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1.9.0 by Spellbrush
4.11/5 (338 Reviews)
June 29, 2024
Arrowmancer Arrowmancer Arrowmancer Arrowmancer Arrowmancer Arrowmancer

More About Arrowmancer

From the Creators of Waifu Labs comes a fresh new Anime Gacha RPG. For the first time in Anime RPGs, you can create your own characters using the power of AI Art! Customize their art and combat abilities! Fuse characters with other characters to create hybrid forms! A magical sojourn through latent space!
Enter a space odyssey where magic is mundane and witches are the working class. Meet witches from all around the solar system and recruit them to join your adventure. Chat with them and learn about their daily life. Carry out missions to earn those sweet, sweet creds.

A new combat system combining bullet-hell and match-puzzle elements.
Fight bosses, learn their patterns and don't get hit!
While dodging their attacks, match arrows between your units to build up your combo meter.
Perfect your characters' movements and feel the flow!

Unlock chapters as you go. Each chapter contains a bite-sized package of story and gameplay. Characters will chat in real-time on the email thread.
Collect all of the story bits! S-Rank all the missions!

Experience Waifu Labs character system powered by the latest advancements in machine learning. The world's first game to utilize fully AI-generated characters. Find witches that no one has ever seen. Create a character in Waifulabs.com and import them into Arrowmancer! Customize your witches' appearance by fusing them with other witches.

Discover witches with hundreds of different personalities, dances, abilities, and passives. Combine them to unlock new powers and set up synergistic teams. Field your best team to take on the mission at hand. Roll the gacha and build up your collection of rare witches!

Arrowmancer is only available in English. All content is PvE. The game is free to download and play, and features optional in-app purchases with a standard gacha system. Join our Discord community for news updates and live developer support!

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June 29, 2024
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User Reviews

Den Stellar

2 years ago

A surprisingly fun tile-dance gameplay mechanic taken to the next level by the ability to import your own AI generated characters from WaifuLabs. The story and missions playing out in an IM thread is cute. UI is sleek, clean, and satisfying to navigate. All-in-all this might be the first game from an advertisement that's actually great.


1 year ago

Love this game! It no longer crashes when I try to gacha or complete attachments, so I give it five stars. I really love how you can use your own characters in this game, it makes things a lot more interesting! Edit: Okay so I still like this game, but they've switched over to a level-based system for missions. That's fine, but they also made the missions significantly more difficult than they were before, which I'm not a big fan of.

Sam Brown

2 years ago

Really liking this game! I think that the art is really cute, and the music is awesome. I do wish it was easier to get three stars in a mission, however. I gave this game for stars mostly because my phone seems to drain a lot of battery while playing. Like 10% in 30 minutes which is crazy. I'm using a high end phone so this shouldn't be an issue.

Coffee Bean

2 years ago

Love the Game! The story is funny and pretty ingaging, like the idea of the moves being dances while you also have to Dodge attacks while trying to get more and more convo. Only Issue would be maybe like more soundtrack would be nice. And I've been having issues just trying to play the game due to being unable to update it for some reason. But I read that it will be fixed soon. But needless to say Great Game! Keep up the good work!

Cassie Michaels

1 year ago

played the beta, loved it. but forgot to keep up with the game and missed that it properly released. finally noticed and have been enjoying it greatly. the only bug I've encountered is when recruiting new witches, the screen flashes white for a second after the envelope pops up before the envelope screen returns and I can click on it to proceed.

Qiqi the Zombie

2 years ago

Great game all around. The graphics are adorable, the gameplay is easy to learn/hard to master, and overall very fun to play. You can customize your characters' looks by mixing them with other characters or make your own and import them into the game. I've never had more fun learning battle mechanics, or raging only to come back 5 minutes later for more. It's so fun.

Joshua Lemke

2 years ago

"The essence of fighting is moving at the right time." -Bruce Lee Dance as a combat mechanic is a great idea, but it's tagged as a rhythm game. It isn't tho, bc the music is just background. Fun, but not a rhythm game. More problematically, the game crashed every time I finish the tutorial. I love the music, and I want to like this game. But as it currently stands, I can't even play the game. Please, for the love of my waifus, make it work ;-;

Jamie Vie

2 years ago

Seems fun, but the code seems very buggy. As soon as I unlocked bizcards, I was unable to play. The game would take me to the recruit menu, try to make me tap on the custom banner menu, then I would be unable to press anything. Anytime I open the game now it forces me to go to the bizcard page and the same issue will occur. Please help... the game is really cute and the gameplay while difficult, is really fun. I'd like to keep playing, so please help.


1 year ago

Some good concepts but unfortunately repetitive. Very little seems to distinguish one character from another other than bonuses, and its unclear what there is for you other than swiping the same pattern a billion times once you get the muscle memory. Enemy moves don't make sense and once you're in a battle there doesn't feel like much interaction- enemies exist outside of the playing field, even. Mission/story rewards are negligible and slow. This would be pretty fun as an open world perhaps.

Hopeful Zero

2 years ago

A charming game! Fun story with witty dialogue, beautiful music and characters, and entertaining gameplay. Very cool concept with being able to input AI-generated portraits, and mixing portraits together to add-on skills for your characters. Issues with bugs or crashes are addressed quickly by devs; they care and listen to feedback from their users. I love the game, and looking forward to seeing what the devs continue to add! ^^

Jonathan Grossman

1 year ago

Fun idea, smooth gameplay, appealing style, killer soundtrack - but text-heavy & convoluted. The game demands a little too much focus, a little too much mechanical response from the player, & a little too much investment to get much from the story. It would be fun to charge up your attacks OR dodge enemy attacks, but doing both at the same time is tedious at best, near-impossible at worst. In-between levels, gameplay is interrupted by inane group chats with nothing of substance.

Justin Ong

2 years ago

the gameplay is unique and actually at a difficulty level that isn't annoying to play. the ai generated characters aspect of the game is pretty cool. the gacha is fair for what I've pulled already, but I don't know if I was just lucky or not. my only issue with this is it keeps crashing randomly, wether I'm in a game or just in the menu. (Motorola one fusion plus) other than that, it's great.

Ant Gar

2 years ago

Nice artwork, and gameplay is a refreshing change of pace from the usual auto play/ idle style in most gacha games nowadays. The story writing is also funnier than I expected. The UI could use some work, sharing the inbox icon with quests is a bit confusing and cluttered. I wish they would change the requirements to 3 star a stage to taking less than 3 hits instead of no hits at all, which feels almost impossible for some stages. Game occasionally crashes but it's a minor inconvenience.


2 years ago

Not only is the game fun with it being a puzzle game where the player uses the gatcha system to design the puzzle themselves, but the idea of a gatcha game where the player designs the units themselves is amazing. As much as I'm usually allergic to these kinds of games, I can't help but to be fascinated. The story is pretty cute and funny too. Loses a star for how instable and crash prone it is, though.

Stephen Lee

2 years ago

Super unique style gameplay and the music is a real banger. It's a bit buggy at times with the worst one being unable to adjust teams at mission screens. Game gives an error and boots to start screen. Biggest gripe is definitely the condition to 3* missions. Clearing them without getting hit a single time feels a bit rough. Maybe if it were something like "don't get hit more than 3 times" it'd be a lot better. All in all, fun and unique gameplay.

Amber Carroll

1 year ago

I want to play this game, there are so many cool features. The character generator that can be imported is so neat and the gameplay is unique. But the game crashes so much, and some days I can't even open the game because it just keeps crashing instantly. I keep the game downloaded in hopes the crashes stop because I enjoy the game when it works but so far it's been really frustrating.


2 years ago

The game itself is really cool. Generated units with really interesting and fun gameplay. Honestly, the fact you can make your own generated characters as units is enough to download. Issue is, the game's lag makes it unplayable at times, and I have yet to successfully pull of a Form as the game seems to loop indefinetly when I try to claim it. I would love to play more, but it is really difficult too at the moment. Great game, just needs some fixes.

KD on Earth

2 years ago

I love the gameplay! Simple yet there is a lot to learn when optimizing your team of witches and how the baddies operate. I enjoy the consistent challenge of new enemies and testing how different characters work together. Even when you've exhausted your energy for battles, there's a lot to do in game. I wish that fast dialogue was more obvious for the story segments after the intro. It took me a while to figure out how to get through the dialogue more quickly.

Belontiga Joker

1 year ago

Really great concept, TERRIBLE execution. You have to quickly tap the screen with both fingers to get past the first loading screen (may take several tries), pop-up tool tips crash the game so you have to keep reopening the game and spamming the screen in hopes of closing them, help pages crash the game, viewing a unit in a banner freezes the game, etc. Even if you turn off the audio and music, music still plays in the title screen, and getting s-rank in many stages comes down to pure luck.


2 years ago

So far, this game is entertaining! There's some bugs present in the UI (zoomed out sometimes, text clipping/crowding), & a bug where it sends you to replay the prolouge when asked if you like the game so far. It's a bit jarring that the game throws you right into the tutorial out of the blue, and currently I feel there's a slight lack in content at the moment—however—I have not progressed too far into the game, and this game just released, so changes and fixes are bounded to arise!

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