a time (I have 4gb of RAM) menus will randomly close when I am using them and most menus do not pause the game, possibly not even pause menu. Please patch this game!

A Google user

4 years ago

Definitely not like the PC or console versions, both of which I adore. The controls are awful, game lags and I'm not sure why but the graphics are also a much lower quality. I mean it's not like the graphics were so astonishing and complex in those other versions. I am sure even lower end phones could handle those graphics easily. Well, hopefully it gets an overhaul and gets more on the PC/console level.

Onur Onder

2 years ago

My save game no longer loads, after loading screen, it stays black. I lost hours of progression. I can start a new game without problem but that does not solve the problem. Also the touch joystick controller needs a dead zone in the middle so I can control the character precisely. Maybe even in small amounts it should just rotate the character without moving. Right now it is very hard to control during a fight.

A Google user

4 years ago

A very fun game. I love the game on PC and to have it mobile is even better. Important note: if you don't like super grind games like Harvest Moon, then this game is not for you. I personally like this type of game and it seems just when you think you are getting close to beating the game, more features open up. The only problem I ran into is that for some reason there are momentary pauses in game play where the screen freezes for about 2-3 seconds. These are rather frequent. (Galaxy S8)

Justin Duran

3 years ago

Great game, runs well on more modern, mid range and up devices. Do not purchase if you have an old or cheap device. Loved the game and story, deducting stars for it not being updated or receiving DLC. Game of Crone and Stranger Sins would make the game feel more complete but it looks like mobile won't be getting DLCs, updates, or bug fixes for some time (if ever).

A Google user

4 years ago

Performance issues reign in this game. It takes about 5 minutes to get past the intro loading screen. It doesn't have proper Google Play games implementation either as there's no cloud save and, if you make the HUGE mistake like I did of buying the otherwise great DLC and you have to uninstall the game for any reason, your money is gone, you WILL have to pay for the game again. I'm so pissed! This is an awesome game! It needs some major QOL improvements & it'd be a top pick! Dev, PLEASE fix.

A Google user

4 years ago

So I am giving the Mobile version 3 stars only for a few reasons: It is laggy and the movement button is really touchy. Try to improve it to make it more mobile friendly. It's clearly a direct port from the PC version of the game. It tells you *press space to attack*. Unless this is to be played on the Chromebook, then it makes sense, but for the mobile version, try to list down the mobile controls. Other than that, the game isn't bad. I suggest buying the PC version on steam. It's less laggy

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