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Color Island: Pixel Art

Color Island: Pixel Art

1.19.5 by Athena FZE
4.34/5 (1343 Reviews)
June 30, 2024
Color Island: Pixel Art Color Island: Pixel Art Color Island: Pixel Art Color Island: Pixel Art Color Island: Pixel Art Color Island: Pixel Art

More About Color Island: Pixel Art

Coloring welcomes mindfulness and reduces stress. Choose from a wide range of fascinating artworks in our gallery and color by number with great pleasure!
Pixel Art: Color Island is a perfect art therapy app for adults because it is a relaxing exercise that can take your mind off of other things. It gives the brain a break while you do not need to keep track of time but only enjoy the moment.

Outstanding features:
- Coloring objects & building your land: Tons of amazing black-white painting objects to choose from and many lands to explore. You will never run out of free artwork.
- Painting the right color: Easy coloring and no need for wifi. Enjoy intuitive design and smooth performance of pixel art.
- Paint booster feature: Paint all the connected pixel with the same number to complete the object quicker.
- Unlocking new land: Having enough stars and happiness points during coloring will unlock a new land.

What Pixel Art: Color Island can do:
- Reduces overthinking.
- Cuts down on stress and anxiety.
- Boosts memory.
- Increases focus and emotional control.
- Enhances intuition.

Coloring offers an escape from all the stress and responsibilities of adult life without having to spend a lot of money or time on the activity. Even if you only have 30 minutes to spare each day, carving out the time for this quiet activity can make a big difference in your mindset!

Download and enjoy Pixel Art: Color Island now!

Latest Version

June 30, 2024
Athena FZE
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User Reviews


4 years ago

Cute concept but ultimately disappointing. The idea of this app is great but the execution makes it not very appealing. Controls can be wonky and I've colored 4 or 5 variants of bushes at this point and there are still more. It is very repetitive. To get certain artwork you also need to spend in-game coins, which are hard to come by. But don't worry, there is a shop to spend real money for in-game currency! Seriously, there is a $100 option in the store.

David Catanzaro

3 years ago

Very fun/relaxing coloring game to play with an audio book in the background. Few ads and a unique concept in comparison to other games of this genre. The only issue is that when I decided to buy the ad free version I found out that the only way was through a weekly/monthly subscription. You can't remove ads with a one time payment. :/

faye hopkins

6 months ago

I have played this game a very, very long time. I have completed every level, including the challenge levels at least 3 times. I really enjoy the Christmas Island game at the end if every year. Can you please fix a way to start over without losing your points, bombs, etc. As they are hard to collect. Thank you.

_Jaden _

6 months ago

Something I've not seen much of any reviews talk about is how this app overheats the device badly when using it for an extended period of time. The only other issue is the coin system being way too much/not giving enough options to earn coins at a faster rate rather than only the 4 daily puzzles once you complete all the free stuff. Those are the only two issues I have otherwise it is perfect for my terms of use.

Haelus Novak

1 year ago

Seems like a decent pixel painting experience. Hold to paint works well, although it could be improved by slowly panning the "camera" as you paint near the edge of your screen. I uninstalled as soon as I saw the cost of no ads. It just wasn't worth investing more time in an app that is a subscription platform. I'm all kinds of over the subscription model. 🤷

Hal Wierzbicki

3 years ago

Echoing what others have said. The game is fun enough and mechanically sound, but the ads are extremely invasive. Finish a puzzle? Ads. Switch screens? Ads. Swap out of the app and back in? Ads. Plus a banner ad at the bottom of the screen at all times. Worse, there's a paid no-ads upgrade, but it's insanely expensive. Most games of this type would give you a no-ads upgrade for $5 or something; this one is $10 PER MONTH. Sorry, but your game isn't good enough to pull a subscription model.

Amber Maroon

1 year ago

I like the game. It's nice to relax and color. But theres too many ads. Every time you open a picture there's a ad. And when you back out. Even going to other apps and coming back there's sometimes a ad. It's bs that you can't pay to permanently get rid of the ads. Instead there's a monthly thing for 9.99 to get rid of ads.....for a month!!! Amoung us had the thing where you permanently got rid of ads for 2.99. This color Island is nice. Just too many ads.

existential dread

1 year ago

The game is very fun and all the art is gorgeous, but the ads get very tiring. An ad when you open the app, an ad when you pick the art piece, and ad when you finish the art piece, and an ad when you want to double your coin reward which I find is often necessary unless I want to wait for the daily 4 mini art works. Even if you wait for those, you'll most likely need to watch ads to get the double coins for those as well. Even though they're voluntary, you find yourself needed them regardless.

Breanna Scroggins

2 years ago

I'd absolutely love to be able to give this 4-5 stars, because I really do like it a lot. However, there's absolutely no way to save your progress if you have to get a new device. And in this day & age, a game with any sort of micro transactions really needs to have some form of cloud save function. It should be pretty easy to be able to tie in your app with google accounts or something similar. So as much as I like this, I just can't give more stars until there's cloud saving added.

Ender Schiotz

3 years ago

The best pixel coloring app I've come across. Has tons of pictures, including daily ones. It's really nice that it doesn't lag when you swipe across multiple pixels. Finding a pixel being free is also really nice. Also, on this app, it feels like you're working towards something, you can see your progress, instead of just endless pictures that don't contribute to anything. It's cool that you don't have to complete an entire island to go to the next one. Overall amazing app, love it.

Meghan Bowser

4 years ago

Absolutely fantastic game! Relaxing coloring, but with an added theme and structure. It's so satisfying to finish each piece and see it added into the world. You start with a barren island and turn it into a vibrant little world. It's honestly hard to stop!! The only thing the game is lacking is a hint feature. If you happen to accidentally miss a pixel in a large piece, it can be really aggravating to search for it. I'd also love to be able to pay to remove ads! This game is well worth it.

Ricky C

1 year ago

This app has one of the most aggressive ad system I've seen - which is a shame because it's an otherwise nice little "zen" game. But there's an ad for almost everything you do. Even switching to a different app to change music and then switching back plays an ad. Maybe that's standard with apps now a days, as I usually buy the no ad purchase. But I didn't in this case because here it's a monthly subscription just to remove ads - so I noped out hard. I know you need to monetize, but just....no.

Ardra Winter

8 months ago

I really enjoy this game; but I am only giving it a two star for a few reasons; The adds are out of control. I understand you need to make money because this is a free app, no issues there! But the fact that when you need to move "islands" add. You start a new painting? Add. Other issues; If I was given an option for a one time purchase, NOT a monthly sub, id buy it. Coins are too hard to get (without the sub) and the prices of pictures starts getting higher and higher...

Nia Sohma

7 months ago

A really interesting and fun game. You can play it offline, which I do so that I'm not watching an ad every minute. Two things I would either add onto or change. First is the price of event pictures. We either need cheaper ones or a way to get more than 4 even tokens a day without spending so much in game coins. Next would be the ability to change the background color while we're coloring. I sometimes have a hard time telling the colors apart because of how similar they are to the background.

Kade Something

2 years ago

I really love the unique intricat design/almost adventure style this game has. It's very unique and I've not been more involved in a colour by number game than this one. However the newest update appears to be causing a crash at random [and unfortunately quite frequent] intervals making me lose progress on a pixel piece I was working on. That's the only reason I'm giving it 4 stars instead of 5 right now. I'll change it later if this gets fixed! Thanks!!

Foxx Heart

4 months ago

The game itself is great! But oh boy the ads. There are always ads on the bottom of the screen, and an ad interrupts game play roughly every 2 minutes. I would have been willing to pay a few dollars to remove ads, but it's a $10 PER MONTH SUBSCRIPTION. Nooo thank you.

Aaron Claypool

3 months ago

The adds are obnoxious both in quality and in frequency. The game is virtually unplayable unless you want to spend a significant amount of time watching the same 3 adverts and the associated "install" screen which stays in place for an additional 30 sec. I'm also pretty sure if you accidentally click on this screen in any way it instantly installs whatever garbage being advertised.

Moth Buck

3 months ago

Love the game, hate the CONSTANT ads. One before the picture, one upon completion, and forced ad breaks every few minutes. Premium to remove ads is $2.99 per WEEK. That's ridiculous. I have other apps that I've paid for premium at $2.99 one-time charge... I understand ads are how the free games are able to sustain themselves but goddamn this is out of hand. It makes my device overheat too.. The pictures are pretty tho so kudos to the artists!

Kymma Raven

4 months ago

I love this game and have been playing it a long time. I'm sad that progress won't transfer to a new device, but I can live with that. The only big gripe I have is that ads no longer just play before starting and after finishing a picture. Now there are forced "ad breaks" every couple of minutes during the pictures, and I hate the constant interruptions. It's obnoxious and makes me grow and more irritated the more or happens in any one play session. Great game otherwise, though.

The Lilinator

1 week ago

I loved this game so much. I had to get a new phone and lost all of my progress which sucked (I had unlocked all the way up to dinosaur island and had each island fairly filled out) but I figured I could remake that progress. Well now there are ads in the middle of art projects and the game is so glitchy. Especially after ads. You can't zoom pictures in or out to finish them, the screen gets super small and glitchy after completing something, etc. Very disappointing.

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