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20 Minutes Till Dawn:Premium

20 Minutes Till Dawn:Premium

4.2 by Erabit Studios
4.75/5 (962 Reviews)
June 29, 2024
20 Minutes Till Dawn:Premium 20 Minutes Till Dawn:Premium 20 Minutes Till Dawn:Premium 20 Minutes Till Dawn:Premium 20 Minutes Till Dawn:Premium 20 Minutes Till Dawn:Premium

More About 20 Minutes Till Dawn:Premium

Survive the onslaught of an endless horde of monsters for 20 minutes!
20 Minutes Till Dawn is a ghoulish and challenging shoot 'em up.
You can choose incredible weapons and characters to survive untill dawn. This survival game pits players against an endless horde of enemies from Lovecraftian mythology.

【Quickplay Mode Can Be Fun】
Every round can be uniquely satisfying to fight creatures of the night and defeat them with a simple run and gun strategy. Experiment with new characters and their special abilities to gain an advantage over the ghouls that haunt the game.

【Try Different Characters】
There are over 10 distinct characters in the game.Each character in this game has a unique appearance and is gifted with abilities that make your adventure unpredictable to survive till dawn. You can start the game with Diamond to get higher defensive capabilities to survive longer in battle since Diamond has high HP, you can also unlock Scarlett to burn enemies with a wave of fire that deals damage per second.

【Pick Upgrades That Build On Weapons】
There are a variety of tactics to survive based on the weapons you choose. An upgrade is available right after collecting enough XP to level up. For example, the Quick Hands upgrade can be used frequently with the weapon Flame Cannon to deal dangerous amounts of damage to enemies at an increased fire rate, and the Holy Shield upgrade can be used with the crossbow to devastate enemies at long range. The Holy Shield can also regenerate, giving players adequate time to reload between fights.

【Keep An Eye On Synergies】
You can click the “II” button in battle any time to check synergies at any time & choose the right upgrade tree to unlock outstanding combinations of upgrades to gain additional bonus! For example, Mini Clip is a synergy that requires Fan Fire and Fresh Clip upgrades. It decreases the reload time and increases damage, making it easier to survive the monsters without getting hit while reloading weapons.

【Don’t Forget The Sword Runes and Shield Runes】
Sword runes can inflict critical damage and it can greatly enhance the offensive capabilities of characters.And the Shield runes in 20 Minutes Till Dawn can be used to protect players in dire situations. Selecting the right runes strategically can help you survive longer in battle.

【Contact Us】
Discord@20 Minutes Till Dawn
Facebook@Erabit Studios/@20 Minutes Till Dawn

Latest Version

June 29, 2024
Erabit Studios
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User Reviews

Luke Gelsinger

1 year ago

This game is loads of fun and is great to kill time. But this game struggles with one singular aspect: content. Before I begin, let me make it clear that the content currently is nothing short of remarkable. But, it needs more variety in enemy types, and a lot more skill paths to make each build feel uniquely strong in some form or fashion. A new game mode of some kind wouldn't hurt either. Just some suggestions, as I believe this game could stay very relevant with a few updates.


1 year ago

A very fun game with a lot of "one more try!" rounds. Still, the mobile version has some issues holding it back, such as the poor controls. In a game that is so punishing on mistakes, it is very easy to die over the 20min between legit mistakes and failed inputs. Still, maybe they will at some point allow *custom* fixed keys to combat this issue. Thanks for reading!


1 year ago

So, the base game is a wonderful start and I love the concept, I'd say the two biggest things holding it back is 1. The lack of content, outside of the main game, and even in, it would be nice to see some more upgrades, also outside the main game have more to do like challenges, custom games, different run options and some better rewards. And that leads into 2. There's just a lack of replayability, it's fun but there's not enough to keep me going for long, overall It's a good game.


10 months ago

It's just like the free version, except instead of getting to watch an ad to start with some skills, you get nothing! And instead of being able to watch an ad to revive, you get nothing! Well, you must get some stuff for free, right? Yes! Some level skins. That's it. I was hoping to get some free weapons, or characters, or free revives, or literally anything. Instead I got nothing. I recommend setting three dollars on fire instead, it's more entertaining.


6 months ago

I really enjoy the game. Truly do solid time waster and survival game. With all of the girls having fun unique abilities and ways to build them for that run. My main issue right now and why I am not giving it a 5 stars is because for some reason I keep losing all of my progress over and over again. Seems like when I close the app and come back in a day or two everything I did is just wiped away. From unlocks and the like to straight up the achievement. Which unfortunately means I can't rec this.

Clay Torres

1 year ago

Tried the free version first and definitely enjoy the full game more. For a very low price you get a better challenge (no ad based perks at the start of the match and no ad respawns) and nothing is locked behind micro transactions (now you just pay with the in-game currency). Haven't checked to see if offline play is now available (it wasn't on the free version) but will be back soon to edit that in if or if not so. Edit: Offline play IS available on the full version. 😎👍


9 months ago

This game is great! Well worth the premium price for removal of ads and micro transactions. However, one of the more recent updates made the Tome of Stillness remove 100% of your movement. As in for the rest of the round you cannot move. This didn't use to be the case, it was supposed to be you stay still when firing, and when not firing you could move. But now, if you get that Tome early in any stage, it's game over, cause things will launch attacks and you're just stuck. Please fix, love it!


1 year ago

Very polished game, but most importantly a fun and original game. No problems in gameplay, though i do yurn for some more settings such as a way to lock your joy stick to one place, and maybe an auto fire switch in a corner which makes your charcter shoot with out input or maybe be able to tap where you want to shoot rather than a joy stick. However these are non-issues and its easy to enjoy the game without very good job👍

Brian Lucke

1 year ago

great wave survival game. solid gunplay & good variety of builds. the only real gripe I have is that I wish there was more. More enemy variety, more perks, more characters, more guns, etc. Having unlocked everything in a couple of hours leaves me hungry for more. Despite that, I keep coming back for the gameplay time & time again.

Type RyRy

1 year ago

At first I wasn't too sure about the dark, pixelated graphics, but oh boy, this game is incredible! The girls you can control are all so different with their abilities, and the synergy and builds you can run each game give you so many possibilities. It's also quite challenging and frustrating at times, but I just have to remind myself that a good game shouldn't be mindless. Very much worth the $2 I spent on the game. This is absolutely my new favorite mobile game. Edit: bought on Steam too 😂

Sheldon Rucker

1 year ago

This is the most satisfying shoot-'em-up game I've ever played. The graphics are effective without being smothering (which is a huge help when the screen gets busy), the weapons and characters all feel unique, the upgrades are meaningful and varied, and I haven't felt like a single death was unwarranted. Absolutely the best value for $3 on the Play Store, hands down. I eagerly await whatever the next updates bring, and look forward to more skill combos!


1 year ago

Great game, but the controlls feel janky when compared to the PC version. I feel it would work better if there was an option to have the joysticks always be on screen in a fixed spot instead of only having it appear wherever you touch the screen. There were also times when the game thought I was moving when I was trying to shoot. The only reason I bought this version was to support the dev. Play the PC version for a much smoother experience.

Brett H.

6 months ago

This game is honestly great. I have it on my computer and my phone, and play it constantly. Lots of the upgrades feel nice, and combining the right ones makes for an amazing bullet-heaven experience. My only issue is the phone version is more buggy, and has some differences in how upgrades apply versus the PC. A glaring issue I've come across is the Tome of Glass. If you equip it, DON'T PICK UP ANY HEARTS, YOU WILL DIE IMMEDIATELY! It says "damage", but if your health changes at all it's death.

Ryan Nelson

1 year ago

As for just being released, the game is great! I do have a few opinions that I feel someone should take into consideration. #1 is I think this game could thrive with controller support; having your hands cover where enemys are coming from is not great. #2 customizable fixed joystick placement for exactly the same reasons as the first. Overall great game since it JUST released on mobile, will continue to play.

Jason Burleigh

1 year ago

Really love the game, it's completely insane tbh but I'd still really love to see the skills expanded, more synergies and maybe some fresh enemies etc. I'm also pretty confused as to why it still says the last two characters require full version to unlock? Was under the impression that this was the full version but I can't seem to find any options to purchase them in game so I'm not really sure what to make of it tbh. *Edit* There's no endless mode either? Was half the reason I purchased :|

Matt Knezevich

1 year ago

Controls and gameplay are great! It's a fun riff on the reverse-bullet-hell genre. Mobile is missing 1 gun and 2 heroes reserved for Steam, even with the "Full" version. Fix that, and I'd give a 4. My biggest critique is needing to make the upgrades clearer, especially the synergies. You cannot see what you already have when picking new skills in a run, leading to mistakes that are avoidable.

Aaron Elias

7 months ago

Very fun game, well worth the price. Lots of flexibility with the skill tree for different builds and synergies, which i love. What I'd improve: 1) the wings you buy in the shop dont appear in-game 2) Some of the text style is boring and plain. Not a major issue, but it looks really ugly in an otherwise very stylistic game 3) the aiming system is awkward to use... sometimes it locks on to random enemies, sometimes it doesn't 4) endless mode plz

Jack Smith

5 months ago

It was a great game for free, decided to get premium to avoid the mini in-app purchases and ad watching. It's extremely disappointing that the paid version still comes with no unlocked cosmetics or characters out the gate, and you lose the ability to watch an ad for revival or re-rolling the upgrade options on level up. Should come with 1-3 free revives and rerolls and still let us watch ads afterwards. Paid money just to make the game harder for myself :/

Zack Roberts

5 months ago

Updating this review as some things have changed: Played this before on PC. Undoubtedly a fun game. The issue is that, while before it did not have controller support, it seems to work now which is nice, thank you devs. However it seems to only work partially. Gameplay it works fine, but with UI elements, navigating menus, controller inputs seem to hardly work. This isnt a massive deal breaker as it's not as annoying compared to using your fingers for gameplay, but still clunky.

Kien Banh

4 months ago

Don't get me wrong, the game is fun. But after a week, I have to say, "That's it??" That's all there is to the game? I wasn't expecting dead cells' level of complexity, but what's here is pretty lacking. It won't take you long to unlock everything. Choices during game play are pretty barebones. By 10 minutes, usually you have everything you need cause there's literally not many choices to make. I.E., content seriously lacking. Needs more game mode, choices, etc.

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